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U.S. Forest Service
Caring for the land and serving people

United States Department of Agriculture

Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS)

Modeling the Forest

The Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) is a forest growth simulation model. It simulates forest vegetation change in response to natural succession, disturbances, and management. It recognizes all major tree species and can simulate nearly any type of management or disturbance at any time during the simulation. Outputs include tree volumes, biomass, density, canopy cover, harvest yields, fire effects, and much, much more.


FVS is a suite of software programs. Obtain the complete package or any of its various components. Get FVS software…


FVS documents include a variety of newsletters, users guides, manuals, and technical reports. Browse the FVS documents…


FVS training includes self-paced training, instructor-led training, and web-based training. Read more about FVS training…


The FVS Support Staff provides technical support for the Forest Vegetation Simulator. Get FVS support…