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U.S. Forest Service
Caring for the land and serving people

United States Department of Agriculture

CFLR Program Frequently Asked Questions


How do I attach a file (like a shapefile) to the Landscape Restoration Proposal WebMap?


The best way to attach your shapefile will be as a zip file attached to an existing polygon. (See a 4 minute Webmap tutorial recording…)

  • In ArcGIS, place shapefile into a newly created folder.
  • In windows explorer, zip up the folder using an existing compression utility (7-zip, winzip, etc.)
  • In the web map, select the appropriate proposal polygon template (CFLRP or Joint Chiefs).
  • Draw a polygon that approximates your project, or you can just create a simple shape of your choosing.
  • When you complete your shape, a dialog box will appear that allows you to enter in key proposal and contact information.
  • Towards the bottom of that dialog box, you will see a button saying “Choose File”
  • Click on that link and navigate to the folder you zipped up. You can add additional files if you like.

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