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U.S. Forest Service
Caring for the land and serving people

United States Department of Agriculture

CFLR Program Frequently Asked Questions


How is CFLRP monitoring funded?


Monitoring can and should be included in CFLRP proposals. Up to 50% of the cost of implementing and monitoring can be covered in selected proposals using the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Fund and per the proposal instructions, 10% of the CFLN received annually can be spent on monitoring. Donated time from external partners involved with monitoring can and should be included in proposal requests and project reporting as partnership in-kind services value. Required monitoring not covered by the CFLR Fund, including timeframes beyond when CFLR funds are authorized, needs to be funded with Regional appropriated or similar funds. Programmatic monitoring such as forest plan-level monitoring activities cannot be covered with the CFLR fund, nor do these activities qualify for CFLR match when other appropriated funds are used.

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