Alaska's National Forests

Where nature,
& tradition
come together.

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The Alaska region is home to two of the nation’s largest national forests, the Chugach and Tongass, traditional homelands of Alaska Native peoples. The Alaska Region offers amazing diversity and a multitude of uses. Learn more about the region on our theme webpage, in our bimonthly SourDough News and in our Media Toolkit.
  • Chugach National Forest

    Colorful alpine lake in the Chugach.

    A breathtaking landscape in the heart of southcentral. The Chugach is the backyard for over half of Alaskan's and a coveted destination for hundreds of thousands of visitors each year.

  • Tongass National Forest

    Mendenhall Glacier reflects into Mendenhall Lake

    The nation's largest national forest covers most of southeast. The Tongass offers opportunities to view eagles, bears, spawning salmon, and breath-taking vistas of wild Alaska.

  • Alaska Forest Health

    Workers checking a spruce beetle trap

    Diseases, insects, disorders, and invasive plants impact forest health. Find reports, identification guides, and more resources for stewarding Alaska's forests.


Tongass National Forest Plan Revision

The Tongass National Forest is currently in the process of revising their land management plan (forest plan). Land management plans guide how national forests and grasslands are managed by the USDA Forest Service. Learn about the plan and find out how to comment on the Tongass' website.

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New Tribal Action Plan

Tlingit man dancing in regalia, blue and hate with formline shapes, and woven black and white robe.

The USDA Forest Service published an action plan that outlines steps the agency will take to advance tribal consultation and strengthen Nation-to-Nation relationships with federally recognized Tribes. “Strengthening Tribal Consultations and Nation-to-Nation Relationships: A USDA Forest Service Action Plan” recognizes the role tribal governments play in decision-making about Forest Service-managed lands and waters through co-stewardship, consultation, capacity-building, and by other means.

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