Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area Outfitter and Guide Trip Ticket Request

Trip tickets for Flaming Gorge Outfitters & Guides

Outfitters & Guides (O/G) who have been issued recreational permits by the USDA Forest Service are required to have a “trip ticket” in their possession for every trip they take under the authority granted them by that permit.  Requests for trip tickets are submitted in electronic form using e-form software that is available at no-cost, it is a one-time download from this site.  This page summarizes the process for using this system to request and obtain trip tickets; additional instructions are available here and documentation here.

To use this system, an O/G must have a “Filler” program installed on their computer running any version of Windows software.  This program is a small 1.28 MB commercial software tool produced by Formatta Corporation that is available for free download and one-time installation and use by clicking here.

OG’s must also have a UserID and password  to use the system.  Contact your Forest Service representative (Nanette Gale by phone at 435-781-5242) for information about getting registered to use the system.

Once the one-time download and installation of the Filler program is complete O/G’s can submit requests to have one or more of their employees authorized to use this system. Once authorized, employees will be able to submit electronic requests for trip tickets to the Forest Service by filling out and submitting a  profile request form and profile request form for mobile devices.  Three forms are available for use for requesting trip tickets for the Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area (FGNRA):

  1. FGNRA OG River Trip Ticket Request 
  2. FGNRA OG Reservoir/High Country Trip Ticket Request  
  3. FGNRA OG Shuttle Ticket Request  
  4. FGNRA OG Retrieve Password 

Now you can complete the forms on your mobile device with the following forms:







Click on the form you want to download to your system, fill it out and submit it.

To learn how to copy forms click here.

For technical assistance in using e-form software send an email to our helpdesk. For general questions and other information about the Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area area email ljhaynes@fs.fed.us or call the Recreation Area office on (435)784-3445.