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Tribal teens gain hands-on experience

Tribal Youth Conservation Corp participants take a turn in using an increment borer on a tree in a Texas forest.
All of the Tribal Youth Conservation Corps participants take a turn in using an increment borer to determine a tree’s age on the National Forests and Grasslands in Texas, summer 2022. The tribal crews learned about various forestry disciplines, including fire management, wildlife, timber, and…
texas, tribal youth conservation corps, tribal youth

Catching poachers and zapping fish

Wildlife biologist and education coordinator Ashley Mueller celebrates with the 2022 Native American Fish and Wildlife Society National Summer Youth Practicum completion of the Colorado State University ropes course.
Wildlife biologist and education coordinator Ashley Mueller (green hat, big smile) celebrates with the 2022 Native American Fish and Wildlife Society National Summer Youth Practicum completion of the Colorado State University ropes course, where they built comradery, trust and confidence in themselves and their peers. (Photo courtesy of Native American Fish and Wildlife Society) On a July…
Native American Heritage Month, tribes, tribal, tribal youth, ecology, careers, colorado, education, trout, alaskan natives, Rivers, conservation, American Indian, fish

Strengthening Community Resilience

USFS shield
Sweet sourwood honey flowed, and pickled banana peppers, beets, pearl onions and more stood proud in the Cherokee Fall Festival in Cherokee, North Carolina. There was also stunning, blue ribbon-worthy sewing and needlepoint, plenty of fresh cobs of Indian corn, and vibrant gourds and squash in oranges, rusts, golds, browns and other glorious fall colors. The items were homegrown and handmade by…
job corps, tribal youth