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U.S. Forest Service
Caring for the land and serving people

United States Department of Agriculture

Special Forest Products Reports and Information

Examples of the black morel. Examples of the black morel, Morchella angusticeps. Photo: H.J. Larsen,

Special Forest Products are products or natural resources that are not the traditional timber and fiber products. Another name for special forest products is non-convertible products, because they are products that are not converted into board foot or cubic foot measure. Examples include such products as floral greenery, Christmas trees and boughs, mushrooms, transplants (trees, shrubs or herbaceous plants), cones, medicinal plants, cuttings, herbs, nuts, berries, decorative wood, and pitch.

Detailed information about the sale of special forest products from the National Forest System and National Grasslands has been available since Fiscal Year (FY) 1977. A national summary was first made available in the FY 1998 Report of the Forest Service. These special forest products data come from cut and sold data coming from the Automated Timber Sale Accounting System (ATSA). Both the regional and the servicewide products reports provide complete information. At the top of each of these cut and sold report is a summary table by size class that shows the total value of non-convertible forest products sold and harvested each fiscal year. Then, each report lists each forest product, with the special forest products shown in the last half of each section of the report.