Brush Corral #19

Brush Corral Trail #19

This trail leads down the northeast slope of the Santa Catalinas to a historic Forest Ranger station that has not been used since shortly after World War I. Little is left of the cabin and old brush corral that made up this Forest outpost, and since the trail to it has been used so little for so long it is difficult to find and hard to follow as well. On its upper end, Brush Corral Trail can be accessed by way of the Green Mountain Trail #21. It branches off that trail 0.3 mile from its San Pedro Vista Point trailhead. From that junction, it drops past a second junction with the Shortcut Trail #21A offering good views of the San Pedro Valley and the Galiuro Mountains to the east. Downhill of the Shortcut Trail junction, the Brush Corral Trail stays on the south ridge of Buehman Canyon, first on its west side then on its east side. Remembering this can come in handy, especially where several stretches of the trail are hard to sort out among the cattle paths and manzanita thickets. The trail drops into Buehman Canyon at the location of the old Brush Corral Ranger Station. From this point the trail follows an old 4-wheel drive road to a trailhead on Forest Road 4407.

At a Glance

Usage: Light
Operated By: Santa Catalina Ranger District
Information Center: Santa Catalina Ranger District   520-749-8700

General Information

Directions: Drive up the Catalina Highway to the San Pedro Vista Point trailhead for the Green Mountain Trail #21. Travel this trail 0.3 mile to the Brush Corral Trail junction.


Day Hiking

Remote and rugged. Historic area. Good views to the east. A pathfinding challenge. This trail can be very hard to find. Bring a topographic map and a compass and know how to use them. When hiking or horseback riding in remote areas go with a companion whenever possible. Always tell someone where you’ve gone and when you expect to return. USGS Map(s): Mt. Bigelow
Elevation desc 3,800 - 7,000 feet
Difficulty Level: More Difficult


Related Information

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


  Area/Length : 
7.4 miles

  Elevation : 
3,800 feet - 7,000 feet