• The aquatic eDNAtlas project - database for eDNA with collection protocols and database results
  • The Cold-Water Climate Shield - Newly developed forecasts delineate climate refugia for two native salmonids - bull trout and cutthroat trout - enabling their protection and improving their odds of conservation
  • The The Range-Wide Bull Trout eDNA Project - A rapid range-wide assessment of bull trout distributions: a crowd-sourced, eDNA-based approach with application to many aquatic species
  • climate change and native trout- biological implications of a changing climate include upstream shifts in thermal habitats, risk of egg scour, increased wildfire disturbances, and declining summer habitat volumes
  • monitoring chinook redds - a network-scale distribution of chinook redds generated a unique data set that has been used for a wide range of studies adressing conservation issues for declining Pacific salmon populations
  • Bull Trout and climate change - bull trout are vulnerable to the effects of a warming climate and serve as a useful biological indicator of the effects of climate change may have on mountain stream ecosystems
  • Environmental DNA (eDNA) is being used to identify and sample rare or difficult to detect species