Sugarfoot Glade Campground

Area Status: Open
Landscape image with Sugarfoot Creek streaming between knolls of grass

Small creek flows through camp early in the season (dry in late season). Camp is situated amidst oaks and ponderosa pines.

At a Glance

Current Conditions: May 2023 Update: Reported inaccessible due to downed trees. Be aware of the hazards of recreating in a burned forest, including downed trees, stump holes, unstable terrain, and flooding, debris flows, rockfall or slides if there's a storm. Use extreme caution if the wind picks up. Head to a clearing out of reach of falling trees or limbs. Avoid parking under standing dead trees.
Reservations: None
Area Amenities: Tent camping, Camping trailer, Picnic tables, Toilets, Parking
Closest Towns: Paskenta, CA
Water: None
Restroom: 1 Vault
Operated By: U.S. Forest Service
Information Center: Grindstone Ranger Station

General Information


Located about 65 miles west of Red Bluff.

Lat - 39° 53' 06.13757", Long - 122° 46' 37.53609"

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


Campground Camping

Accomodates up to 14-foot trailers


Camping trailer: 14-foot trailers
Picnic tables: 6
Tent camping: 6
Parking: limited
Toilets: vault

Related Information

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities



  Latitude : 

  Longitude : 

  Elevation : 
4,200 feet