The Ten Essentials

Weather is unpredictable and changes rapidly on the Olympic Peninsula. Be prepared for rain or snow even on a sunny summer day. Water found along the trail should always be treated if you decide to drink it.

Remember: you can't count on cell phone coverage in remote areas!

The 10 essentials you should carry include:

  • Navigation: Map, altimeter, compass, [GPS device], [PLB or satellite communicators], [extra batteries or battery pack] (*Don't rely solely on a mobile device for navigation.)
  • Headlamp/flashlight with extra batteries.
  • Fire: Matches, candle or firestarter - make sure matches are protected.
  • Knife: plus any repair kit
  • First aid: carry items that take care of blisters, headaches, foot care, insect repellent etc.
  • Sun protection: glasses, sunscreen, sun protective clothing
  • Emergency items: light shelter, mirror and whistle.
  • Extra clothing: Raingear and extra clothing.
  • Extra water: at least one quart, means to purify
  • Extra food: high energy snack such as candy, jerky or meat bars.

Be Prepared and wear waterproof boots, carry durable raingear and a waterproof tent. Wear and carry clothing, including a hat and gloves, that retains warmth when they get wet such as wool or polypropylene. Weather changes rapidly in the Olympic Mountains. Hypothermia Weather can happen any time, even in the middle of summer.