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Print copies of selected National Agroforestry Center publications are available upon request. The National Agroforestry Center continually adds and updates publications and let quantities of others deplete based on their timeliness. Certain publications may be only available in limited numbers or may not be available in print. You are free to photocopy, print, or download items from our website as needed. All USDA publications and broadcasts are free for public use and may be reproduced for non-profit purposes. Please credit the USDA National Agroforestry Center.

Inside Agroforestry

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Working Trees

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Working Trees Brochures
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Working Trees Info Sheets

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Windbreak Series

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Specialty Forest Products Series

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  • Additional Publications

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    This publication is a fieldbook intended for use by natural resource professionals when providing technical assistance to landowners. A limited number of this one-hundred page, high quality fieldbook were printed. If you intend to use "Conservation Buffers" for personal or college/high school classroom purposes we ask that you please take advantage of the PDF or online versions. For quantity orders, such as needed for technical training sessions for soil & water conservation districts, state forestry, or NRCS field staff, please indicate the number needed and describe the training and intended audience in the Comment box at the bottom of this page. Thank you for your consideration.

    En Español
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