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U.S. Forest Service
Caring for the land and serving people

United States Department of Agriculture

Wild Horse and Burro

Wild and Free

The Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971, amended by the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 and the Public Rangeland Improvement Act of 1978, directs the protection and management of wild horses and burros on public lands.


Rangeland Management

Rangelands in the United States are diverse lands. They are the wet grasslands of Florida to the desert shrub ecosystems of Wyoming. They include the high mountain meadows of Utah to the desert floor of California. Read more…

National Grasslands

These wind-swept seas of grass and wildflowers—four million acres in all—have witnessed the pageant of the frontier, the Dust Bowl, and the dramatic recovery into a great national treasure. Read more…