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U.S. Forest Service
Caring for the land and serving people

United States Department of Agriculture

Stewardship Contracting Reporting, Guidance, and Directives

Stewardship Contracting Direction

The USDA Forest Service and the Interior Department's Bureau of Land Management (BLM) received new authority to implement stewardship contracting and agreements in Section 8205 of Public Law 113-79, the Agricultural Act of 2014 (PDF, 75 KB). The Agricultural Act of 2014 grants the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management authority to enter into stewardship contracting projects for up to 10 years with private persons or public or private entities, by contract or by agreement, to perform services to achieve land management goals for the national forests or public lands that meet local and rural community needs. Section 8205 supersedes the authority granted to the Forest Service in section 347.

Forest Service

Bureau of Land Management (BLM)

  • BLM Stewardship Contracting
    A link to the Bureau of Land Management's Stewardship Contracting web page with information and links to their guidance.


Integrated Resource Contracts and Agreements for use with Stewardship End Result Contracting Legislation

Integrated resource contracts are used in stewardship contracting. These contracts allow the agency to exchange goods for services.

Integrated Resource Service Contracts

Integrated resource service contracts are to be used when the cost of the services exceeds the value of the timber. These templates are provided as examples only and may be updated without notice and must be tailored for each project. Forest Service personnel should go to the Acquisition Management, Stewardship Contracting internal website to locate the current versions of the templates for use in developing new IRSCs. The first template is for those contracts involving construction/reconstruction whether or not additional land management activities are included. The second template is for all land management activities other than construction. One Appendix B will be included with either template to address the activities of the timber harvest.

Agency direction for use of the integrated resource service contracts is found in Forest Service Handbook 6309.32, the Federal Acquisition Regulation Handbook, including chapter 4G37.

Integrated Resource Timber Contracts

The following two integrated resource timber contracts are to be used when the value of timber exceeds the cost of the services. The first contract is for timber measured after harvest (scaled), and the second contract is for timber measured before removal (tree measurement).

FS-2400-13 Scaled

FS-2400-13T Tree Measurement

Bid for Integrated Resource Contract

Agency direction for use of the integrated resource timber contracts is found in chapter 60 of Forest Service Handbook 2409.19, Renewable Resources Handbook.


Agreements may be used for stewardship contracting. The agreements templates below have been provided as an example of how Forest Service stewardship agreements are constructed. There may have been updates to the official stewardship agreements templates since these examples were posted. Forest Service personnel should go to the Grants and Agreements internal website, Templates (Forest Service employees only) to locate the current version of the template for use in developing a new stewardship agreement.

