Endangered Species Act Consultation

Northwest Forest Plan & Amendment

Endangered Species Act Consultation

Close-up photo of a spotted owl sitting on a jumble of branches.

As we amend the Northwest Forest Plan, the Forest Service is required to consult with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service on the amendment’s potential effects towards federally listed species and their critical habitat. 

Agencies have entered a consultation agreement to foster cooperation and integrate consultation considerations early into the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process. The Environmental Protection Agency is also invited to participate in Endangered Species Act discussions to ensure consistency with other relevant environmental laws including the Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act.  

Endangered Species Act - Frequently Asked Questions 

Additional Links to Learn More about the Consultation Agencies 


Get Involved!

We have many opportunities for you to get involved in the Northwest Forest Plan Amendment process! Whether you are looking for more information, want to share information, or are looking for opportunities to comment on document releases, you can find it all here.