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U.S. Forest Service
Caring for the land and serving people

United States Department of Agriculture

FVS Variant Installer Files

The FVS Variant Installer Files contain all the FVS variants with the specified attributes. During the install process the user selects the individual variants to be installed. This installer is designed primarily to update or supplement the files included in the Complete Software Package.

You can find information regarding the codes, relationships, and logic specific to the individual variants in the Variant Overview documents. We developed an FVS Variant Map to suggest the FVS variant for any point in the United States, and is distributed in the form of a shapefile.

The FVS Variant Install Files include the Base Model, and additionally the Fire and Fuels Extension (with the carbon module), Economics Extension, and Insect and Disease Extensions if applicable, and Climate Extension if applicable.


Download the FVS Variant Installer file to your PC. Then follow the Installation Instructions below. For a list of the extensions available for a particular variant, please refer to the FVS Variant Key and Included Extensions.

Description Region File Size
This file includes the individual FVS variant dynamic link libraries (DLLs) for the new FVS Software. Included also are the variant executables (EXEs). All FVS_Variants_20240401.exe 33MB

Installing FVS Variant Programs

To load the FVS variant programs, perform the following steps.

  1. Click the link for the FVS Variant Installer in the table above to begin downloading it.
  2. You will be asked to open the file or save the file to your computer. Click the “Save” button.
  3. Save the executable to the “My Documents” folder on your hard drive.
  4. When the executable has finished downloading, choose to open the installer executable by clicking the “Open” button. If you do not have this option, navigate to your “My Documents” folder and double-click on the executable. Either option will begin the installation process.
  5. Following a splash screen, you will be prompted to click the “Next” button in the window that appears. Press that button.
  6. In the next window that appears, click to place a check mark next to each of the FVS variants you want installed. Then click the “Next” button.
  7. In the next window that appears, click the “Install” button.
  8. When installation is finished, click the “Finish” button. The FVS variant programs are now installed!