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U.S. Forest Service

Winchester Mountains

Winchester Mountains banner scene. Photo from

Reiley Peak. Reiley Peak is the high point in the background. The vegetation here is an open evergreen oak woodland. Photo by Scott Surgent at

South approach to Reiley Peak. This is the south approach to Reiley Peak. Even at the higher elevations in this mountain range, the south-facing slopes are mostly shrubs, cacti, and scattered oaks. Photo by Scott Surgent at

High Point: Reiley Peak, 7,631 feet

Elevation Change from Base: 3,131 feet

Vegetation at Highest Elevations: Pine and oak-pine forests

The Winchester Mountains are a small range about 15 miles long that forms a southern extension of the much larger Galiuro Mountains to the northwest. Except for pine forests on a few north-facing slopes, the vegetation is mostly open evergreen oak woodlands and scrub-grasslands.

Special Plants:

  • Lupinus lemmonii
  • Penstemon discolor