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U.S. Forest Service
Caring for the land and serving people

United States Department of Agriculture

Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) Self-Paced Training

This collection of self-paced training videos follows the curriculum of our National Training Guide. This guide is available in the “…/Training Guides” subfolder in the location where you installed the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) Software on your computer. If you are new to the FVS, we suggest viewing the first several modules in order. If you are familiar with FVS, the videos are set up to be "stand alone," allowing you to navigate specific subject areas.

Getting Started

Video's are best viewed using the Google Chrome or FireFox web browsers.

This video demonstrates how to install the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) and its associated files, exploring the components of the interface, and how to create new projects.

Module 1: Basic Runs

This module leads you through the process of making single and multi-stand runs, and covers all options to view output. These options include viewing the FVS output overlaid on a base map using the "View on Maps" tab, viewing stand images using the "Visualize" tab, and creating tabular and graphical output using the "View Outputs" tab. Included are two step-by-step exercises followed by a skills challenge designed to test your comprehension of the module’s topics.

Module 2: Input Data Exploration

In this module, you will explore the default training database that is loaded into FVS during the installation process. Two step-by-step exercises lead you through auditing the dataset.

Module 3: Basic Management

This module leads you through simulating basic thinning actions. In practice, these are the basic building blocks you will use and combine to simulate more complex prescriptions during real-world applications of FVS. Three step-by-step exercises are included in this module.

Module 4: Fire and Fuels Management

This module leads you through simulating fire and fuels related management actions. You will learn about adding fire effects into your simulations and managing fuel loads through commonly practiced prescriptions. Four step-by-step exercises are included in this module.

Module 5: Complex Management

This module leads you through simulating management designed to create or enhance within stand structural diversity. Three step-by-step exercises are included in this module.

Module 6: Regeneration Modeling

This module explores how regeneration is simulated using the partial and full establishment models. Most Forest Service regions (all but Region 1 (Northern) and Region 10 (Alaska)) have the partial establishment model instead of the full establishment model. The difference between the models is that the partial establishment model requires the user to input regeneration other than sprouting into simulations, while the full establishment model automatically includes all regeneration. In addition to understanding the establishment models, you will learn how to save a keyword component set for use with other runs. Three step-by-step exercises are included in this module.

Module 7: Growth and Mortality Modifications

This module leads you through adding common growth and mortality modifiers in your runs. While the possibilities and options are numerous, these select exercises showcase the capabilities that are available to you. Three step-by-step exercises are included in this module.

Module 8: Adjusting Default Relationships

This module leads you through some common adjustments made to default conditions. While the adjustments are numerous, these exercises illustrate some of the most common adjustments users make in FVS. Five step-by-step exercises are included in this module

Check back soon for additional training modules to be posted...