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Mitigate wildfire risk

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In August, firefighters across the country are hard at work fighting wildfire.

As all eyes are on these brave men and women, the Forest Service has an opportunity to showcase the year-round work the agency does to reduce the risk of catastrophic fires.

Wildfire can be a natural and beneficial part of healthy forests and grasslands. But, as droughts, insects, disease, and other factors increase the risk these of uncharacteristically severe fires, the agency’s role in mitigating that risk becomes more critical.

Fires do not recognize jurisdictional boundaries or property lines. This means that Forest Service must coordinate closely with partners and landowners in both mitigating wildfire risk and fighting fire.

The Forest Service will do this by using the best available science and technology to proactively manage the landscape to foster long-term health and resilience of America’s forests and grasslands.

Did you know?

  • Healthy, resilient landscapes are the best method to prevent uncharacteristically severe wildfire.
  • The Forest Service is committed to increasing active management practices that will restore forest and grassland health and reduce wildfire risk.
  • Increasing active management practices will result in cost-savings for the American taxpayer by reducing the need for costly fire response operations and creating jobs and economic benefits for America’s rural communities.
  • Mitigating wildfire risk and responding to wildfires safely and efficiently requires the help of other Federal, State, local, and community partners.
  • The Forest Service is committed to its relationships with its partners in working toward increasing the health, resilience, and productivity of the Nation’s forests and grasslands while protecting life, property, and resources.


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