• The Cold-Water Climate Shield - Newly developed forecasts delineate climate refugia for two native salmonids - bull trout and cutthroat trout - enabling their protection and improving their odds of conservation
  • the missing mountain water - slower westerly winds have reduced orographic precipitation across elevations and contribute to declining snowpack and streamflows in the west
  • VIC stream flow metrics - a dataset of modeled flow metrics for streams in major river basins of the western US for historic and future climate change scenarios
  • NorWeST stream temperature - the NorWeST webpage hosts stream temperature data and geospatial map outputs from a regional temperature model for the northwest US
  • stream temperature monitoring and modeling - researchers have developed several statistical models for predicting stream temperatures and thermally suitable fish habitats from temperature data
  • climate change and native trout - biological implications of a changing climate include upstream shifts in thermal habitats, rish of egg scour, increased wildfire disturbances, and declining summer habitat volumes