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U.S. Forest Service
Caring for the land and serving people

United States Department of Agriculture

Integrated Resource Restoration

Integrated Approach to Land Management

The Integrated Resource Restoration (IRR) Program facilitates and supports an integrated approach to land management, recognizing that to effectively restore our national forests and grasslands, we need to integrate our restoration activities to meet multiple objectives at the same time.

The Integrated Resource Restoration (IRR) Program began as a proposal to realign the Forest Service’s budget structure to support integrated, landscape-scale restoration. The proposal asked Congress to consolidate several existing programs into a single budget line-item (BLI). The FY 2012 Appropriations Act granted authority to implement IRR in three pilot regions: Region 1 (Northern Region), Region 3 (Southwestern Region), and Region 4 (Intermountain Region), and it has been extended each year since.

Under the pilot authority, the Forest Service can combine budget line items (BLIs) for Wildlife and Fisheries Habitat Management, Vegetation and Watershed Management, Forest Products, Legacy Roads and Trails, and Hazardous Fuels Outside of the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) into a consolidated budget. In concert with the pilot authority, the Forest Service is also working to improve its performance measures so they better promote and measure integrated restoration work.

The IRR pilot program provides several valuable lessons about how to conduct integrated restoration work across the agency. While the agency still hopes to be granted nation-wide IRR authority in the future, we are focused on implementing the lessons learned from IRR nation-wide, regardless of what happens with the IRR budget line item.

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