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U.S. Forest Service

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Forest Service National Strategic Framework for Invasive Species Management

Cover of the Forest Service National Strategic Framework for Invasive Species Management

The Forest Service National Strategic Framework for Invasive Species Management responds to a 2010 USDA Office of Inspector General audit of Forest Service invasive programs by providing a consistent, agency-wide approach to the prevention, detection, and control of invasive insects, pathogens, plants, wildlife, and fish.

The Framework provides broad and consistent strategic direction across all Forest Service Deputy Areas and agency programs. It also describes how National and Regional Invasive Species Issue Teams (NISIT and RISIT) will coordinate activities with the Forest Service and with Federal, State, and local partners. National priorities will be reviewed at least once every 5 years and adjusted as needed. RISITs will assess and adjust their regional invasive species priorities for their respective ecosystems at least once every 5 years.

The Framework incorporates the Invasive Species Systems Approach (ISSA) developed by the Forest Service to respond to threats over the next 5 to 10 years and supersedes the Invasive Species Strategy and Implementation Plan (2004). The ISSA identifies the elements and actions of the Framework that all programs and units within the National Forest System , Research and Development and State and Private Forestry should take, as appropriate , in addressing invasive species:

  1. Prevention:
    Identify, forecast, and prioritize invasive species threats; high-risk pathways of movement and introduction; and vulnerable ecosystems. Improve cooperative efforts. Recommend, program, and implement appropriate actions to prevent introductions and establishment.
  2. Detection:
    Survey aggressively to detect new invasive species and monitor priority species. Evaluate the extent and severity of invasive species infestations and assess their potential impacts. Report invasive species detection findings in standardized databases. Develop tools and technologies to detect and monitor invasive species.
  3. Control and Management:
    Coordinate as needed with partners. Prioritize and implement treatments. Implement rapid response for new infestation. Monitor and report accomplishments in standardized databases. Develop tools, technologies, methods, and budgetary processes necessary to prioritize and implement effective invasive species management or eradication activities.
  4. Restoration and Rehabilitation:
    Identify and prioritize restoration and rehabilitation needs. Take actions to restore, monitor, and maintain affected areas. Assess effectiveness of rehabilitation and restoration activities. Develop, synthesize, and evaluate effective rehabilitation and restoration methods, tools, and technologies.

See the >Forest Service National Strategic Framework for Invasive Species Management (PDF, 15.2 MB).