7. Be Considerate of Other Visitors (Overview)

Two groups of campers mix with some discussion of plans over maps.


Respect visitors you meet to create a positive experience for everybody.

Be Considerate of Other Visitors: Overview (click here for 119 kb pdf version)

Conduct yourself in a manner that respects other visitors and types of use in order to preserve the quality of the Alaskan experience for everyone.

Inquire with local USFS staff as to what kinds of use are common in order to keep your trip expectations realistic; respect regulations designed to protect visitor experiences.

Maintain a cooperative spirit in the backcountry and bond with others over our common appreciation for our public wildlands.

Choose clothes and gear that are natural-toned and blend in with the background.

Do not crowd others when deciding where to camp.

Respect subsistence users: hunting, trapping, fishing and gathering remain a vital part of Alaskans’ subsistence way of life year-round.

Respect Native and private lands and cabins: there are 44 million acres of Alaskan native lands and innumerable private inholdings and permitted cabins interspersed with public lands in Alaska .

Let nature's sounds prevail: be mindful of how well sound carries over water; don’t yell or blow horns; teach children to listen to nature.