Welcome to the Pacific Northwest

Urban and Community Forestry Grant Projects

In the Pacific Northwest, the Forest Service awarded more than $100 million in funding to municipal and state governments, Tribes, non-profits, universities, and community-based organizations.

View the interactive Urban and Community Forestry Projects map

Current Funding Opportunities!

Learn details about current funding opportunities including eligibility requirements and how to apply


  • Pacific Northwest Region

    An employee in uniform uses a tool to dig on a forested hillside

    The Pacific Northwest, perhaps more than any other region in the United States, is defined by its 24.7 million acres of public lands in Oregon and Washington. These lands provide the people and communities of the Pacific Northwest their livelihood, recreation, visual backdrop, and identity.

    Our important work on national forest lands is framed by key priorities:

    • Reducing overly dense and unhealthy forest conditions, made worse by climate change, to protect communities, critical infrastructure, and our forests and watersheds from the growing threat of wildfires.
    • Supporting the immediate needs of landscapes and communities in the wake of wildfires & other disasters.
    • Providing community service to all, and supporting economic prosperity, health, and resiliency within communities we serve.


  • Region-wide news feed

    A placeholder image

    View national forest news articles from throughout Oregon and Washington. Find news by forest and view news from past years.



  • Plan your visit

    A woman hiking on a trail in a gorge with a backpack on. She smiles and looks down towards trail facing camera.

    Find information about national forests within Oregon and Washington. Look for recreation ideas, buy a pass, get a map, & more.