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National Agroforestry Center

Accelerating the adoption of agroforestry

The mission of the USDA National Agroforestry Center is to advance the health, diversity, and productivity of working lands, waters, and communities through agroforestry. The Center conducts outreach and provides technical assistance. Read more about the Center…

various agroforestry practices


Agroforestry systems include many conservation and production practices. These practices take advantage of the interactive benefits from growing together trees and shrubs with crops and/or livestock.

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young man looking at computer


The USDA National Agroforestry Center has developed a wide range of interactive, print and other resources to share information about agroforestry.

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various agroforestry topics


Landowners, producers, agencies and organizations all have a variety of social, environmental and financial goals, concerns and desires. Agroforestry systems are an option that can be designed to achieve multiple goals.

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