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Catching poachers and zapping fish

Wildlife biologist and education coordinator Ashley Mueller celebrates with the 2022 Native American Fish and Wildlife Society National Summer Youth Practicum completion of the Colorado State University ropes course.
Wildlife biologist and education coordinator Ashley Mueller (green hat, big smile) celebrates with the 2022 Native American Fish and Wildlife Society National Summer Youth Practicum completion of the Colorado State University ropes course, where they built comradery, trust and confidence in themselves and their peers. (Photo courtesy of Native American Fish and Wildlife Society) On a July…
Native American Heritage Month, tribes, tribal, tribal youth, ecology, careers, colorado, education, trout, alaskan natives, Rivers, conservation, American Indian, fish

Wildfire risk to communities

Map of the United States of America showing the areas risk of fire to homes by color.
Wildfires know no boundaries. They can easily cross between federal, tribal, state, and private lands, making it crucial for all communities to know their respective wildfire risks and the actions to take to protect themselves and their neighbors. Last year, wildfires burned nearly 400,000 acres of tribal lands, including reservations and other tribal lands, with additional acreage burned on…
wildlife, fire, wildfire, wildfires, tribal, tribes, wildland fire, risks

Nez Perce National Historical Trail more than just scenic

A picture of Forest Service trail administrator Sandi Broncheau-McFarland.
Editor’s Note: This feature coincides with the 30th anniversary of National Trails Day on June 4, which is sponsored by the American Hiking Society, and Great Outdoors Month, a celebration of the outdoors that encourages everyone to embrace the outdoor spirit. Forest Service trail administrator Sandi…
tribal, nez perce, montana, trail, history, tribal nation

Tribal and Indigenous Fire Tradition

A picture of two wildland firefighters on top of a mountain area wearing their wildland firefighting gear and equipment.
USFS Six Rivers National Forest fire crew conducting a prescribed burn for enhancing beargrass for tribal basket weaving, near Orleans, Calif. June 2017 Centuries ago, indigenous people inhabited the land from coast to coast. They knew what scientists confirm today:  Frequent, low intensity fires on…
fire, tribal, ecology, Landscape

Ancestral Teachings Keep Hunters Connected to the Land

A picture of Sandra Broncheau-Mcfarland with a white tail buck taken during a hunt.
To some people, hunting is a foreign concept. In the era of readily-packaged meats easily purchased at a nearby grocery store, the need—outside the sport of it—might seem outdated. Still, there are many people that to this day, choose to or must hunt to put food on the table. Others feel that taking animals themselves is a more ethical way to feed themselves and their family. For Sandra Broncheau…
hunting, tribal, inside the forest service, recreation, deer

Tribal Members Trained and Hired to Hunt for Resources of Cultural Value

USFS shield
White Mountain Apache tribal member Gregg Henry hiked along the southwest landscape of the Tonto National Forest in Arizona with the specific intention to identify and record sacred places.“I’m Apache. I’m from here,” Henry said. “I know these places and the traditional stories associated with them.”For decades, Native American tribal members have approached state and federal agencies…
forest service, forestry, Tonto National Forest, arizona, tribal, training, Mark Twain National Forest, tribal, monitors, White Mountain Apache