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Agroforestry Working Groups

Agroforestry working groups, communities, and networks, often working at a regional scale, have a long history. These regional working groups have helped to amplify awareness and establishment of agroforestry systems by providing regional expertise and linkages for agroforestry education, outreach, research, and policy.

One of the strengths of working at a regional scale is the ability for each group to take different approaches. There is not a one-size-fits-all approach to collaboration and networking any more than there is a one-size-fits-all approach to agroforestry systems for producers. Each group works in response to regional ecosystems, agriculture, economies, and communities. Participants also vary from group to group, with some groups including producers and practitioners, others focused on researchers, some involving technical assistance providers, and, most often, a collaboration of all of these participants.

Working groups

Here is a list of some of the existing agroforestry working groups in the US. Please contact the USDA National Agroforestry Center if you are involved with another working group that you would like added to the list or you want more information about any of these groups.



  • Great Plains Windbreak Initiative
  • Mid-America Agroforestry Working Group
