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U.S. Forest Service
Caring for the land and serving people

United States Department of Agriculture

TwoTrails Software

If you are interested in the program, please complete and submit the registration form below. You may then download the files and guides. We will only use the information to help us contact users that seem to be having download issues or to send helpful information if the notification choice was chosen.

Multiple platforms and operating systems are supported.

  • The Windows Mobile/CE field devices supported by a Windows 7/8 or Win 10 system have been working for years. It is the Forest Management Service Center’s intent to continue this service through the life of the equipment purchased by Forest Service crews (probably shortly after 2020).
  • Android Mobile field devices are supported by Windows 7/8 and Win10 PC devices.
  • Both the mobile app and PC programs are required for surveys that process and prepare information for timber sales and management.

Which version should I use?

TwoTrailsPC Beta logo

TwoTrails (Android) - Use this version on your Android Mobile Device. (Google Play Store) (Android User Guide)

TwoTrails (Windows PC for Android Support) – Use this Windows version if you want to support an Android field device. This is the newest version that contains offline imagery and faster data processing. The PC application associated with this version of TwoTrails also has significant advantages including real-time data processing, easier editing, automated tasks, and concurrent projects. This Android version has the ability to import and handle legacy formats (.tt2 files) by upgrading them into the new project format (.ttx). This version cannot export field projects in the legacy format (.tt2 files). (PC User Guide)

TwoTrailsV2 (Windows Mobile/CE and PC) – This is the legacy version of TwoTrails that you should use if you are running a Windows Mobile or CE device. The PC version associated with this application can create and modify projects (.tt2) that can be sent out to the field on Mobile/CE. (V2 User Guide)

Please feel free to contact Gary Boyack ( or Bryan Miller ( if you need help.

Two Trails Software Registration

NOTE: Required fields are marked with a red asterisk ( * ).

Select a Version of the TwoTrails Software *

(Select "Other" at the end of this list if your location is not listed.)