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Gone fishing? Biologists share how anglers can support healthy native fish populations

Eurasian milfoil hybrid view from both underwater and above surface
Bonneville cutthroat trout are an important native species in western Wyoming where Forest Service land managers and partners are at work restoring habitat and monitoring for invasive species. (USDA Forest Service photo) Late spring heralds the start of open water fishing season. In much of the country,…
fish, Fishing, Native Fish, invasive species, biology, fish habitat, water, restoration, environment, science, inside the forest service

Roots to shoots

A picture showing a large stack of small seedlings on a transport tray connected to a piece of farm equipment used for moving the seedlings around.
Nearly three million transplanted plugs, J. Herbert Stone Nursery At the J. Herbert Stone Nursery, one of eight Forest Service nurseries, employees took on a massive task to transplant nearly three million seedlings, or plugs…
Nurseries, seedlings, planting, restoration, BLM

Celebrating Partnerships in the Central Sierra Recovery and Restoration Project

A tractor removing hazardous fuels
Editor’s note: The USDA Forest Service has committed its efforts to mitigating wildfire risk across 20 million acres of National Forests and up to an additional 30 million acres of other Federal, State, Tribal, and private lands as a part of the agency’s 10- year strategy to confront the wildfire crisis.  This article illustrates how working across boundaries will be essential for that…
restoration, fuel reduction, shared stewardship, mitigation

Planting new hope in the Umpqua River basin

A picture of a small tree seedling.
A sugar pine seedling grows within the Archie Creek Fire scar. Seedlings are planted in the early spring so they are not damaged by hot and dry summer weather. Forest Service photo by Adrienne Barcas Editor’s note: The USDA Forest Service recently announced a 10-year strategy to confront…
restoration, fire, wildfire, forestry, forest health, forest management, vegetation, partnerships, contracts, umpqua

Volunteers experience the power of service and healing in the rainforest

A picture of Ricardo Burke, Forest Therapy participant, shown here with his hand wrapped around a small tree.
View from El Yunque National Forest towards Municipality of Luquillo on the Northeast coast of Puerto Rico. Forest Service Photo/Kathleen McGinley. In September 2017, Hurricane Maria, a deadly category 5 hurricane devastated Dominica, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. Amidst the devastation was the El Yunque National Forest, the only…
Forest Bathing, Forest Therapy, hurricane, El Yunque National Forest, national public lands day, volunteers, Association of Nature and Forest Therapy, restoration

Art bridges the gap between nature and people

Kids collecting samples
Area children collect samples and learn about the natural world within the Rio Grande Bosque. (Photo by Yancey Ranspot of the U.S. Forest Service) Deborah Finch has always been drawn to streams and rivers, and particularly to the riparian woods full of songbirds, woodpeckers, salamanders, and other native plants and animals found…
riparian, restoration, conservation education, science, art, research, collaboration, inside the forest service