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An official website of the United States government

Submission Guidelines

Inside the Forest Service is edited, updated, and compiled by the national Office of Communication. This site, by and for employees, is updated on a daily basis and depends on field and Washington Office employees for its content.

Ensure submissions include the following:

  • Who, what, where, why and when of a story: Follow the inverted pyramid.

  • Author name & location (forest, region, station or staff). Job titles will only be included for Chief’s Desk and guest columns.

Stories should be of wide interest. Employees should submit content through their public affairs office, which will approve and prioritize content. Final draft stories should be sent to IFS Stories inbox.

As Inside the Forest Service is designed for employees, articles may include links to employee-only websites such as SharePoint. Not all links are accessible to all viewers.

Photos, Videos, Graphics

Photos, graphics, or videos: Photos must include a caption, photo credit (who took the photo), and alt text.

Photos and videos must follow standards.

Graphics must follow branding guidelines.

Stories should be of wide interest. Employees should submit content through their public affairs office, which will approve and prioritize content. Final draft stories should be sent to IFS Stories inbox.

We reserve the right not to publish your submission.

Publication Standards

  • Tell your story.

    • Put the important information first.

    • Submit stories that are 300 words minimum.

  • Think ahead: Submit information before events happen.

    • Have an upcoming event? Submit the info and it will be included in Out and About, and then in the email for the three weeks prior to the event.

      • Want it in OneUSDA? Include that information in the submission.

  • Remember the five “Ws” of journalism: who, what, when, where, why (or how):

    • Why is your entry significant?

    • Why will it be of interest to other employees?

    • How does it support Forest Service goals?

  • Think macro rather than micro; make sure your submission takes a broad view of activities.

  • Use plain language.

  • Submit your content as a plain Word document. Attach photos or graphics as separate jpeg files.

    • Do not lay out articles in Word or Adobe

  • Link to webpages when possible to provide more information.

    • Do not link to Wikipedia or commercial sites.

  • Do not attach PDFs. Accessibility means our content should be accessible and easily updated for everyone. PDFs are difficult to read and update, and per a new OMB requirement, are to be phased out of all government websites.

    • If your information must be a PDF, ensure it is accessible (508 compliant) before you submit.

Email Inclusion Criteria, Processes

  • Leadership pieces: Chief's Desk, guest column, or other.

  • Upcoming events no more than three weeks in advance.

  • Most recent Mail Call items (no more than two).

  • Maximum number of stories: 5

    • These stories will be selected from among the various sections, dependent upon recent updates. Selections rotate among sections and forests, stations, and staff areas.