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U.S. Forest Service

Critically Imperiled Plant Profile (Not Listed or Proposed under the Endangered Species Act)

Stephanomeria minor var. uintaensis flower. The genus Stephanomeria is part of the chicory tribe of the Sunflower family. This tribe is easily recognized by its radiate heads (with ray flowers only - think dandelions) and which exude a milky juice from any part of the plant when cut or broken. Photo by Sherel Goodrich.

Stephanomeria minor var. uintaensis, narrow-leaved skeletonplant range map. Stephanomeria minor var. uintaensis range map.

Stephanomeria minor var. uintaensis, Uinta slender wirelettuce


  • NatureServe has not assessed threats yet

Conservation Status

National Forest and Grassland Occurrence

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Two images side-by-side. Left: Involucres are long and slender, up to 16 mm long, with a few short basal bracts. Right: Lower leaf. Photos by Sherel Goodrich.

Stephanomeria minor var. uintaensis habitat. Uinta slender wirelettuce is restricted to a small part of northeastern Utah in the Uinta Mountains, where it grows at about 8200 ft. elevation with ponderosa pine and Rocky Mountain juniper. Photo by Sherel Goodrich.

Stephanomeria minor var. uintaensis habitat close-up. This plant is a late bloomer, in August and September. Photo by Sherel Goodrich.