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Training Resources

The USDA National Agroforestry Center (NAC) has assembled some useful resources to assist in organizing and hosting your local agroforestry training session.

Sample Agendas

Where to begin and which topics should be included in a training session are just a couple of questions organizers have. NAC has reviewed a variety of training agendas that vary from one to five days in length, then created draft agendas to help you plan your own training.

Agroforestry Training Agendas

Windbreak Workshop Agendas

Sample Presentations

The following presentations provide some basic information on the agroforestry practices. They are provided as a starting point. Feel free to edit and change up these presentations in any way that fits your local needs.

Presentation cover slide.

Agroforestry: Enriching our lives with trees that work

This overview provides definitions and explanations of various agroforestry practices and benefits.

(25 slides)

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Presentation cover slide.

Windbreaks: An agroforestry practice

This presentation provides an overview of Windbreaks, one of the five recognized agroforestry practices in the U.S.

(23 slides)

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Presentation cover slide.

Forest Farming: An agroforestry practice

This presentation provides an overview of Forest Farming, one of the five recognized agroforestry practices in the U.S.

(22 slides)

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Presentation cover slide.

Alley Cropping: An agroforestry practice

This presentation provides an overview of Alley Cropping, one of the five recognized agroforestry practices in the U.S.

(22 slides)

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Presentation cover slide.

Silvopasture: An agroforestry practice

This presentation provides an overview of Silvopasture, one of the five recognized agro-forestry practices in the U.S.

(18 slides)

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Presentation cover slide.

Riparian Forest Buffers: An agroforestry practice

This presentation provides an overview of Riparian Forest Buffers, one of the five recognized agroforestry practices in the U.S.

(18 slides)

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Presentation cover slide.

Windbreak Functions or How Do Windbreaks Work?

This presentation was given at the NRCS Windbreak Technology Course in August 2016.

(50 slides)

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Presentation cover slide.

Windbreaks for Livestock Protection

This presentation was given at the NRCS Windbreak Technology Course in August 2016.

(19 slides)

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Presentation cover slide.

Windbreaks for Structures

This presentation was given at the NRCS Windbreak Technology Course in August 2016.

(19 slides)

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Other Resources

Check out the Webinar Library, Image Library, and the online, self-paced training, Silvopasture for the Southeast U.S. which may be helpful in developing your training session. Also, the University of Missouri's Center for Agroforestry has an Agroforestry Training Manual.