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U.S. Forest Service
Caring for the land and serving people

United States Department of Agriculture

FVS Keyword Component Files (Addfiles)

FVS Addfiles logo.

Sets of FVS keywords may be saved so you do not have to re-create them each time you start an FVS simulation. These files are called keyword component files, or "addfiles". They may be added to a simulation by simply reading them into the simulation.

Keyword component files have been created by members of our staff and others to perform complicated interactions with the FVS models. These are often created to provide actions that are not currently included in the FVS models.


Includes insect disease and wildfire hazard rating systems, stand structure algorithms and wildlife designation.


Examples in this category demonstrate the use of the Event Monitor, Compute keyword, to output select information from an FVS run.


Includes addfiles that do complicated or unique thinnings.


Addfiles which help user's in modeling regeneration.

1/ These keyword component files are developed and maintained by the Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team (FHTET). These links lead to web pages on the FHTET website.