Pack Animal Guidelines

Many people enjoy pack stock trips on public lands. On the Kaibab National Forest, we ask that you follow Leave No Trace land ethics while visiting with your pack animals.

Photograph of a Forest Service employee walking a horse.


Proper planning, camp location, and containment of animals once in camp all demand special attention. The fewer animals taken, the less impact on the land. Keeping the group small and carrying lightweight equipment will help reduce the number of animals needed.

Setting up Camp

For the horse packer, the first rule of campsite selection is to think of your stock. The campsite should be able to accommodate your animals comfortably without any damage to the area.


Feeding your pack animals can cause an impact too. Spreading loose hay on the ground could introduce exotic plant species to an area. Instead, pack in a good supply of processed feed for your animals. This will give them a supply of food and prevent overgrazing around the camp.

Breaking Camp

It will take extra time to naturalize an area from the impact of pack animals. Manure piles need to be scattered to aid decomposition, discourage flies, and as a courtesy to other users. Areas dug up by animal hooves will need to be filled, and trampled areas made to look natural.