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U.S. Forest Service
Caring for the land and serving people

United States Department of Agriculture

Log Scaling

Picture of a log scaler entering data on an Allegro Juniper portable data recorder. Logs are laying in the backgound.

A rotation of pictures showing views of the FSscaler program's interface.


FSscaler is the Windows / Windows CE successor to the National Scale Data Entry Program (SDE), the MS-DOS based scaling system used successfully for over ten years. FSscaler has been designed to be small, fast, stable, intuitive, and customizable.

Cubic foot scaling with either 100% or 3P sample selection is available in the current version of FSscaler. Scribner board foot and Longlog scaling will be available in future versions.

Other features include the ability to collect non-scale load information and check scale data.

Field data recorder versions are available for the Juniper Allegro CE, CX and MX, the DAP5320, Pocket PC’s with keyboards (such as the Itronix Q200) and Pocket PC PDA’s such as HP iPAQs. A PC version of FSscaler exists for evaluation and training.