6. Respect Wildlife (Overview)

A couple sits on a rock looking through binoculars mounted on tripods. A shot through a binoculars lens shows three pigeon guillemonts, one with a fish in its beak.

Equip yourself to observe wildlife without disturbing the animals.

Respect Wildlife: Overview      (click here for 106 kb pdf version)

Learn the behavior of wildlife you regularly observe and recognize signs of disturbance; contact local USFS staff to learn about local wildlife concerns.

Discuss ethical wildlife viewing with your clients/group before the trip in order to foster wonderment and to avoid frustration during wildlife encounters.

Conduct yourselves such that animals do not register your presence or alter their behavior.

Invest in telephoto lenses, high-powered binoculars or spotting scopes to allow clients/companions to experience wildlife without disturbance.

Do not press wildlife when photographing; instead, try to capture animals within the context of their environment.

Never shout or make noise to get an animal’s attention.

Teach children not to approach, feed, yell at or harass wild animals.

Avoid wildlife during sensitive times such as when nesting, denning, mating, nursing, wintering, molting and feeding.

Inquire with local USFS Staff as to the best means for securing food, trash and other attractants during your trip.

Ensure that everyone in your party knows the proper outdoor ethics for recreating in bear country.

Extend respect and non-disturbance to all animals, including sea birds and intertidal life.

Control pets at all times, or leave them at home.