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Census of Agriculture – Agroforestry Data

US Map report agroforestry practice in 2017

State Data and Maps

How many people are practicing agroforestry? Where is agroforestry practiced? Currently, the only national datasets on agroforestry implementation in the U.S. are in United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) databases. One dataset comes from a single question in the 2017 Census of Agriculture (COA), which is administered by the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS).

The Yes/No question asked, “At any time in 2017, did this operation practice alley cropping, silvopasture, or forest farming, or have riparian forest buffers or windbreaks?” Because this question combines multiple agroforestry practices together, it doesn’t provide information about specific agroforestry practices. These data also cannot be compared with an earlier 2012 COA agroforestry question, which only asked about silvopasture and alley cropping. However, the 2017 COA question does provide some key statistics:

  • In 2017, 30,853 farm operations responded that they had at least one agroforestry practice, representing 1.5% of all farm operations in the U.S.
  • The states with the highest number of farms with an agroforestry practice include Texas, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Virginia, and Oregon.
  • When viewed as a percentage of farms with an agroforestry practice at the state level, the top five states are Vermont (7.2%), Maine (4.8%), Hawaii (4.7%), Massachusetts (4.1%), and New Hampshire (4.1%), while the lowest state percentages were found in Arizona (0.2%), Nevada (0.3%), Utah (0.3%), Texas (0.5%), North Dakota (0.6%), and Wyoming (0.6%).

More detailed information and analysis of the information provided by this 2017 Census of Agriculture question and other USDA datasets are provided in Agroforestry extent in the United States: A review of national datasets and inventory efforts.

When sharing this information, please cite: Smith, M.M., G. Bentrup, T. Kellerman, K. MacFarland, R. Straight, and L. Ameyaw. 2022. Agroforestry extent in the United States: A review of national datasets and inventory efforts. Agriculture. 12(5),726.

The supplementary material for this article provides a compilation of state maps that show percent and number of farms practicing agroforestry by county, along with other information.

Other U.S. Maps:

Compellation of State Data and Maps

State Number of farms with at least one agroforestry practice Percent of farms with at least one agroforestry practice State Fact Sheet Map of number of farms with at least one agroforestry practice Map of percent of farms with at least one agroforestry practice
Alabama 635 1.6 PDF PNG PNG
Alaska 35 3.5 PDF PNG PNG
Arizona 42 0.2 PDF PNG PNG
Arkansas 585 1.4 PDF PNG PNG
California 1064 1.5 PDF PNG PNG
Colorado 361 0.9 PDF PNG PNG
Connecticut 188 3.4 PDF PNG PNG
Delaware 48 2.1 PDF PNG PNG
Florida 803 1.7 PDF PNG PNG
Georgia 969 2.3 PDF PNG PNG
Hawaii 347 4.7 PDF PNG PNG
Idaho 317 1.3 PDF PNG PNG
Illinois 604 0.8 PDF PNG PNG
Indiana 594 1.0 PDF PNG PNG
Iowa 822 1.0 PDF PNG PNG
Kansas 438 0.7 PDF PNG PNG
Kentucky 1028 1.4 PDF PNG PNG
Louisiana 349 1.3 PDF PNG PNG
Maine 362 4.8 PDF PNG PNG
Maryland 473 3.8 PDF PNG PNG
Massachusetts 299 4.1 PDF PNG PNG
Michigan 957 2.0 PDF PNG PNG
Minnesota 1011 1.5 PDF PNG PNG
Mississippi 542 1.5 PDF PNG PNG
Missouri 1311 1.4 PDF PNG PNG
Montana 298 1.1 PDF PNG PNG
Nebraska 458 1.0 PDF PNG PNG
Nevada 11 0.3 PDF PNG PNG
New Hampshire 170 4.1 PDF PNG PNG
New Jersey 263 2.7 PDF PNG PNG
New Mexico 201 0.8 PDF PNG PNG
New York 1187 3.5 PDF PNG PNG
North Carolina 1162 2.5 PDF PNG PNG
North Dakota 155 0.6 PDF PNG PNG
Ohio 1156 1.5 PDF PNG PNG
Oklahoma 514 0.7 PDF PNG PNG
Oregon 1467 3.9 PDF PNG PNG
Pennsylvania 1657 3.1 PDF PNG PNG
Rhode Island 37 3.5 PDF PNG PNG
South Carolina 667 2.7 PDF PNG PNG
South Dakota 252 0.8 PDF PNG PNG
Tennessee 938 1.3 PDF PNG PNG
Texas 1347 0.5 PDF PNG PNG
Utah 61 0.3 PDF PNG PNG
Vermont 492 7.2 PDF PNG PNG
Virginia 1526 3.5 PDF PNG PNG
Washington 1075 3.0 PDF PNG PNG
West Virginia 384 1.6 PDF PNG PNG
Wisconsin 1120 1.7 PDF PNG PNG
Wyoming 71 0.6 PDF PNG PNG
Please cite as Smith et al. 2022 when using state fact sheets and images