RMRS Air, Water, & Aquatic Environments Science Program RMRS Air, Water, & Aquatic Environments Science Program

US Forest Service Research and Development

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Rocky Mountain Research Station
 RMRS Science Program Areas
 Air, Water and Aquatics Science Program
 Research Subjects
   Class in the Creek
   What's a Watershed
   Climate Change
 Field Locations
 AWAE Site Map
About the Rocky Mountain Research Station

AWAE Program Headquarters
322 East Front St., Ste 401

Boise, ID 83702

(208) 373-4340


Rocky Mountain Research Station Headquarters

2150 Centre Ave., Bldg A
Fort Collins, CO 80526

(970) 295-5923

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

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Class in the Creek header - science for kids

Welcome to the Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences for Kids, Class in the Creek HomePage! Here you can learn more about our program and discover the amazing treasures of your local river ecosystem! Watch our 2 minute introductory video!


Video by: Angelica Vicente


Quick Jump Links:


bug icon

What Will You find? (large pdf)

bug id card icon Download your own Bug ID Cards!
Nature Center Newsletter icon MK Nature Center Stream Newsletter    
water splash icon Where does the Water Come From?    

River Facts You Outta Know!

Q. Where did all of that water come from?
Answer: That water is flowing as if it's going somewhere in a hurry! And it is! Up in the mountains, snow and rainfall trickle down steep mountain sides forming multiple small streams which cut into the earth and meet up with water that has seeped into the ground. Eventually these small streams meet up into a larger river, which again feed into even larger rivers.
Q. Where is all of that Water Going so Fast?
Answer: Eventually these streams and larger rivers finally make it to the ocean! This area of land from where the first river starts all the way to where it drains into the ocean is called the Columbia River Basin watershed.

This large watershed can be broken down into smaller ones.

Q. How can I tell if our river is clean?
Answer: There are multiple ways to tell if your local river is clean! One fun way is to examine the types of insects, and other life forms that are surviving in it. Many can not tolerate polluted water, so if you see these, it's a good sign that the water is pretty clean! Use this bug identification card showing tolerant and intolerant species.

Q. How far is it to the Ocean?

What types of fish are native to Idaho's Rivers?

Local Links
water drop bullet
water drop bullet MK Nature Center
water drop bullet Boise WaterShed Environmental Education Center
water drop bullet Discovery Center of Idaho
crayon divider image
Cool Kid's Links
water drop bullet National Get Outdoors Day
water drop bullet
water drop bullet Forest Service - Climate Change, Water, and Kids
water drop bullet Natural Inquirer
water drop bullet USFS Pacific Northwest Research Station
water drop bullet Classroom Earth
water drop bullet Science News for Students (SN Explores)
water drop bullet Step Outside - Idaho
water drop bullet MonarchLIVE: A Distance Learning Adventure
This Partnership is made possible through a partnership between Idaho Dept. of Fish & Game, MK Nature Center & the Rocky Mountain Research Station

Rocky Mountain Research Station - Air, Water and Aquatic Environments Sciences Program
Last Modified:  Friday, 16 June 2023 at 15:18:03 CDT

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