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Partnerships - Great American Outdoors Act

A picture of a flyer on the ground that says, Southwest Conservation Corps, Hard at Work! on your public lands, trail workers, please be cautious.

Partnership and Stakeholders are getting involved with GAOA projects! 
Want to get Involved?

The funding authorized by the Great American Outdoors Act will serve as a catalyst for rural economic development and employment opportunities through investments in land, water and infrastructure. These investments will promote public-private partnerships, tourism and recreation; protect public lands; and keep private forests working.

The Forest Service receives 15% of the GAOA Legacy Restoration Funds (LRF) and has demonstrated success working with partners to amplify external funds. Currently, roughly 25% of FY21 projects have a partner(s) with cash or an in-kind contribution. The projects selected in FY21 reported $162 million in external funds over the life of project implementation utilizing 219 partnership agreements with counties, state, tribal, local governments, and nonprofit organizations.

The Forest Service is expanding its existing base of partners and contractors to execute projects funded by LRF and LWCF, ensuring equitable investments that reflect America’s rich diversity.

The Forest Service provides crucial jobs and work skills to young people from diverse communities and backgrounds by working closely with the Youth Conservation Corps on Great American Outdoors Act projects. Over 40% of the partnership work in FY21 includes hiring youth corps to complete project work on trails, campgrounds, and historic infrastructure improvements. 

With your support, GAOA funding will have a huge impact on our National Public Lands.

We need your support to amplify the GAOA impact!

Partner, Volunteer, or Donate

Contact your local unit to donate to a project or contact the GAOA Partnership Coordinator Delissa Padilla Nieves at

Feedback and Dialogue

A picture showing three trail workers working to repair a trailer area.

The Forest Service would like to hear from you!

The Forest Service is working with diverse communities across the U.S. to determine how to invest Great American Outdoors Act funds over the next five years.

  • Promoting dialogue between the agency and partners regarding:
    • How to maintain physical infrastructure, and achieve sustainable asset management, by employing GAOA and other tools through a Shared Stewardship framework?
    • What priorities should drive project selection, prioritization, and investment strategies?
    • How we can work together to deliver meaningful improvements to physical infrastructure in a transparent and accountable manner?


Feedback form


Equitable investments in rural infrastructure and conservation underscore the Forest Service’s commitment to managing public lands for all Americans.