Prince William Sound: Know Before You Go

hikes on lake in culross passage

Visitor Resources

Backcountry information and materials are available as are most items for sale through Glacier Ranger District. Bear proof food canisters and portable backcountry toilet systems are available for use free of charge.

Forest Service Projects in Prince William Sound

The Sound’s abundant natural resources provide essential fish and wildlife habitat. For information about fisheries enhancement projects visit the fisheries website or about wildlife projects visit the wildlife webpage. In addition, the Sound has supported a rich history of use by Alaska Native peoples and early settlers. Archaeological sites are highly sensitive to disturbance and should not be damaged, disturbed or looted as this is against Federal Law. Should you discover an archaeological site, be sure to photograph it, mark the location on a map or with a GPS and report it to the nearest Forest Service office and the Forest Archaeologist immediately. Please do not collect any artifacts or move anything you may find as this information is crucial to determining the age of the site. Your help in protecting the cultural history of Prince William Sound is appreciated and will help us to interpret the past for future generations. If you are interested in volunteering with the Heritage staff of the Chugach National Forest please contact us at

Land Ownership:

There are lands in Prince William Sound that are not managed by the Chugach National Forest . When planning your trip be sure to consider these lands and make appropriate contacts if necessary.

Alaska State Parks manages numerous State Marine Parks in the Sound. Some of these Marine Parks offer developed camping opportunities. Alaska Native Corporations have significant land inholdings and visiting these lands generally requires a permit.

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