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African American contributions to the Forest Service: Episode 5

June 26, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C.—This series explores the experiences of African American who have championed diversity and inclusivity inside and outside of the Forest Service. Through this project, you can hear directly from those who spent their careers serving America’s forests and grasslands; the primary sources whose experiences reflect the history of our agency and the country.

Episode 5 features Ralph Crawford, assistant director for the Northern Research Station, as he reflects on his 40-year career with the Forest Service, his thoughts on why diversity makes for stronger systems and the need to acknowledge those who came before him while making sure he pays it forward.

"Somebody had to do it for me," he said. "I have this hope and a responsibility as well to give back. And I need to do all that I can to try and set the stage for the future generations."

Miss episode 4? Check it out here.