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U.S. Forest Service

Rocky Mountain Region

Rocky Mountain Region map Rocky Mountain Region. From “Guide to Your National Forests and Grasslands (PDF)”, 2006.

The Rocky Mountain Region of the U.S. Forest Service includes eleven national forests and grasslands in Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas. The ecological and biological diversity on these lands is amazing: ranging from the many peaks above 14,000 feet in elevation down from alpine tundra, through coniferous and aspen forests, to pinyon-juniper and sagebrush, or expansive grasslands as low as 2,500 feet. Wildflower viewing opportunities abound. Peak blooming season generally progresses from lower to higher elevations.

lupine and other wildflowers blooming on the Bighorn National Forest in Wyoming. Lupine and other wildflowers bloom in profusion on the Bighorn National Forest in Wyoming. Photo by Jim Hughes.

Aspen trees with glacier lilies (Erythronium grandiflorum). Aspen trees with glacier lilies (Erythronium grandiflorum), Gunnison National Forest. Photo by David Inouye.

What's Bloomin' on the Black Hills National Forest?

Image from the What's Bloomin' slide show.

By Chelsea Monks Forest Botanist, Black Hills National Forest

I wanted to make sure that you were aware of the webpage the Black Hills National Forest maintains every summer. It is called "What's Bloomin' in the Black Hills?" and features lists of the current blooming species along with links to photos. The lists and photos come from botanists and others across the Forest. I try to update the site every other week.

Visit What's Bloomin'…

Rare Plant Conservation Success Stories

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Golden autumn aspens

Fading Gold: The Decline of Aspen in the West

Fading Gold explores the aspen community in the western United States. It describes how aspen grows, the decline of aspen from in the Rocky Mountains to the Sierra Nevada Mountains, and the challenges for aspen in the western landscape. We feature aspen's beautiful fall colors, wildflowers in the aspen community, and the traces left in the aspen groves by past visitors.

Read about Fading Gold…

Tall Forb Community Poster.

Tall Forb Community of the Intermountain West

Few landscapes can match the beauty and profusion of wildflowers found in the lush, subalpine mountain parklands of the interior western States. Among the most unexpected and rarest of the high elevation plant communities is one dominated solely by large, luxuriant wildflowers, commonly referred to as the Tall Forb Community type.

Explore the Tall Forb Community…

Visit “Beauty of It All” for a closer look at the beautiful wildflowers of our national forests and grasslands …

Wildflower Photographs

  • Cary’s Beardtongue, Penstemon caryi.

    Cary's Beardtongue (Penstemon caryi). Bighorn National Forest. Wyoming. Photo by Andrew Kratz.

  • Wheel Milkweed, Asclepias uncialis.

    Wheel Milkweed (Asclepias uncialis). Pike & San Isabel NF. Colorado. Photo by Steve Olson.

  • Rocky Mountain Thistle, Cirsium perplexans.

    Rocky Mountain Thistle (Cirsium perplexans). White River National Forest. Colorado. Photo by Phil Nyland.