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A Look Back at 2021

Robert Hudson Westover
Office of Communication
January 4, 2022

Since the USDA Forest Service launched its Internet presence over 25 years ago nearly a thousand feature stories have been written and posted, highlighting the important work we do with our partners across the country. These articles highlight just some of the notable stories over the last year, the breadth of the work we do, and the contribution it makes to forest health, communities, and the economy.

Recreation & Infrastructure

A picture showing a hiker walking down a trail with flowers on each side, mountains in the background and forested areas on each side.

The wellness benefits of the great outdoors – Studies have shown that nature has helped people cope with isolation during the Covid pandemic.  There are a number of health benefits that scientists continue to explore linking the great outdoors to our wellness.

Shared Stewardship

A picture showing two forest employees using a large hand saw, each person on one side of a downed log, working together to make a tree cut.

Forest Service Works Across Boundaries through Shared Responsibilities – This article is the first in a series that spotlights shared stewardship projects all around the country. These projects underscore the importance of collaborating with partners to manage the land together.

Fire & Safety

A picture of a forest employee looking about of a forested area that had just been thinned.

Thinning the Forest for the Trees – Learn how the Forest Service thins the density of trees within overcrowded forests to help protect against uncontrolled wildfire. 

Healthy Forests

A picture of a forest workers removing branches from a road area.

Treating Forests Back to Health – Combining the focus of both Fire Safety and Shared Stewardship, this article highlights real world examples of how both employing forest management practices as well as using partnering organizations resources the Forest Service has successfully prevented damage to wildlands during massive fires.

Science & Technology

A picture of five forest managers looking down at a map and planning their next actions in a forest area.

Agency scientists believe picking our battles is the key to living with wildfire – Not all fires are bad. In fact fire is needed on many landscapes to help thin vegetation both and foster new growth. In this feature you will learn how the Forest Service’s first responsibility is keeping people safe during a wildfire.

Our Employees

A picture showing a wood top with lettering painted on top - Forest Products Laboratory, U.S. Government, Madison WIS.

FPL sends historic legacy mahogany to help restore U.S. Capitol – On Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, the U.S. Capitol building was the target of an attack that left it ransacked and vandalized. In this feature you will learn how the Forest Service was able to contribute to restoring some of the damage done to rare woods within the Capitol building.