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Wildland Fire Information

Fire Danger is High GraphicThe southwest is experiencing a drought of historic proportions, and all our wildlands are very stressed. Record-breaking temperatures have already occurred, and rain isn't expected in most areas until mid or late July. The moisture content of living and dead plants is so low that any spark, ember, or other ignition source that touches these plants is virtually certain to ignite an unwanted wildland fire. Agencies are sensitive to the need for recreation opportunities, but protection of lives, property, and resources is critical right now. We need your help!

A group of wildland firefighters stand on a hillside while flames race up the hill in the background.Visitors:

  • Be our eyes and ears. Report wildfires, illegal campfires, trash burning or careless cigarette use to land management agencies, the state police, or the sheriff's department immediately.
  • Respect fire closures and restrictions. Use only approved propane, butane, or white gas cooking stoves � no campfires or charcoal stoves.
  • Smoke only in an enclosed vehicle or building and don't use your car window as an ashtray.

Local Residents:

  • Spread the word. Talk to your family and friends. Start a neighborhood watch program. Have an evacuation plan if you live in a wildfire-susceptible area.
  • Be careful with backyard grills. Clear all flammable material from the area and drown charcoal after use.
  • Take personal responsibility for fire-proofing your home and property. Mow dry grasses around your home; trim lower limbs of trees and evergreens; store firewood and other combustible materials away from your house; rake dead leaves and conifer needles away from your home; keep garden hoses handy; and consider spraying wood surfaces with fireproofing materials. Check with local fire officials for other tips on how to keep your home safe from wildfire.
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