RMRS Air, Water, & Aquatic Environments Science Program RMRS Air, Water, & Aquatic Environments Science Program

US Forest Service Research and Development

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Rocky Mountain Research Station
 RMRS Science Program Areas
 Air, Water and Aquatics Science Program
 Reserach Projects
   Class in the Creek
   What's a Watershed
   Climate Change
 Field Locations
 AWAE Site Map
About the Rocky Mountain Research Station

AWAE Program Headquarters
322 East Front St., Ste 401

Boise, ID 83702

(208) 373-4340


Rocky Mountain Research Station Headquarters

2150 Centre Ave., Bldg A
Fort Collins, CO 80526

(970) 295-5923

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

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Rocky Mountain Research Station Home > Science Program Areas > Air, Water and Aquatics > Research Projects > Class in the Creek


Science for Kids


Spring is in the air...

Warm winds and renewing rain showers chase away the winter chill! Spring has arrived and the landscape is preparing for new life from bright colored tulips to spawning steelhead! It's a perfect time to explore the outdoors! Click Here for our Spring Edition of 10 Fun Things to do Outside! (5.59MB PDF)

Activities and Projects
kids wading in the river exploring for cool bugs, fish, and more!

Class in the Creek!

Hey Kids! Put on your wading boots and grab a kick-net at the Morrison Knudsen Nature Center in Boise, Idaho! We'll meet you there and jump right into the Boise river to start exploring for cool bugs, fish and... oh wait, the rest is a surprise...


LEARN MORE|   Watch the Video! Watch the Video!
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kids watershed

What is a Watershed Anyway?

Wondering what a watershed actually is? Did you know that you use your watershed every day? Well... come on over and learn a bit more about where your water comes from, where it's going, common concerns, and all sorts of cool stuff about the water you use! CLICK HERE

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Climate Change icon

Climate Change

Climate Change is the gradual shift in earth's overall temperature and weather patterns. Currently, the rapid rate at which the earth is warming is a question for concern and scientists are hard at work to find out how human activities might speeding up the process, as well as what a warming climate may do to the environments we live in right now. If climate changes too quickly animal species will not have time to adapt!


USFS Forest Headwater's Logo

Check out the Forest Service Water Web Resources Site!

National forests compose only 17% of the land in 8 Inland West states, but supply 62% of their water.  Bite-size facts like these explain how forests serve the water needs of people, plants and animals.  Watershed stewardship is more vital than ever as bark beetles, population growth, climate change and forest fires stress water resources.  People in 177 counties in 13 states rely on water that flows from Rocky Mountain national forests and feel these effects. MORE

sockeye salmon image

All About Fish

Have you ever wondered about all of those cool fish out in the river? Did you know that a lot of Idaho's fish swim over 700 miles all the way to the Pacific Ocean (this means that they are anadromous, which is a fancy word meaning that they spend part of their lives in ocean water) and then come back? Wait till you hear the rest of THE STORY! (bpa.gov)


Partnership Logos: Idaho Department of Fish & Game, MK Nature Center

National Get Outdoors Day
More Kids in the Woods
Forest Service - Climate Change, Water, and Kids
Natural Inquirer
USFS Pacific Northwest Research Station
Classroom Earth
Science News for Students (SN Explores)
Step Outside - Idaho
MonarchLIVE: A Distance Learning Adventure

Rocky Mountain Research Station - Air, Water and Aquatic Environments Sciences Program
Last Modified:  Friday, 16 June 2023 at 15:18:21 CDT

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.