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Tongass, state of Alaska work together to maintain water quality for all

November 16, 2018

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In 2017, a Challenge Cost Share Agreement was established to support the Alaska Monitoring and Assessment Program on the Tongass. The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation coordinates AKMAP with the Environmental Protection Agency’s National Aquatic Resource Surveys using the best available science to assess streams, lakes and coastal waters. ADEC selects sites randomly and deploys field crews to collect a suite of biological, physical and chemical data. The Forest Service assists with site validation and some logistical support. So far, the AKMAP crews have surveyed thirty-eight lakes (2017) and thirty-five streams and rivers (2018), including transboundary rivers with headwaters in Canada. River and stream surveys will continue in 2019, and a coastal survey is planned for 2020.

The AKMAP surveys provide a statistically unbiased snapshot of aquatic conditions. They directly address the Tongass Forest Plan goal of maintaining and restoring the biological, physical and chemical integrity of the forest’s waters. The AKMAP surveys inform baseline assessments and potential restoration actions to ensure that the Forest Service can continue to provide abundant, clean water for all stakeholders within and downstream of the Tongass.