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Swimming in data

January 19, 2018

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NorWeST is just the beginning. A second database of Aquatic environmental DNA samples (eDNAtlas) is set to launch in early 2018.  Sampling for eDNA has rapidly transformed our ability to describe and monitor biological communities. Adoption of this technology is occurring broadly across many natural resource organizations and now results in samples collected at thousands of sites each year. Using the same crowd-sourced open-access model that made NorWeST successful, eDNAtlas will maximize data sharing among organizations, encompassing all species throughout the approximately 400,000 kilometers of perennial rivers and streams in 12 western states. The website and database will launch with approximately 10,000 samples, with semi-annual updates to include newly processed samples from those willing to share their data. You can find the preliminary details, here.

Click here to read the full article, “The NorWeST Summer Stream Temperature Model and Scenarios for the Western U.S.: A Crowd-sourced Database and New Geospatial Tools Foster a User Community and Predict Broad Climate Warming of Rivers and Streams.”