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U.S. Forest Service
Caring for the land and serving people

United States Department of Agriculture

Publications & Literature

WO BPR Publications

Articles, documents and other publications produced by BPR units and associated teams.

National Stream & Aquatic Ecology Center

Wildlife Ecology Unit



BPR Publications and Downloadable Files


Sources for Finding Literature

National Forest Service Library: NFSL provides access to Forest Service and external articles or books, view publications that are currently available to the Forest Service, order articles that are unavailable (for free), or have a NFSL librarian help you find your item(s). Request it! The site also provides a monthly alert of new publications and has links to other publication websites.

You can also request a literature search. A literature search will:

  • Ensure that you are using the best available scientific information.
  • Gather background information for a project.
  • Survey the knowledge on a particular topic.
  • Survey the work of a particular author.
  • Our librarians can provide assistance in identifying appropriate databases and resources, constructing productive search strategies, and can even perform the needed literature searches on your behalf. Request a search of the literature. NFSL will contact you if they have any questions about your request.

    Having problems with the website, have suggestions, want NFSL to purchase something specific, then use the help form. The National Forest Service Library will try to get you what you need to do your work.

  • Electronic Books
  • National Forest Service Library Digital Collections

  • USFS employees only

FS Publications:
US Forest Service publications including Directives, Manuals, and Handbooks; general publications, articles and reports; and links to FS research publications.
Open to everyone

USFS Treesearch: Forest Service Research Publications: Treesearch is an online database for USDA Forest Service publications; including GTR publications. All Treesearch publications were written or produced by Forest Service personnel and are in the public domain. Integrated into FS INFO database.
Open to everyone.

DigiTop: USDA Digital Desktop Library electronic access to journals, newspapers, databases, resources, etc.
Must access using a USDA computer; FS computers are part of the USDA network.

User hint: Search engines, (e.g., Google, Yahoo!, Ask Jeeves, AllTheWeb, HotBot, etc.) will search DigiTop for specific articles or topics if you search from your USDA computer/account. Great success is reported with "Google Scholar". One literature hunting novice was thrilled to find needed articles quickly with very little human guidance.