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USDA: National Whistleblower Day (June 30, 2024)

June 20, 2024

Graphic: A stylized cartoon of a man in  blue suit, pointing to the left with one hand and covering his mouth with the other. The background is blue with one white cloud.

July 30, historically recognized as National Whistleblower Day, commemorates the bold vision of our Founding Fathers and their uncompromising support for whistleblowers. This year marks the 246th anniversary of America’s first whistleblower law, passed unanimously on July 30, 1778 during the height of the American Revolution. This occurred just two years after the 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence and became a new, singular nation. The passage of the law occurred after ten whistleblowers reported wrongdoing and abuses committed by a superior officer in the Continental Navy for abuse of British prisoners of war. It established the then-radical expectation that “all persons in the service of the United States”—as well as all its inhabitants—inform “Congress or other proper authority of any misconduct, frauds or misdemeanors committed by any officers or persons in the service of these states, which may come to their knowledge.”  

The United States Senate has unanimously recognized July 30th as National Whistleblower Appreciation Day each year since 2013. Their resolution requires each executive agency to recognize National Whistleblower Day by informing employees, contractors, and members of the public about the legal right of a United States citizen to ‘‘blow the whistle’’ as well as acknowledging the contributions of whistleblowers to combating fraud, abuses of authority, threats to the environment and the public health and safety and other violations of law. You can learn more about the history of National Whistleblower Day and its significance here: National Whistleblower Center (

On July 30, 2024, the National Whistleblower Center (NWC) is holding their 11th annual National Whistleblower Day on Capitol Hill. This luncheon honors the courageous whistleblowers who speak out against corruption. The event will feature a keynote address by Senator Chuck Grassley and panel discussions with notable whistleblowers and advocates. The NWC has requested USDA’s involvement in promoting this event as this year’s celebration is not available remotely and is strictly a live event. If you are in the Washington, D.C. area and would like to attend, you will find more information at the National Whistleblower Center ( site.

The USDA Whistleblower Protection Coordinator (WPC) is committed to educating USDA’s workforce about whistleblower retaliation and associated protections. The WPC is responsible for informing departmental and agency employees about prohibitions on retaliation/reprisal for protected disclosures. The WPC educates those who have made, or are contemplating making, a protected disclosure about the rights and remedies against retaliation for such disclosures. Legislation prohibits the WPC to act as employees’ or former employees’ legal representative, agent, or advocate. The WPC will make virtual small group presentations upon request. For further information and/or questions, please contact the WPC at

The WPC has posted informational resources on the OIG website:

Whistleblower Protection Coordinator | U.S. Department of Agriculture OIG (

Additionally, the WPC website provides informational material and has links to the Office of Special Counsel and  the U.S. Merit  Systems Protection Board.  All USDA senior officials, supervisors, managers, employees, personal services contractors, and employees of contractors, subcontractors, grantees, and sub-grantees are encouraged to review the materials located at the WPC’s website and become familiar with the prohibition against taking retaliatory/reprisal actions against whistleblowers.

Further, there are numerous resources available through the Whistleblower protection related training modules in AgLearn that have been assigned on reoccurring annual basis since July of 2022, as appropriate, to all USDA Title 5 employees. The AgLearn training is not assigned or available to Title 7 USDA Non-Federal employees. If you have any questions about these AgLearn training opportunities, please contact your Agency Training Coordinator.