Forest Recreation Updates

These updates are the informal observations of Forest Service staff who work outdoors on the Chugach National Forest.

The links below are to organizations that provide trail and terrain condition updates and in some cases maintenance to popular recreation areas within and near Chugach National Forest.

Cooper Landing Nordic Ski Club  |  Seward Nordic Ski Club  |  Chugach Avalanche Info Center  |  Ski Girdwood

June 4, 2022 - Seward Ranger District

Summer has arrived on the Kenai Peninsula and many of our trails are snow-free and adventure-ready. So far, Seward Ranger District crews have cleared ~50 miles of trail of fallen trees and debris and will continue this work over the next several weeks. Crews are also working on removing beetle kill spruce from backcountry campsites and other high-use areas along the trail corridors.

Despite the beautifully warm and sunny weather, there is still snow in many areas across the Kenai Mountains including Resurrection Pass, Johnson Pass, Devil’s Creek, and Lost Lake/Primrose. Be prepared to encounter deep snow if you intend to travel on these trails above the tree line. As these trails continue to melt out over the next several weeks, please allow them time to harden and dry before enjoying them on your bike. Your trail crew thanks you. We look forward to seeing you out on the Seward Ranger District trails this summer!

September 30, 2021 - Seward Ranger District

Last week’s early season snowstorm brought winter conditions to much of the Seward Ranger District. The storm dumped more than a foot of snow at Summit Lake and an estimated two feet in the mountains. Roads at higher elevations may be snowy and treacherous – do not expect regular plowing on Palmer Creek Road (now closed past Coeur D’Alene Campground) and Snug Harbor Road. Expect to find dry trails only at the lowest elevations (Gull Rock, Johnson South, Lower Russian Lakes, and low-lying sections of the Iditarod National Historic Trail).

Between 1000 and 2000 feet in elevation, trails will be a mixture of packed ice, snow and slush. Above 2000 feet, travel will be difficult due to punchy, wind-drifted snow. Make sure to prepare for inclement weather and slower travel in the next few weeks when you venture out. Ice cleats and studded bike tires will be helpful in icy, shaded areas.

This is the last trail update for the season from the Seward Ranger District. For winter condition reports, please call (907) 288-3178 or check the Chugach Avalanche Center website Happy winter!

August 4, 2021 - Seward Ranger District

It’s the height of the field season on the Seward Ranger District, and our trails team has been busy tackling maintenance and construction projects. Hope you all are enjoying the newly graveled sections of the Devils Creek Trail and widened tread on the narrow sections of the Crescent Creek Trail.

It’s a busy month for events on our trails as well. Please consider the following events as you make your weekend plans.

  • Soggy Bottom Bike Race – Saturday August 7, 2021. Racers will be riding the Resurrection Pass and Devils Creek Trails.
  • Mineshaft Grinder – Saturday August 14, 2021. Runners and bikers will race on Palmer Creek Road in Hope.
  • Lost Lake Run – Saturday August 28, 2021. Runners will go up the Primrose Trail and down the Lost Lake Trail.

August is also the season for hunting, foraging, and berry picking on the Chugach National Forest. Please be courteous to other users, share the trails, and leave places better than you found them. There are all kinds of ways to enjoy your public lands in Alaska!

August 2, 2021 - Glacier Ranger District - Crow Pass

The Glacier Ranger District Cabins Crew built a new outhouse for trail users (day hikers and backpackers). This new outhouse will keep the beautiful landscape toilet paper and poop free! Trail rangers also built a new trail to the cabin and camping area near Crystal Lake and installed bear boxes for backpackers to store their food. 


  1. Crow Pass Cabin use is by reservation only. Please respect cabin user privacy,
  2. Stayon trails to minimize damaging the alpine vegetation
  3. Burn your toilet paper in the burn bucket in the outhouse to maximize the life of the outhouse! 

July 21, 2021 -  Glacier Ranger District

It’s summertime on Glacier Ranger District trails. Most of the snow on the trails has finally melted out at this point with a few exceptions (noted below). The wildflowers are beautiful, the berry picking season is close at hand and the usual summer vegetation growth is starting to encroach on to the trails in places, which can limit visibility. With this, as always, it is important to be bear aware. Carry a bear deterrent that you know how to use, make noise and pay attention to your surroundings.

Upper Winner Creek Trail to Berry Pass: There are still a few patches of snow along the route near the Pass that can be crossed or skirted around. There was a report of a very curious black bear at the Pass that was not easily scared off. Please keep food in bear resistant containers and practice Leave No Trace while camping at Berry Pass (or anywhere on the Chugach National Forest!) Pack it in and pack it out! Report any issues with wildlife to the Glacier Ranger District Office (907) 783-3242

Crow Pass: The trail from the Girdwood side has a few small easy to cross patches of snow on the trail. Remember if you are camping at the Pass to respect the cabin users’ privacy and camp 200’ from the lake to protect resource damage. Please use preestablished campsites whenever possible, first come/first served. Three bear boxes exist on the pass to safely store food. The Trail Rangers and the Cabin crew will be at the Pass this next weekend putting in a new outhouse for trail users! There are lots of mountain goats in the area that may be on the trail, please don’t harass them and don’t let your dog chase the wildlife. Refrain from building new rock cairns. Try to travel on the most travelled trail route (avoid off-trail travel whenever possible). Avoid campfires (there’s no good wood to burn anyway). Leftover from the mining era there are heavy metals present in the soils and water surrounding the mine ruins. Please do not picnic or dig in the dirt around this area and refrain from drinking the water below this site. There’s signage with a map at the trailhead.

Turnagain Pass trail (north from Center Ridge to Eddies Parking lot): Bridge construction is being completed over Upper Ingram and Ingram Creek by a contractor. Please use caution if traveling through. Look for an announcement in the near future that the bridges are ready for hikers and mountain bikers. The Glacier trail crew will be working on this section of trail in August improving the tread and drainage.  In addition, there is an established camp spot 2.5 miles north of Center Ridge parking with a bear box and a great view towards Turnagain Arm and Twenty-mile.

Grandview Trail at the Grandview Whistle Stop: The trail is snow free until the last .5 mile in the alpine heading to the second Bartlett Glacier viewpoint. There are patches of avalanche debris that are covering the trail to the final rock outcrop. There are four established campsites along the trail. Please use bear resistant containers if backpacking in this area.

Happy Trails!

July 1, 2021 - Seward Ranger District

Summer is underway here on the Seward Ranger District – most trails are entirely snow-free and the annual vegetation (grass, ferns and cow parsnip) is growing rapidly. Patchy snow remains only at high elevations on the Lost Lake and Primrose Trails. The brush is waist to shoulder high through Russian Lakes and in Johnson Pass, so plan for travel to become more difficult in the coming weeks. When traveling on trails with minimal visibility, be alert, make noise, and carry bear deterrents. Giving wildlife plenty of time to get out of your way is the best way to prevent a negative encounter.

Our Trail Construction Crew will be working on the Devils Creek Trail starting July 7 through the end of the season. They will be spreading gravel, widening tread, and brushing, so expect to see ATVs and heavy equipment on the trail. Please slow down if you are biking through their work area and yield to helicopter operations. We appreciate your patience during this project.

As fire season continues, make sure to check local fire restrictions before your trip. If building a campfire, ensure that it cannot escape, keep it small, and fully extinguish it before you leave. Please do not burn trash or tin foil – these do not fully combust and must be picked out by our team of trail rangers.

As summer continues, please also keep in mind that our trails are a shared resource. Be courteous of other users, especially if biking. Please slow down around corners and let folks know you’re coming. Yield to horse users and groups with small children. Practice leave no trace camping and pack out all trash. Thanks for helping to keep the Seward Ranger District a great place to recreate!

June 29, 2021 - Cordova Ranger District

Cordova Ranger District trail crew had spent the past few weeks constructing 600 feet of new step-and-run boardwalk along Eyak River Trail, netted with recycled seine nets from the local fishing fleet for improved traction in our temperate rainforest environment.

The trail crew have also completed construction of a large Wrangell staircase leading up to the first muskeg and installed three new split log bridges over distinctly muddy sections of trail. The last remaining segments of original trail will be replaced as time allows.

Visitors recreating on this 4.4-mile round trip hike through mature Sitka spruce forest and rolling muskeg meadows can keep feet dry as you traverse this popular trail accessing Eyak River.

You will now see the trail crew along the Heney Ridge Trail, as they have begun reconstruction work that will be occurring for the duration of the season.

June 16, 2021 - Glacier Ranger District

People were out enjoying the trails on the GRD during this recent spell of beautiful weather. The sunshine and warm temperatures definitely helped with snow melt. However, as we approach the summer Solstice Winner Creek and Trail of Blue Ice are the only trails completely snow free. The higher elevation trails on the district and ones with avalanche debris piles are still holding snow.

Crow Pass Trail still has a fair bit of snow (mostly in avalanche paths above alder line) and the Pass near the cabin is snow covered.  Lots of people have been hiking the trail to the Pass from the Girdwood side and folks are starting to come through from Eagle River.

Portage Pass trail is snow free on the Whittier side with patchy snow on the Portage Lake side. There’s at least one larger snow section below Divide Lake that can be tricky to know where to dive back onto the trail, there is some orange flagging that should help guide folks back onto the trail. The Alaska Trails crew, one of our important partnerships, are doing much needed brushing on Portage Pass.

Byron Glacier Trail is snow free except for one large debris pile right before the two bridges. The stone benches at the end of the trail are melted out, but just beyond that most of the valley is buried in snow. As always, travel beyond the benches is not recommended and the avalanche debris (ice) caves are very dangerous.

Spencer Bench trail to the Spencer Cabin is mostly snow free until the last couple switchbacks. It is easy to negotiate the snow on the trail and across the bridge to the cabin. The terrain around the cabin is still snow covered.

The Turnagain Pass - Iditarod National Historic Trail (INHT) is still mostly snow covered and has not been logged out yet.

Johnson Pass Trail North on the Glacier District is mostly dry and in great condition with the exception of some avalanche debris piles to cross.

Upper Winner Creek trail still has a lot of snow covering the last two miles approaching Berry Pass. Speaking of Upper Winner Creek…

This summer the Glacier Ranger District trail crew is working to bring lower elevation segments of the Upper Winner Creek trail to meet trails standard in line with other backcountry segments of the INHT, including Johnson Pass, Crow Pass, Turnagain Pass, and segments outside of Seward and Moose Pass. Funds provided by the Great American Outdoors Act, are enabling the trail crew to perform much-needed maintenance to this portion of the trail.

The crew will be removing the pressure-treated lumber step-and-run boardwalk and replacing it with native log-and-gravel turnpikes to provide a more natural trail surface that is more sustainable, user friendly, and easily maintained. Other work includes tread and drainage fixes, including fixing erosion and widening the tread in some sidehill areas to provide for greater visibility and prevent the trail corridor from being overrun with brush.

This summer the trail remains open. The trail crew is happy to yield to hikers, runners and bikers, but this is an active work site and construction is on-going. There are materials in the area and a mini-excavator may be in use at times. Please exercise caution when passing through the area and give them high-fives for all their hard work.

Big thanks to all the hikers giving us trail conditions info! Hope to see you out on the trail!

June 10, 2021 - Seward Ranger District

The trails have melted out considerably in the last few weeks, and snow remains only at upper elevations, in areas of heavy accumulation, and in avalanche slide paths. Expect continuous punchy snow at Lost Lake starting at mile 1, Primrose starting at mile 4, around Carter Lake, and at Resurrection Pass for two miles. Intermittent snow will be found on Johnson Pass North, Upper Russian Lakes, Devils Creek and sections of the Iditarod National Historic Trail (INHT).

While trails may be passable to hikers, please refrain from mountain biking on trails that haven’t dried out yet – biking on soft trails causes rapid tread erosion and resource damage. Crescent Creek, Lower Russian Lakes, Resurrection South and Gull Rock are better options for bikes this weekend.

Our Trail Maintenance Crew has been hard at work removing fallen trees from the trails and repairing winter blowouts. Trails now clear of trees include Resurrection Pass North, Lower Russian Lakes, Crescent Creek, Hope Point, Gull Rock, Ptarmigan Creek and lower elevation sections of the INHT.

The Russian River opens for salmon fishing on Friday June 11, so expect increased traffic at the Russian River Campground, Angler Trail and Falls Trail.

Recreation Staff have seen active moose and bears throughout the Seward District this week. Though encounters with wildlife can happen at any time of year, moose with calves can be especially defensive. Bears are also on the move, looking for salmon that haven’t arrived yet. Stay heads up when you’re on the trails, give wildlife plenty of space, secure all food items and trash appropriately when camping, and practice leave no trace when you depart. It’s up to all of us to keep our wildlife wild!

June 3, 2021 - Glacier Ranger District

Byron Glacier: Hikers should be aware that avalanche debris is covering the trail with several feet of snow about .5 miles in. On the far side of the debris field the snow is melting unevenly around the footbridge making passage difficult. Hikers should assess their comfort level walking the snow pack and wear good shoes before continuing. Observer all safety signs postesns posted in the area.

Portage Pass: The Whittier side of the Pass has patches of snow and ice remaining on the trail, which can be traveled with caution and good shoes. On the Portage Lake side, deep snow continues to cover the trail and the campsites.

Winner Creek: The trail is clear for the  first several miles from the resort, but Berry Pass is still covered in a sizable amount of snow.

May 24, 2021 - Seward Ranger District

On Resurrection River Trail near mile 2.3 and continuing for about a-half mile, this flat section of trail has been an overflow of Resurrection River for more than ten years, each year slowly growing larger and swifter. This past week we were unable to continue very far in this section due to only having hip waders. Expect water to continue to rise and even chest waders will not work as the currents are quite strong at high water. Travel through this area is usually possible sometime in July but depends on how quickly water recedes. This year we anticipate high water for longer due to snowfall amounts in the Lost Lake area.

May 13, 2021 - Seward Ranger District

Here’s what to anticipate for the next couple weeks on Seward Ranger District - bikers should find other places to ride, except for possibly Lower Russian Lake and Gull Rock trails. Snow is still quite prevelant above 600 feet elevation on north and east aspects, and above 900 feet elevation on south and west aspects.

Devil’s Creek Trail heads towards a East aspect near mile 8, anticipate snow in this location most of the way to Devil’s cabin through May.

Lost Lake Winter Trail has 1-6 feet of snow remaining to Clemen’s cabin. The snow gets quite punchy around noon, snowshoes would be worth taking even if only needed for ½ mile. Anticipate this location to be mostly snow free by 2nd week of June, and from the cabin to mile 5 about the same. Snow will remain quite prevalent from Lost Lak side mile 6 to Primrose side mile 5 through June.

The snogo and all ripped foam seating has been removed from the Lost Lake Winter Trail

After today, Snug Harbor Rd access to Lost Lake is closed.

May 7, 2021 - Seward Ranger District

Snow is prevalent beginning ~ 900 feet in elevation in most locations on the District. It is about a foot deep and should mostly be gone by early next week. However, as you rise in elevation and snow gets deeper as you go. If you want to get an early start to trek across higher elevation trails (Lost/Primrose, Resurrection, Johnson) be prepared for post-holing until end of May.

The trail on Resurrection Pass North is mostly snow free to mile 6, Resurrection Pass South has patchy snow to Swan Lake, both of these sections can be hiked quite easily without spikes on shoes. Travel above 1,000 feet in elevation will require aid of skis or snowshoes. We just cancelled a trek across Johnson Pass Trail the week of May 19th in anticipation of punchy snow from Johnson North to Johnson Lake.

Expect travel through Resurrection Pass, elevation 2,600 feet elevation, to be difficult due to punchy snow through the end of May.

It’s only the first week of May and this spring not the time to get out on bikes on Seward District. Bikers should stay away from trails above 800 feet elevation that have just melted, the trails will need time to dry out.

April 23, 2021 - Seward Ranger District

It looks like our earliest mostly snow free trail will be Gull Rock in about a week. This week there is a 2-6 inch ice layer on most of the trail, next week will show more soil in the form of mud.

Lost Lake Winter and Primrose trails are still open to winter motorized use, as are all other areas and winter used trails on Seward Ranger District (Twenty Mile on the Glacier Ranger District closed for winter motorized use on April 20). Primrose has quite a bit more icy at ½ mile while the hill out of the Lost Lake trailhead is in good condition, there is some ice but appears manageable.

Winter motorized use usually continues through Friday, April 30, but we will be assessing conditions next week regarding Lost Lake, Primrose and Snow River. Depending on trail conditions these areas may close earlier. Please visit our FaceBook page for updates.

Travel on all trails where snow has been packed is fair to good, but step to the side and you fall through quite easily.

Lower Russian Trail to Barber cabin via the winter or summer trail has 6-24 inches of snow and quite a few icy sections. Experienced skiers can still ski it, walkers will want ice spikes on their boots and if you travel after 11:30 or so be prepared to punch through snow even on the packed trail.

Travel across higher elevations on Resurrection Pass will require skis or snowshoes.

As the weather warms and the snowpack continues to weaken, trails may be impacted by large, naturally releasing avalanches. We recommend avoiding these hiking trails until the overhead avalanche hazard melts out or slides naturally. If you stop for a break take a look at what’s above you. Travel in all areas through avalanche terrain should be avoided when the daytime temps begin to warm the snowpack.  Avalanches can occur through June.

If you are itching to bike the trails, check back in a few weeks. Even after snow and ice melt, the ground is still saturated with water for a couple weeks and biking on muddy spring trails can really tear them up.

April 1, 2021 - Seward Ranger District

Winter trails are in remarkable condition! Lost Lake has some tiny patches of ice. This trail is not receiving much snowmachin use, helping to extend the excellent trail conditions for non-motorized use out of the parking lot.

Ski condtions to Barber Cabin remain good, as do conditions on Slaughter Road to Bean Creek and Resurrection Pass Trail South. The road has been plowed to the summer parking area.

March 26, 2021 - Seward Ranger District

What a fast end to a fantastic run of cold. There is still lots of winter to be had and conditions at least on packed trails should remain stable for a while. The icy conditions should reappear soon with our above freezing temps.

Kenai Lake has started its thaw with open water today.

March 11, 2021 - Seward Ranger District

Trail conditions for regularly used winter trails/areas are in remarkably good condition, particularly the Lost Lake Winter Trail - 12” of new snow at the top of the first hill out of the parking lot, zippo ice. The snow that fell yesterday was heavy and very wet, packing well.

Today’s winds will make for drifts and no trail until next skiers across Resurrection Pass.

January 29, 2021 - Seward Ranger District

The warm up that has created many treacherous side roads has been abated by Wednesday night’s snowfall, even a scant 1” on Snug Harbor Road has once again made the road drivable until the next major above freezing warmup.

Lower Russian Lake Trail, as well as Slaughter/Bean Creek access to Resurrection Pass Trail South is fabulous for skiing.

The winter trail to the Barber Cabin is good. 

The first ½ mile of Lost Lake Trail has some icy spots but the area did receive about seven inches of snow Wednesday night so that should help conditions.

Be cautious before heading onto frozen lakes. Many lakes have a  lot of snow on top and overflow underneath.

Overall, conditions are quite good on Seward winter trails.

January 22, 2021 - Seward Ranger District

Lost Lake Trail remains  good for snowmachines. There is some ice beginning to show through near the bottom but still quite manageable. Ice cleats are useful for hikers.

Carter Lake Trail is in  good condition, though bumpy for the first ¾ mile.

There was overflow on Crescent  Lake, so be cautious.

Recent warm temperatures are causing slippery side roads.

January 15, 2021 - Seward Ranger District

Most of the Seward Ranger District received quite a bit of snow this past week and a half. The area west towards Cooper Landing received less snow, except in higher elevations. Higher elevations across the District received several feet of heavy wet snow.

Resurrection Trail south via Bean Creek trail to Swan Lake has had snowmachine traffic and is packed but the trail is soft. Ice cleats can be left behind until the next warm up. Travel from Swan Lake north to Caribou Cabin will be on mostly unbroken trail.

Skiing into Lower Russian Lake is good. The trail is mostly ice-free.

Trail from winter parking on Snug Harbor will be soft unless snowmachiners have been there. Add two miles to your trek if you’re going from the Snug Harbor winter parking lot. This section of trail does not get a lot of use and can be difficult to travel to reach Upper Russian Cabin, the trail continuing north from Upper Russian is even less traveled.

Be aware, conditions can change drastically very quickly. Be prepared.

January 12, 2021 - Seward Ranger District

The most recent storm has passed and Forest Service Trail Crew skied to Crescent Lake via Carter today and check the ice. There is about 2 feet of new snow and more than 8 feet of packed snow. The trail conditions are excellent trail conditions and looks like snowmachines seem to be doing well on the trail. There is more than 15 inches of ice on Crescent Lake - 25 feet from the shore.

October 1, 2020 - Seward Ranger District

Trails south of Moose Pass are saturated with water. Avoid areas where our trails traverse steeper sidehills such as Ptarmigan Creek and Lake, Victor Creek, Trail along Bear Lake, Lost Lake mile 2-3.5. Try to avoid areas where creeks will be fast flowing. Particularly the creek at mile .5 on Lost Lake trail. The trail into this drainage and the creek should be carefully traveled, lots of rock and boulders get washed down in flood event times and large trees easily fall from the steep hillside onto the trail. Avoid Resurrection River Trail until the trail has time to dry out.

September 17, 2020 - Seward Ranger District

There are some new views from Bean Creek and Resurrection Pass Trail-south as a result of clearing for the bridge over Juneau Creek and the new bypass highway clearing. Resurrection Trail South from Bean Creek to north of Juneau Lake has a lot of improvements. The District Trail Crew has been working hard resurfacing the trail tread and getting rid of the mud holes.

Even with fall frosts and vegetation dying there are still some brushy trails to be found, particularly Johnson Pass-north. Right now, Johnson Pass-south is a nice bike ride to the lake.

It's the wet fall season and it’s important to keep in mind some of the hazardous that can exist during this time of year. Soils can be loose and may be prone to sliding, there are many areas where soils are saturated with rain and may slide across the trail. Creek crossings may send rocks and large boulders tumbling down the creeks. Be careful where you take a break or pitch a tent, water saturated roots increase the likelihood that trees may topple over, especially if it is windy.

July 24, 2020 - Seward Ranger District

Brushing has been completed on Resurrection Pass Trail North. Many of the District trails have vegetation encroaching their paths and lots of puddles cover the trails.

July 1, 2020 - Seward Ranger District

On the Resurrection River Trail, Resurrection River cut a new side channel quite a few years ago that angles towards the hillside and is getting more and more prominent. Sometimes water is almost waist deep and quite difficult to navigate. This drops some when water goes down but comes back up in heavy rains. The water on the trail (from ~ mile 2.5 to mile 3.5) is a foot deep right now, but the water level is dropping and anticipate it to stay low unless there is a sustained heavy rain event.

June 23, 2020 - Seward Ranger District

Trails on the Seward District are in good condition and most have dried out.

Resurrection Pass Trail North trail brushing is done from mile 6 to 16.5 and the first 6 miles will be finished by mid-July.

In another two weeks vegetation alongs the trails will be filled in and begin encroaching on the trails. South and west facing slopes such as Ptarmigan Lake, Victor Creek, Resurrection Pass South-first three miles, Devil’s Creek, Russian Lakes, Crescent Lake and sections of Johnson Pass Trail will be especially brushy.

May 21, 2020 - Seward Ranger District

Ptarmigan Creek trail to Ptarmigan Lake has been cleared of vegetation within the trail corridor. The trail along Ptarmigan to the end (3.5 Miles) was not cleared of vegetatation. Please pack out what you bring in and don't leave any trash behind.

May 19, 2020 - Seward Ranger District

Snow at Lost Lake or Clemens cabin trail begins about mile 2.25. There will be snow up to four feet deep on and off until the ridge at mile-5, then again from ~ mile-6.5 across to the Primrose trail side to ~Mile-4. While we’re experiencing an earlier season in many locations, keep in mind the Lost Lk area receives much more moisture than the rest of Seward Ranger District due to its proximity to the ocean and abundant rain and snow.

Please refrain from biking recently snow free trails in order to allow trail tread to dry out. Bike tracks set in muddy trail conditions permits water to flow down the trail leading to erosion and deep ruts.

April 17, 2020 - Seward Ranger District

The spring melt is here, but there's still plenty of ice and packed trail to enjoy winter activities on Seward Ranger District. Ice cleats are quite useful at lower elevations.

Seward Ranger District trails/areas are open for winter motorized use until closure for the season on April 30 at midnight, unless closed earlier by Forest Order to prevent resource damage.

Herman Leier (Exit Glacier RD) is free of snow/ice to the Resurrection River Trailhead. Off trail travel is more difficult at lower elevations due to the near and above freezing temperatures of the past few days.

This is the time of year to be extra diligent when traveling outside due to bears emerging from their dens with cubs.

February 13, 2020 - Seward Ranger District

The up and down temperatues have created a variety of ice thickness on the Forest's lakes and streams. Use caution if you are doing any water crossings. Snow cover at the lower elevations has allowed for grooming of some areas by the Seward and Cooper Landing Nordic Ski Clubs.

January 30, 2020 - Seward Ranger District

Snow River access to Nellie Juan at mile 12 Seward Highway is now open to winter motorized use. The District has received between 8-12 inches of new snowfall in the past four days.

January 27, 2020 - Seward Ranger District

Glaciation continues to wreak havoc on many of the District's trails. Carter Lake Trail has glaciation ½ mile from the trailhead and the first mile of Lost Lake trail has numerous icy chutes that are quite slippery.

All areas of Seward Ranger District that fall within the winter motorized opening of December 1-April 30 (except for Snow River access corridor to Nellie Juan) are now open to winter motorized use.

There was a landslide at mile-5 of the Resurrection Pass Trail North (Hope-side) or 6 miles from the winter parking lot. Approximately a hundred feet of trail is affected. The trail is glaciated & has little snow cover making snowmachine passage difficult.

Kenai Lake is frozen from Ptarmigan Creek to the west.

Now that most areas of Seward Ranger District are open to over the snow motorized use, area lakes have frozen (remember safety and extra caution around inlets, outlets, seeps, pressure ridges, avalanches, etc.) and many location have been groomed for skiing, trail updates will only be posted if there are significant changes to conditions or area closures or openings.

Be careful if you are recreating on the Forest. Get the weather and avalanches forecasts and Know Before You Go.

January 22, 2020 - Seward Ranger District

Seward Ranger District received 3 inches of snow last weekend and 7 inches this weekend. The snowpack is still thin but with the frozen ground and continued cold on the horizon we have opened Lost Lake and Primrose trails. Twentymile on the Glacier Ranger District has also opened. Forest Order and map

Use caution on the first 1 mile of Lost Lake Trail is icy and travel without studded tracks is going to be extremely difficult. #KnowBeforeYouGo

January 17, 2020 - Seward Ranger District

Below zero temperatures and scant snow have added more ice to lakes and trails. Yesterday Crescent Lake from Carter Lake Trailhead 300 feet off shore we measured 16+ inches of ice.

The first  ½ mile of Carter Lake Trail is covered with glaciated ice preventing travel by snowmachine unless you have studded tracks. A second glaciation above the stream is large and wide and located on an uphill curve.

Ice cleats are a must for travel in most areas at lower elevations. Even if it’s not icy when you start out, you will most likely encounter ice between sea level and approximately 1,300 feet elevation.

The two inches of light fluffy snow we received over the weekend did little to improve frozen ruts and boot prints at lower elevation trails. Classic skiing, hiking with cleats handy, and fat tire biking with studs may be a bit easier than skate skiing. Conditions for Motorized use on Seward Ranger District have not improved for snowmachine travel.

January 8, 2020 - Seward Ranger District

While the temperatures outside are frigid, with appropriate equipment, gear and clothing, there are still a plethora of winter activities on the Seward Ranger District.

Snow is thin at lower elevations and glaciation is growing in most locations requiring the aid of ice creepers,

This is a motorized winter season for Resurrection Pass Trail, however Resurrection North from mile 3 to East Creek Cabin at mile 14.5 has numerous difficult sections of trail due to narrow side hills between mile 3 and 6.5 that glaciate when snow cover is thin, and also all the entrances and exits at all the drainages between Caribou and East Creek Cabins.

Dale Clemens Cabin on the Lost Lake winter route now has a Nordic oil drip stove for its heat source. This stove requires one gallon of kerosene or number one heating oil per day June-August and two gallons per day the rest of the year. While the old propane stove is still hooked up, there is no propane available at the cabin and the stove will beremoved this spring.

Several areas on Seward Ranger District have recently been groomed for skiing; Seward Nordic Ski Club has been posting when and where grooming has occurred, here is their web site:    Mile 12 Divide is hard pack and difficult on some of the steeper down hills due to the hard and somewhat icy conditions and boot prints in the middle of the trail. Trail River Campground has hard pack and is easier to bike or walk due to similar conditions. If you are biking or walking on groomed ski trails please stay to the side and do not walk in the middle of the ski trail.

January 3, 2020 - Seward Ranger District

All areas of Seward Ranger District that are normally open to Winter Motorized use December 1 – April 30 are open EXCEPT for the following:  Lost Lake and Primrose Trailheads and Snow River access to Nellie Juan. These areas remain closed. Turnagain Pass is also open for motorized use. Alaska Department of Transportation is working on plowing roads and clearing parking areas. Avoid parking in areas that impede their progress or create a safety hazard.  View Forest Order

Snowpack at most motorized-use access points have thin snow cover over ice and travel will not be ideal for snowmachines until we receive more snow. obstacles. Trail may also be blocked by fallen trees.

Visit the Chugach National Forest Avalanche Information Center for daily avalanche forecasts.

December 31, 2019 - Seward Ranger District Campground and Trail Conditions

Seward Ranger District Winter Motorized Trails/Areas continue to remain closed to motorized use

Snow below 500 feet in elevation is quickly melting. As you travel into higher elevations make sure you are prepared for changing conditions and are able to recognize avalanche danger. Check the Chugach National Forest Avalanche Information Center for daily forecasts and training opportunities.

Well above freezing temperatures mean that lake ice is rapidly thinning and rotting. Water crossings are unsafe and not recommended.

  • Primrose Campground - Open - very icy on the access road.
  • Ptarmigan Campground - Open - very icy conditions
  • Trail River Campground - Closed at the main gate due to snow and ice
  • Quartz Creek campground - one loop is Open - icy conditions
  • Cooper Creek North - Open - icy conditions

November 28, 2019 - Seward & Glacier Ranger Districts

Current snow depths today in a few locations

  • 7 inches of snow at Carter Lake  
  • 15 inches at Clemens Cabin on Lost Lake winter trail
  • ½ inch at Upper Russian Trailhead.

Keep in mind these depths will be changing in a matter of hours with the coming weather.

Ice has not formed many on lakes and creeks and travel across water is dangerous.

The following campground entrance gates remain open; Crescent Creek, Russian River, Quartz Creek and Cooper Creek North and South, Trail River, and Ptarmigan. Primrose campground is open year round. The following gates were closed last week for the winter season; Palmer Creek, Porcupine Campground, Tenderfoot Campground, Bertha Creek Campground and Black Bear Campground. Coeur D'Alene is also closed.

Turnagain Pass will not open to over the snow motorized use this Thanksgiving weekend and looking ahead to December 1, 2019 we will not be opening any areas on Seward or Glacier Ranger Districts to motorized use due to lack of snow to prevent resource damage. We are monitoring conditions and will open as soon as there is adequate snowfall.

November 5, 2019 -  Seward Ranger District

Seward Ranger District employees cut more than 150 trees on the Resurrection Pass Trail South between Trout Lake Junction and Juneau Lake Cabin a few weekends ago. More trees have fallen across the Trail since the crew finished. Most of them have been removed, but there are still several down trees on the trail between Romig and Juneau Lake Cabin that will be difficult to get by with bikes. Regularly falling trees in this area will be the norm during the coming winter/spring as there are many standing burnt trees hanging by a thread. If you are riding bikes, be prepared for trees across the trail going in and returning. There is a particularly difficult section of trail along Juneau Lake where there’s a steep hillside on the right and the lake on the left. The lake water is high due to increased beaver dam building this fall, there is no beach and getting over down trees will be difficult if not impossible with a bike.

The warm temperatures has melted snow to near 3,000 feet in elevation on many areas of Seward Ranger District. Travel across Resurrection Pass trail is snow free but snow levels are anticipated to move back down the mountains this week. Snow that has fallen above 3,000’ is accumulating, awareness of your location in relationship to avalanche paths is a must.

October 31, 2019 - Seward Ranger District

Until trail tread begins to freeze again expect lots of mud and water. Fat tire bikes will make for easier biking than aregular mountain bike. Not much snow below 2,500 feet in elevation but snow that has fallen up high is accumulating and has created large avalanches in many locations, There were several large avalanches on Seward Ranger District this week.

Slaughter Ridge Road is drivable to the parking lot closer to Bean Creek Trail, though when the ground freezes again the large hill ¾ mile from the circular winter parking lot will be difficult to drive due to slick ice

Seward Ranger District Campgrounds are still open, with not fees and no services. Pack out what you pack in.

October 24, 2019 - Seward Ranger District

The State of Alaska Department of Transportation has closed and locked the gate at mile 1.3 of Herman Leirer Road (Exit Glacier RD) for the winter.

The gate at Coeur d’Alene Campground (mile 6 of Palmer Creek RD) is now closed and locked for the winter. The gate at the beginning of Palmer CR RD will be closed and locked as soon as snow/ice warrants it.

After the fall windstorm in the wee hours of the morning yesterday,about 50 fire weakened trees fell across Resurrection Pass Trail South between Trout Lake Junction and Juneau Lake Cabin. The Seward Ranger District is putting together some awesome employees to get a handle on this section of trail by removing as much as they can from across the trail tomorrow.

A year ago today there was 15 inches of snow on the ground at Clemens Cabin elevation 1700 feet, today there is zip. With the lack of snow below 2,000 feet in elevation biking with fat tires is rather pleasant with no vegetation obstructing the trail.

September 25, 2019 - Seward Ranger District

There is now an oil stove at the Dale Clemens Cabin for heat. The propane stove will remain until sometime next spring. There is currently propane at the cabin that should last through mid to late October, after the propane runs out cabin users will need to supply their own stove oil for heat. The oil stove burns heating oil or #1 stove oil and Kerosene (available in 1 gallon jugs from most hardware and sporting goods stores, also Fred Meyer’s store) do not use camp stove fuel.

Today is the last day for hunting of Moose in our area, GMU-7. Good Luck to you if you’re out and about looking to get a Moose.

We hope to post an update soon on the status of Resurrection Pass, West Juneau, and Bean Creek trail closures. These trails have remained closed due to burned hazard trees that have been falling adjacent to some areas along the trails/cabins.

June 24, 2019 - Seward Ranger District

It's official - Summer is here and it's time to take a hike.

The eastern shore of Lost Lake nearly snow-free. There is a short section less than ¼ mile long to negotiate through snow that will mostly be gone by this week.

Now that summer is here and trails are open trail reports won't be coming out unless there is something we need report. Trails are bomber dry and riding nicely, get out and enjoy them before the vegetation overtakes the trail corridors but not on your Electric Bike. Electric bikes are not allowed on Seward Ranger District trails from May 1 through November 30.

June 7, 2019 - Seward Ranger District

Snug Harbor Road will be CLOSED to the public at milepost 5.5 (before the ‘Waikiki Beach’ access) on Saturday and Sunday June 15th-16th, 2019.  Additionally, between June 17th and July 16th, 2019 access beyond milepost 5.5 will be through a temporary construction detour and may be impassible to vehicles pulling trailers and low-clearance vehicles.

This closure is necessary to allow construction of a new culvert crossing.  The new crossing will allow fish, including spawning salmon, and other aquatic organisms to cross under Snug Harbor Road to access habitat upstream of the road.

For further information, contact the Chugach National Forest, Seward Ranger District Office at (907) 288-3178.

All trails on Seward Ranger District are snow free except for Lost Lake/Primrose. Trail tread is drying out quite nice this early summer even with the afternoon thunder showers all week. Vegetation is growing and leafing out rapidly.

There are random trees down across some of the trails but nothing to impede travel, these will be removed in the next couple weeks except for the Resurrection River trail.

May 23, 2019 - Seward Ranger District

Snow is rapidly melting on Seward Ranger District. Most areas are snow free below 1,400 feet. Though snow is rapidly melting please refrain from biking on trails that need to dry out from recent snow melt.

Carter Lake trail tread is dry to mile 1, snow is 1-2 feet deep at mile 1.5-elevation 1,400 feet.

Johnson Pass Trail South mostly dry to about mile 7. Johnson North is dry for 2 miles then muddy rather consistently beginning at mile 2.5.

Snug Harbor Rd is drivable to the Upper Russian Trailhead. Patchy snow in the first mile, as you drop below 1,200 feet in elevation the trail is free of snow to Lower Russian Trailhead. except for some avalanche runout paths.

Lots os blueberry bushes in full bloom with pink blossoms, will we have a bumper crop the end of summer? Have a Great Memorial Day Weekend!

May 17, 2019 - Seward Ranger District

Lost Lake and Primrose trails have snow after mile 3.

All lakes on Resurrection Pass trail are ice free. Still a lot of snow from East Creek through the Pass. Moose kills near mile 3.5 and 4.5 on the southern end of this trail system appear to be gone. Though, as always anywhere you venture in the out of doors (sometimes even just outside your door) keep a keen ear and stay in tune and alert for wildlife encounters in your surroundings.

Johnson Pass Trail South is snow free and mostly dry for the first 6 miles.

Palmer Creek road gate is open to Coeur d’Alene C.G at mile 6.

Snug Harbor Road is drivable to within 1 mile of Upper Russian Lake Trailhea

Trails are drying out but there is a lot of mud between about 800-1,000 in elevation where snow melt is recent and still snow to melt through all the passes.

May 06, 2019 - Seward Ranger District

Be especially cautious in the outdoors as moose begin having their calves and bears go looking for an easy meal. There is a new adult moose kill on Resurrection Pass Trail South at the 4.6 mile bridge just above Juneau Falls. Bears have been feeding on it.

Last week a bear bait station was directly on one of our hiking trails, Wildlife State Troopers were able to respond quickly and remove it. If you come across a bear bait station within 1 mile of a residence, cabin, campground or ¼ mile from trails, railroad tracks or shoreline of Kenai River or Lake please report it to AK Wildlife Troopers at 907-262-3935.

While snow is melting at lower elevations, there is still a lot of snow up high.

March 22, 2019 - Seward Ranger District

There are many varying conditions across Seward Ranger District and conditions are changing rapidly with the warm temperatures.

Snow River access to Nellie Juan closed earlier this to winter motorized use for the remainder of the season and we are closing Lost Lake Trail today due to exposed mud, rocks, and roots in the first ½ mile of trail.

Our second week of warm temperatures has brought increased safety concerns for travel over frozen bodies of water, which differ greatly depending on location. Crescent Lake had over 12 inches of water on it this week while Lower Russian had none.

Snow, wind loading, and rain has adversely impacted travel in avalanche terrain, please check the Chugach NF Avalanche Information Center for more information;

Based on a report from a member of the public,Trout, Juneau and Swan Lakes all are impassable (or at least very soggy) to skiers at this time - 8” or more of water on top of the ice on all three lakes. Trails were not bad with the wet snow. Some bare spots are showing up, especially on the lower parts of Bean Creek trail.

February 22, 2019 - Seward Ranger District

The Seward Ranger District received 4-6 inches of new snow this past week. While the new snow has covered icy sections of trail there will be places where the ice will appear again with sno-go use and spinning tracks. Areas of note are the first mile of Lost Lake trail and first ¾ mile of Carter Lake trail. Primrose trail has various sections of ice and one we have heard of that is quite a luge run near mile 3.75 on the steep hill before the winter trail junction.

Side roads are in good condition for driving until the next round the clock warmup of temperatures above freezing.

The winter trail to Barber Cabin is packed in quite nicely.

Resurrection Pass Trail system on either end has ski tracks and windblown through the pass where there won’t be a track.

Quite a bit of trail grooming for skiing has been happening on the District - check the links at the top of the page for updates.

February 8, 2019 - Seward Ranger District

The recent addition of  2-5 inches of new snow has improved skiing at lower elevations.

Lost Lake's first ½ mile remains icy, side roads are drivable until the next rain or round the clock above freezing temperatures.

The winter trail to Barber Cabin has been packed and is in pretty good condition.

The last area of open water on Crescent Lake began to freeze January 2 and yesterday the ice measured 15 inches. Upper and Lower Trail Lakes, Cooper Lake, Lower Russian, and Tern Lake have 16+ inches of ice. If you traverse frozen bodies of water, please remember ice thicknesses may vary drastically on each body of water depending on past and present weather, location, inlets, outlets and springs, etc.… just because I give ice thickness reports on frozen bodies of water does not mean ice travel is safe, it’s just information on ice thickness. There are many factors in determining where, how, when, and if you should travel on ice.

February 1, 2019 - Seward Ranger District

The warm spell this past week has created icy and hard packed trail conditions below 900 feet in elevation. Even though the motorized areas Seward Ranger District (except Resurrection Pass Trail) is open to over-the-snow motorized use, conditions up to approximately 900 feet in elevation are icy though manageable in some areas for the more experienced rider. Lost Lake Trail is not recommended due to extreme icy conditions for the first mile unless you have studded tracks.

The following roads are extremely icy:

  • Resurrection Creek Road beginning at mile 3.5
  • Snug Harbor beginning at mile 5
  • Slaughter Ridge last 400’ to the winter parking at mile .5

Skiing at Mile 12 Divide, Russian River and Trail River campgrounds is difficult due to hard pack, frozen ruts, and boot prints. Keep an eye on weather, even the addition of 1 inch of snow would make these areas fabulous. 

For those who walk, run or bike on groomed ski trails please try to stay off to either side when conditions are soft so prints aren’t frozen in the middle of the ski trail. Wearing shoe with cleats or removable spikes can prevent a sudden slip or fall on the icy trails.

The Dale Clemens Cabin now has plenty of propane for the stove.

Ice skating is the name of the game until the next snowfall, please keep in mind ice thickness may vary drastically on each body of water depending on past and present weather, location, inlets, outlets and springs, etc… There are many factors in determining where, how, when, and if you should travel on ice. Be alert.

December 14, 2018 - Seward Ranger District

It’s beginning to look a lot like winter but yet not enough snow cover to think about opening any areas for Winter Motorized use. Seward Ranger District has received 2-6 inches of snow this past week at lower elevation parking lots and 1-3 feet of snow above 1,500 foot elevation across the District. The snow fell cold and has yet to bond with the ice layer in many locations, let’s just say ice cleats should be a staple item in your pack.

There is an avalanche on the trail to the Barber Cabin and is 20’ high x 40’ wide where it crosses the trail. This particular avalanche releases 2-3 times a winter. There is a winter trail to Barber cabin bypassing the avalanche paths and can be accessed at mile 2.4 of the Lower Russian Lakes trail when Lower Russian Lake has good ice. Ice thickness in this location is close to 6”, the southern ¼ of the Lake is newly frozen, please see notes on ice travel at the end of this message.

There are 3 inches of snow at Dale Clemens Cabin. Resurrection Pass trail south from the Sterling Hwy or Slaughter Ridge Rd access has 3” of snow gradually increasing to 7” at the junction of these two accesses.

Please keep in mind that ice thickness may vary drastically on each body of water depending on past and present weather, location, inlets, outlets and springs, etc. Ice thickness reports on frozen bodies of water does not mean ice travel is safe, it’s just information on ice thickness. There are many factors in determining where, how, when, and if you should travel on ice, here is a link with a lot of information on how to minimize dangers of falling through the ice and the many hazards associated with traveling over frozen water:

November 16, 2018

Trails are quite slick and slippery, ice cleats and studded fat tires are recommended. There  are 4 ¼ inches of ice on Meridian Lake, smooth surface. Please keep in mind that ice thickness may vary drastically on each body of water depending on location, just because I give ice thickness reports on frozen bodies of water does not mean ice travel is safe. There are many factors in determining where, how, when, and if you should travel on ice.

As a reminder, this winter season, 2018-2019 Resurrection Pass Trail is closed to motorized use.

November 1, 2018

Happy arrival of winter! Seward Ranger District received 1”-5” of snow Monday at trailheads. Trails are slippery due to frozen puddles and moisture saturated soils. With the onset of winter conditions it’s time to be thinking of adding more gear your to packs due to shorter days, colder temperatures, trapping season, ice, etc. With that in mind here’s a reminder to be mindful when adventuring over frozen water:

Please keep in mind that ice thickness may vary drastically on each body of water depending on location, just because I give ice thickness reports on frozen bodies of water does not mean ice travel is safe. There are many factors in determining where, how, when, and if you should travel on ice, here is a link with a lot of very good information on how to minimize dangers of falling through the ice and the many hazards associated with frozen water:

This afternoon Tern Lake had 2” of ice measured near the parking lot on the Sterling Hwy.

Carter Lake near elevation 1,500 feet has 4” of snow. Lost Lake Elevation 1,800 feet has 5” of snow. Anticipate needing snowshoes after the next snow fall when traveling over Resurrection Pass from now until early June.

The following areas/roads are now closed and gated for the winter season:

Palmer Creek, Porcupine, Tenderfoot, and Trail River Campgrounds. Russian River C.G. entrance gate is open but anticipate this to close with next snowfall.

 September 18, 2018 - Seward Ranger District

Buckets of rain this past week and anticipated rains through the weekend will keep puddles, creeks, rivers, and lakes running high enough to warrant extra caution while driving roads and venturing in the woods.

This link has several local creek/river water levels and gives you an idea of flood stage.

The Alaska Department of Transportation has closed the road to Exit Glacier (Herman Leirer RD) at mile 1.

Here are a few areas where fords are over the top of hiking boots, and as more rain falls some of these will be a challenge to safely cross. This list only includes maintained trails.

  • Carter Lake ½ and 1 mile
  • Crescent Saddle (trail around lake) the creek on the Carter Lake side access to Crescent Saddle Cabin, not passable during high flows
  • Devil’s Creek 3.75, 6.2, and 6.7
  • Gull Rock 3.4 and 3.9
  • Johnson Pass North mile 1  
  • Lost Lake the usually dry streambed 75 feet from parking lot and mile 1
  • Ptarmigan Creek mile 1.3
  • Resurrection Pass North mile 10
  • Russian Lakes (Lower) mile 3 and 3.9
  • Victor Creek mile 1

September 4, 2018 - Cordova District Recreation Updates

It is an active bear year in Cordova and encounters continue to occur. Be particularly mindful while fishing. Clean fish off-site at designated cleaning stations. Keep your catch close (several reports of catch lost to bear have already been made), and pack out trash. Heney Ridge trail is bear feeding ground and there are still fish in the stream; be extra cautious while hiking this area.

Power Creek Road is washed out about 5 miles outside of town. The bridge to Child’s Glacier at mile 44 has also been washed out.

The trail crew put in a new bridge on Pipeline Trail and is continuing to work on the Fox Farm-Haystack Trail loop. Be alert for helicopter sling-loads during the first week of September as boards will be dropped out the trail by the tree line.  With summer season coming to a close, the trail crew has diminished in size. Thanks to those who have already taken off for their hard work, and to those continuing on for another month for their continued service.

Alpine vegetation is “as slippery as weasel snot” this time of year. Rotting deer cabbage makes alpine slopes quite slick. Be extremely careful off trail and on steep slopes.

Mushroom harvest is in abundance. Hedgehogs, Chanterelles, Boletes, Chicken of the Woods, Angel Wings… grab a basket and bear-spray, and go forage! If you missed this year's Fungus Festival, it's not too early to get it on next year's "things to do" calendar.

New tent platforms and paths have really sharpened the space up at One-Eyed Pond, and the gravel pile in the corner of the parking lot should disappear sometime this month. Next door at 18 Mile Recreation Site, the Cordova District offers their appreciation to the Science Center and Dirt Camp middle schoolers for their assistance in clearing alder to provide a river view from the picnic sites.

August 30 - Seward District Trail Updates

Good ending to Summer as Fall is in the air. I hope you have had a Wonderful time on Seward Ranger District trails that are overrun and overgrown with vegetation. Now it’s time to enjoy some grass, cow parsnip, and alder free trekking on Johnson Pass North to almost Bench Lake. The brushing contractor has cleared from the North Trailhead at Mile 64 Seward Hwy to Bench Lake, distance of 9 miles. The rest of the trail to Johnson South trailhead is being brushed but will take time, estimate 2-3 miles/week of clearing.

August 7 - Cordova Recreation Updates

Mid-summer bears fruit!  Lush greenery, a berry good snack, and improved paths await!

Fox Farm Trail: Impressive log bridges pave the entrance to a brand new boardwalk traversing through cloudberry rich muskag.  Boardwalk reaches the tree line. The trail crew hopes to connect with Haystack trail for a finished loop, later this month. 

One Eyed Pond: The picnic site at the entrance is improved and a new ¼ mile loop wraps around the pond with three dispersed campsites nestled beautifully along the shore. Each campsite has a raised platform with tent tie-offs; perfect for an overnighter or an afternoon picnic. A gravel entrance increases wheelchair accessibility for the first two campsites.  

The sites at 18 mile have also been improved and have more space for parking and turnaround.  

Sand Trail has a new paved parking lot: Offload 4wheelers, park your trailer, and go! For recreation use, use this parking lot, as the “golf course” is for subsistence access only.

Snag Lake Road at mile 18, has had fill put in to raise the road bed at the entrance- no more small pond. Forest Service roads at Alaganik, Sheridan, and Cabin Lake have all been graded.  The crowned center allows drain-off and maintains better against potholes.

Power Creek Trail boasts salmon berries and Alice Smith Intertie has had significant work done all the way to the top, to improve trail visibility and ease of access. 

The state is taking public comment on Power Creek Road fall plan which would raise the road bed and put in an emergency dike to address frequent washout. If you are heading out that way, feel free to familiarize yourself with the plan and give feedback.

Sheridan Mountain Trail: Check out the unusually tall Devil's Club bordering the left hand side of the trail.

Eyak River Boat Launch is a close and easy location for blueberry and salmon berry picking.

Signs around McKinley and Pipeline Trails have been given much needed repair. The trail crew can be found on Pipeline this month. They are rebuilding a bridge and rerouting a section of trail to higher ground. …Just out the road from Pipeline trail, the prominent landmark “the hole in the road” is no more thanks to TLC from the state and a new culvert. 

Be bear aware-pack out trash, clean fish at fish cleaning stations, and carry bear spray when hiking. These bear precautions will help keep negative human and bear interaction at minimum, particularly as silver’s come in on the Ibeck and Alaganik. Please be responsible recreators and encourage others around you to as well. 

Did you see the creative new trashcan artwork? Special thanks to our volunteer artists! Darla Church and the Smyke family- Anita, Jessica, and Ria brought lupine and a bear face to the Sheridan trashcan. Carol Maxcy, Tana DeCook, Darla Church, and Anita Smyke lended their talents with the fish on the Eyak Boat Launch trashcan.

Trail crews are working hard to keep up with general summer growth and have been brushing and clearing all trails.  You can help by reporting down trees to the Cordova District Office 424-7661.

The draft Chugach National Forest land management plan draft environmental impact statement is out for review and public comment. For more information visit the Forest Planning page

June 25 - Cordova Recreation Updates

Happy Summer!

Cordova’s trails are BLOOMING!  Look for Shooting Stars and Marsh Marigold in the wet areas, Bunch Berry and Butterwort by the trail, and enjoy the Lupine show along the road. Salmon berries and strawberries will be producing this month, and folks have started to collect Nettle. It’s an exciting time to walk with change happening daily.

Bears have been spotted around town and on most trails. Keep alert while hiking and carry bear spray. If you encounter a bear is encountered, back away slowly and give the bear space. Be extra cautious on Sheridan and Alaganik trails due to bear activity at the dump. We have had some bear issues at the “bear-proof” Sheridan Glacier trashcan.

High Elevation:  High elevation trails are now accessible without snowshoes, however visibility and navigation can be compromised by fog and stormy weather. Make sure the trail is on your GPS or mapping program and plan for wet weather.

The trail crew is hard at work building step-n-run on Fox Farm Trail; the 150’ they put in last month will continue in order to connect with Haystack trail and create a loop. The crew has completed three new bridges on McKinley Trail and will finish another bridge on Pipleline this month. Trails have not yet been brushed out or cleared. Plan for wet clothes as summer vegetation takes over. 

Please contact the Cordova Ranger District (907) 424-7661 as you encounter hazards or concerns in our forest. Have a great hike!

June 21 - Seward District Trail Updates

Happy Summer Solstice to all of you!!!!! I hope your summer is off to a Grand start of enjoying many recreational activities on the Chugach National Forest.

A few areas on Seward Ranger District are flush with abundant water due to this past weekend of rain; The Crescent Saddle Primitive trail around Crescent Lake has crossings on either end that will require wading. Anticipate needing waders to get through the low lying area on Resurrection River trail near mile 3, beyond that anticipate a couple more weeks of being turned back by Martin and Boulder Creek drainages over-flowing waters.

Lost Lake for one mile to the south, and one mile to the north has an average of 3’ of snow, some patchy stretches and some quite solid. If the fog and mist rolls in, navigating will be difficult in this area for the next week and a half, be sure you have the trail on your GPS or mapping program. Bikes please stay off the newly snow free sections of trail in this location until about mid-July.

Johnson Pass Trail south at mile .5 the lakeshore water is 12 inches, expect to get wet.

Have a Great Summer!

June 6 - Glacier District Trail Updates

Crow Pass Trail - still has winter conditions on the Girdwood side of the trail, including most likely recent snow/rain in the higher elevations. Dangerous avalanche conditions still exist and hiking the Girdwood side of the trail is NOT recommended yet this spring/summer. The first few miles of the trail traverse avalanche prone slopes and steep terrain. There is snow about 2 miles in from the Girdwood side. Reports of post hole snow conditions up to waist deep; as well as difficulty following the designated trail. The first 2 miles on each side of the Pass are still very much snow-covered. Eagle River Nature Center (ERNC) side of the trail is snow free and in good condition (mud in places). Check out the Crow Pass Trail Facebook page managed by ERNC for other details.

Winner Creek Trail – trail clear of snow, muddy spots – please walk bike around these sensitive areas! Four Corners Hand Tram has opened for the summer season.

Upper Winner Creek Trail – Trail crew has cleared grass and vegetation from the trail between the ‘T’ and the rock garden. This trail has steep slopes above it and avalanche danger similar to Crow Pass Trail could exist. Farther along on the trail the trail climbs up in elevation and avalanche slide paths are known to hold on into summer. The trail is snow free for about the first 5 miles – past the rock garden and up a steep section.

Trail of Blue Ice - clear

Williwaw Nature Trail - clear

Gary Williams Moraine Trail - clear

Byron Glacier Trail is clear until end of official trail. Snow is at end of trail from avalanche debris. Beyond trail end – avalanche danger is above the snow pile (where Byron Glacier Creek goes under). Caution is advised!

Portage Pass Trail – Whittier side of trail is clear.  Glacier side of the Pass the trail is mostly snow free, but could still have patches of snow.

Spencer Whistlestop Trail- clear

Spencer Bench Trail – No specific updates since report from observations from the Whistlestop on May 23 - clear at bottom and snow covered for top half. Cabin is at 1900’ so expect snow halfway up.

Turnagain Pass Iditarod Trail sections – summer time travel on this trail is more difficult than in winter time since no bridges on many of the creek and river crossings.  Longest section you can travel is from the Center Ridge parking lot towards Turnagain Arm.  Another section is from Johnson Pass North trail head towards Turnagain Pass.  Snow patches could persist in spots..

Johnson Pass - Muddy spots can be expected– please walk bike around these sensitive areas. Clear for first 10 miles from north side. Report of standing water and muddy conditions near Johnson and Bench Lake. The southern end is clear and drier until 7 miles in.  The middle 5 miles of the trail could be muddy.

Cabins – Crow Pass Cabin (see Crow Pass Trail notes) and those in Western Prince William Sound – Harrison, Pigot, Paulson all 3 being more ‘shore side’ are all good to get to . . . rumor has it that there is rotten snow and post hole conditions accessing Shrode Lake Cabin. Crossing the creek to get to Shrode Lake Cabin from the Three Fingers Cove side could be deep with snow and snow melt spring conditions. Cabin is on south side of this creek as well as the trail from Long Bay access. No reports on Coghill area.

June 6  - Seward Trail Updates

Is summer here? Not until June 21st, though many areas of Seward Ranger District are quite nice for hiking and biking. Here's a of a few  areas that are still slogging in winter.

  • Lost Lake trail to Primrose from approx. mile 3 on either end over the top has snow, this is normal and is usually melted out by mid-July.
  • Resurrection Pass trail for a couple miles between the Pass and Devil’s Pass cabin and about mile 7 of Devil’s Creek trail to the cabin still has snow! If you’re wanting to bike this area you’re better off doing an out and back for the next 2 weeks.

Other noteworthy news:

  • Crescent Lake boat is missing. Cabin users, please call the Seward Ranger District at 907-288-3178 if you notice anything needing attention.
  • Palmer Creek road gate is open. Palmer Creek road is open to highway vehicles, ATV’s are not allowed on this road May 1st thru November 30.
  • Charging for parking at Lower Russian Lake trail (except for cabin users; be sure you have a copy of your cabin permit) begins June 11.
  • Fallen trees from most trails have been removed, except for Resurrection River.
    • Resurrection RIVER trail (section between Seward trailhead and Upper Russian Lake trail jct) is not regularly maintained. If you choose to travel this trail you should start from the Seward end, as it is easier to return to your vehicle if you are turned away from high water. Mile 3 is regularly flooded when water is high, Martin Creek drainage at mile 4.6 and Boulder Creek at mile 8 do not have bridges and are not easily fordable when water is high. Currently the water level is high due to snow melt and can be anticipated to continue for thenext couple weeks. There are numerous trees down across the trail beginning at Martin Creek for the next 12 miles. Not recommended for bike or horse beyond Martin Creek.
  • Access to the summer parking lot to Bean Creek trail is not drivable all the way due to major eroded area on the steep hill. Parking is limited at the bottom of the hill ¾ mile from start of the Bean Creek trail.
  • Some bike riders are traveling at high rates of speed on the down-hill. Please remember these are multiple use trails and be mindful of other users and safety. (we have had specific reports from users along Hope Point Trail, although this happens on all trails).

Have a safe and fantastic summer recreating on the Seward Ranger District. Trail condition reports will be few and far between until late Fall. See you on the trail!

June 2, 2018 - Cordova Trail Updates

June projects under way: The Trail Crew will brush and clear our trail systems for seasonal maintenance, install new bridges on Pipeline Trail, and lengthen Fox Farm trail to connect and create a loop with Haystack Trail. 

Power Creek Trail: Brown and black bears were seen this spring and beaver activity continues to be rampant. Several rockslides before the waterfall which require constant trail maintenance were cleared this week; take extra caution with footing in these areas. Wear boots as beaver dams create low pools across the trail, and take a moment to admire the lodge that extends into the trail itself. The Power Creek Road junction can be a tricky intersection if bears remove signs: trail leaves road to continue paralleling the creek. 

Crater Lake Trail: Newly replaced last summer, the curved new “marriage bridge” awaits your repeat vows! Take a moment to appreciate the location’s significance.  There is some trail erosion ¾ mile up; watch your footing. Catch a breather and enjoy the view at bench on right, 1 mile up.  Beyond the bench, several snow patches still add difficulty to travel.

Alice Smith Trail: Snowy: snowshoes are recommended. Brush up on the history of Kayak Island, landing spot for the Bering Expedition, to contextualize your view. 

Eyak River: The first mile has brand new boardwalk that this year’s trail crew will finish netting. Be cautious of slippery wood and areas in the latter section of the trail that have not been replaced. One section of old boardwalk is underwater and poorly visible; feel with your foot before committing, or you may find yourself knee deep in muskeg. Consider bringing a rod, swimsuit, or book to the river bank.

Sheridan Mountain Trail: Begins at the steps on the left side of the parking lot. Stay to the right as you go up into bowl and rely on cairns and trail markers to guide in the less defined alpine area. Several downed trees will be addressed in spring maintenance. Bring your snowshoes. 

Fox Farm: Directly across from winter trail Muskeg Meander. Active trail construction on the new Fox Farm Trail will connect to Haystack Trail and create a 2-mile moderatly difficult loop. Stay tuned for trail crew’s progress, or amble out to see it for yourself.

Pipeline Lake/McKinley Trail:  Bring a rod for cutthroat fishing and don’t forget to explore the abandoned Lucky Strike Mine beyond the second cabin. The trail crew will replace several bridges on these trails this summer.

Saddlebag Glacier Trail: Flat trail with a spectacular view. Scan the cliffs adjacent to the glacier for mountain goats. Two miles of spruce forest make way into cottonwood and alder before Saddlebag Lake.

May 25, 2018 - Glacier Trail Updates

Crow Pass Trail - there are still winter conditions on the Girdwood side of the trail, including some recent snow/rain in the higher elevations. Dangerous avalanche conditions still exist and hiking the Girdwood side of the trail is NOT recommended this upcoming weekend. Both the road to the trailhead and the first few miles of the trail traverse avalanche terrain. Eagle River Nature Center side of the trail is snow free and in good condition (mud in places). No information the river crossing is available at this time.

Winner Creek Trail – trail clear of snow, there are some muddy spots – please walk bike around these sensitive areas! Four Corners Hand Tram is still closed for the winter – waiting on inspection. 

Upper Winner Creek Trail – no reports as of yet this spring, this trail has steep slopes above it in many parts (avalanche danger similar to Crow Pass Trail could exist).  This trail is also on the North facing slope on the ‘backside’ of Alyeska so those aspects are colder and wetter and winter tends to holds on longer.  Farther along on the trail the trail climbs up in elevation and avalanche slide paths are known to hold on into summer.

Trail of Blue Ice - clear
Williwaw Nature Trail - clear
Gary Williams Moraine Trail - clear

Byron Glacier Trail – clear until end of official trail.  Beyond trail end – avalanche danger is above the snow pile (where Byron Glacier Creek goes under). Caution is advised!

Portage Pass Trail – Whittier side of trail is clear. Glacier side of the pass the trail has post hole deep snow covering most of that downhill side.

Spencer Whistlestop Trail- clear

Spencer Bench Trail – (report from observations from the Whistlestop on 05-23-2018) clear at bottom and snow covered for top half . Cabin is at 1900’ so expect snow halfway up.

Turnagain Pass Iditarod Trail sections – summer time travel on this trail is more difficult than in winter, since there are no bridges on many of the creek and river crossings.  Longest section you can travel is from the Center Ridge parking lot towards Turnagain Arm.  Another section is from Johnson Pass North trail head towards Turnagain Pass.  Snow patches could persist in spots.

Johnson Pass North - Snow patches could persist in spots. Muddy spots can be expected– please walk bike around these sensitive areas.

May 24, 2018 - Seward Trail Updates

Trails are slowly drying out, muddy conditions above 500 feet elevation in most locations, and snow level begins between 1,400’ (Carter Lake) and 2,000’ (Resurrection Pass) in elevation and across the top at  Lost Lake; Gaiters are a good addition to your attire if traveling these areas.

When biking please get off and walk around saturated and muddy trail tread, when mud is more consistent please turn around.

Carter Lake trail on Monday had solid snow cover to a depth of 30” beginning near mile 1.5, four creek crossings are running deep, anticipate getting wet. Carter Lake is covered in ice.

Johnson Pass trail south is dry for 7 miles with a report of lots (3-4’) of standing water difficult to get around between Johnson and Bench Lakes.

Resurrection Pass trail is hikeable for 19 miles from the north before running into snow and 15 miles from the south this is a distance of 4 miles of 2-3’ deep, rotten snow where you will just have to deal with post holing as snowshoes are more of a hindrance than a help. The trail is drier on the north end for biking the first 7 miles and the first 4 miles from the south. All lakes on the trail are ice free.

May 22, 2018 - Seward Trail Updates

All Seward Ranger District campgrounds are open and have no fees no services until Thursday, May 24 when reservations open.  Tenderfoot and Crescent Creek Campgrounds will remain first come first serve until May 31st.

Resurrection Pass trail still has lots of soft, rotten snow. Snow shoes are of little help.The snow is from the top of the Swan Lake grade on the south side to about a mile north of Resurrection Pass on the north side.

Carter lake Trail conditions are similar to Resurrection Pass with snow beginning at about 1300 ft elevation. At 1500 ft the snow is about 3 feet deep and very rotten, Carter Lake is still frozen.

May 2018 - Cordova Trail Updates

Snow on Power Creek Trail is intermittent, increasing to about two feet in depth at higher elevations. The annual rockslide has not yet been cleared; use caution if traversing loose scree.

Sheridan Mountain Trail is primarily snow-free until the first opening which traverses a brushy hillside; down trees across trail within the first mile will be cleared in the coming weeks.

Heney Ridge Trail was logged a few weeks ago. Snow is melting quickly on the lower portions; watch for patchy ice and snow.

Crater Lake Trail is seasonally wet but clear and ice-free up to the cutoff to Ski Hill, except for the usual patch of snow at the lookout/bench. Steady snow cover begins as you approach the bowl before Crater Lake.

On Eyak River Trail rain has melted most of the snow, though small sections of ice remain once you reenter the woods; the Wrangell staircase is not yet complete.

Haystack Trail is a great place to hike year round, just watch your footing on wet logs.

Pipeline and McKinley Lakes loop is also clear of snow and ready for hiking; all ponds are ice-free.

The road to Saddlebag Glacier Trail is now passable and the trail appears to be snow-free. On all these trails, be aware of continually changing conditions and prepare for Alaska spring weather. Happy hiking!

May 11, 2018 - Seward Trails and Campgrounds

If I didn’t know what month we’re in these past two weeks I could easily believe it’s fall on Seward Ranger District, it still looks and feels more like fall than spring. The weather and temperatures have slowed vegetation growth, melting of ice, and drying of trail tread. It is a slow melt with frost still 2-4” thick in the ground in many locations on Seward Ranger District. Trail tread is muddy beginning around 300 feet in elevation; please turn around if you are biking when you get to consistently muddy trail. We were working on a camp at mile 6 of Lower Russian Lakes trail the past three days and ditched our bikes near mile five each day as there was too much mud to make it worth biking.

Crescent Creek Trail is clear of fallen trees and trail tread is dry for the first 3 miles, remainder of trail still has ice cover and walking is difficult. Gate to Crescent Creek CG remains closed.

Gull Rock trail is clear of fallen trees and trail tread is relatively dry.

Lower Russian Lake Trail is dry to Lower Russian Lake and to about mile 5, then mud and soft wet trail are more consistent.

Upper Russian Lake trail add another 2 miles to your trek as there is still snow on Snug Harbor road.

Give us a couple weeks before asking about mountain biking above 300 feet in elevation, in the meantime have a great time hiking before the vegetation closes in around you on our trails.

The following campground gates and camping loops are open with no fees (and no services) first come first serve camping, Quartz Creek Lake Loop, Cooper Creek North, Primrose, Ptarmigan, Trail River (Eagle Loop only), and Porcupine in Hope. Campgrounds will open officially May 24th for regular seasonal use and reservations as applicable.

April 20, 2018 - Seward Trails

As we slowly inch toward spring the only remaining areas now open to Winter Motorized use on Glacier and Seward Ranger Districts are Turnagain Pass, the Carter Lake trail and Snug Harbor road access to Lost Lake.

Trails have an ice layer that is beginning to melt but will take several weeks before they are dry enough to ride your bike. Trails melt out a little at a time so you won’t have much distance to travel before reaching mud and more ice, please keep your bikes off recently melted trails.

The Herman Leier (Road to Exit Glacier) road gate will remain closed through the weekend and offers a paved surface free of ice and highway vehicles.

April 13, 2018 - Seward Trails

Around the clock above freezing temperatures this past week have melted several inches of snow in many locations so we are closing the following areas/trails to Winter Motorized this weekend:Lost Lake and Primrose Trails and Snow River access to Nellie Juan. Twenty mile corridor is also closed.

If you venture to Resurrection South motorized travel is recommended via the Bean Creek trail from Slaughter Ridge road, due to exposed gravel on the first 4,000 feet of  West Juneau road. Ice cleats on your shoes is recommended in all areas before the noon-day sun softens hard packed trails.

March 30, 2018 - Seward Trails

While Seward Ranger District winter motorized trails and areas remain open (Skookum on the Glacier Ranger District closes on Sunday, April 1), we do not recommend travel via snow machine on the Lost Lake trail if your track is not studded. The first ½ mile of trail is extremely icy and rocks and roots are beginning to appear due to faster snow melt near Seward.

Trail conditions on Carter Lake Trail are good. Skiing at Russian River and Trail River campground. remains good, especially in late afternoon after the hard pack softens a little. Overland crust skiing is good in many locations at lower elevations.

Resurrection Pass Trail via Bean Creek or West Juneau is hard pack the entire distance to Hope and quite bumpy on the south to Swan Lake. Some glaciation beginning to show on Slaughter Ridge Road at the steep hill, but still easy to negotiate by ski, bike, or sno-go.

March 9, 2018 - Seward Trails

Most trails (except Resurrection Pass North) that are used in winter that allow motorized use have a packed trail through tree line that should still be easy to follow until you reach the end of the trees and then you’re on your own with the new snow falling for breaking trail.

Resurrection North has not received motorized use beyond mile 9. We did break trail to East Creek from the south this week but we anticipate most of that won’t be apparent after today.

Now that we are in full winter mode keep track of weather so you can get an idea of what conditions are. Updates will be limited this month as all areas are open to motorized and  have good snow cover.

Have a Great time shoveling and breaking trail!

February 27, 2018 - Seward Trails

Good news for all of you who have been patiently waiting for snow and closed areas on the Chugach National Forest to open for Winter Motorized use - all areas that are normally open for winter motorized use will be yours tomorrow, Wednesday, February 28, 2018 including Lost Lake and Primrose Trails, Snow River Corridor to Nellie Juan, and Twentymile.

Though Lost Lake trail is open, the first ½ mile has thinner snow cover with a few obstacles that may require the aid of a friend, and/or ropes to get beyond them; I recommend you travel the Primrose Trail.

January 12, 2018 - Seward Trails

Not much has changed in the past three weeks; thin (1-4”) snowpack below 700-800 feet in elevation, 2-4 feet of packed snow at higher elevation. One to two inches of snow on ice has made travel manageable for hiking and biking, ice cleats are useful on portions of packed trail. Skiing remains good on area lakes, Divide at Mile 12 Seward Hwy. and above 800’ in elevation. While we still have low measurements of snowfall, it will only take 1-2 inches to allow for skiing again at Trail River Campground.

Remember you are responsible for your safety. Read signs, obey restrictions, and take precautions for the hazards of weather, terrain, wild animals, and other acts of nature.

December 21, 2017 - Seward Trails

Seward Ranger District remains closed to Winter Motorized Use due to lack of snow cover to prevent resource damage. We need Old Man Winter to begin delivering more than an inch or two of snow one day each week. Although, the meager snowfall has brought back the ability to ski at Bear Lake, Divide, Trail Lakes and Trail River Campground.

Two feet of snow is on the ground at Carter Lake provides for some good skiing. Our last snowfall was Tuesday night.

Add three miles to the trek to Upper Russian Cabin via Snug Harbor Road. There is a snow berm in place at the winter parking lot, at this location, there is an inch of snow on ice for a quarter mile; snow begins to accumulate as you gain elevation, however, not enough yet to open the Rainbow Lake access to Lost Lake for motorized use.

Remember you are responsible for your safety. Read signs, obey restrictions, and take precautions for the hazards of weather, terrain, wild animals, and other acts of nature.

December 14, 2017 - Seward Trails

The warm temperatures and copious amounts of rainfall on the Seward Ranger District the past nine days have wreaked havoc for much of our outdoor winter recreation. Right now ice cleats are probably a necessity for most outdoor activities below 900 feet elevation.

Here are a couple of general condition reports for the Seward Ranger District.

Gull Rock Trail at sea level is ice-free and a nice hike now that fallen trees have been removed from the trail.

Resurrection Pass Trail: Due to the current icy conditions it is recommended that you park in the circular parking area 1-mile before the Resurrection Pass North Trailhead. The last mile of Resurrection Creek Road is very icy and has a few tight turns with steep drop-offs on either side.

If you are traveling to Resurrection Pass Trail South via the Bean Creek Trail, it is recommended that you park a couple hundred feet before the circular winter parking lot on Slaughter Ridge Road, as the last 30 feet to this parking lot is downhill and has not been sanded.

While some lake ice looks invitingly smooth, there are moats and overflow that have thawed making the ice unsafe.

Remember you are responsible for your safety. Read signs, obey restrictions, and take precautions for the hazards of weather, terrain, wild animals, and other acts of nature.

October 25, 2017-Seward Trails

You know it’s raining a lot when water makes its way through your rain gear in less than an hour, such is the name of the game today and the next couple days on Seward Ranger District.

We are beginning to close and lock Campground entrance road gates, though the Russian River C.G. entrance gate will remain open a little while longer. Trail River C.G. entrance gate is closed, and the Herman Leirer Road (Exit Glacier) gate is now closed for the season at mile 1.

When a body of water freezes over we have found that in general when temperatures are between the teens and freezing, the ice thickness adds appx. ½”/day, and when the temperatures go above freezing we lose appx. ½” of ice thickness per day. Yesterday ice thickness was 4.5” on Tern Lake,  today Tern Lake ice  measured 4” beneath 1” of water.

October 18, 2017-Seward Trails

Good frosty morning everyone.

The thick mud and deep puddles of the past few weeks has morphed into rock hard tread and frozen puddles with this week of clear and cold days making for easier travel either hiking or biking.

Happy Trails!

September 30, 2017-Seward Trails

Crescent Creek Trail, Gull Rock, and all of Russian Lake trail are clear of down trees!!! Though the obstacles have been removed, trail tread here and everywhere else is extremely muddy. When traveling by bike please slow down through the puddles so as to not swoosh dirt laden water off trail tread.

Enjoy a good fall weather weekend!

September 13, 2017-Seward Trails

 We hope to have the remaining down trees removed from the Russian Lakes trail by the end of next week, in the meantime access  to Upper Russian Lake/cabin from the Lower Russian Trailhead is possible, all debris and limbing has been completed and 25 down trees removed from the trail, though there are appx. 20 trees still down including several between 2-4’ in diameter to crawl over or under.

 Travel from Upper Russian Trailhead to Upper Russian Lake/cabin will be more difficult, 25 down trees have been cleared from across the trail for the first 5 miles. Between mile 6-7.5 there are about 25 trees across the trail that will make biking more difficult, hiking is fine.

If you are venturing out on any of Seward Ranger District trails, especially by bike, I suggest you take a saw.             

September 8, 2017-Seward Ranger District

Tuesday night of this week the Seward Ranger District received high winds that knocked down many trees across numerous hiking trails. As September continues we will attempt to remove some of these but please bear in mind with many of our employees heading to the Lower 48 on Fire assignments it will be a very slow process to remove fallen trees.

June 27, 2017 - The Carter Lake trail is open. The moose carcass has been removed.

June 26, 2017 - The Carter Lake trail is temporarily closed. There is a moose carcass on the trail, once it is removed the trail will reopen.

Summer Solstice 2017-Seward Trails

Happy Summer Solstice to Everyone today, you know what that means right? We’re on the downhill slide to Winter!!!! In the mean time I hope you have a Great Summer enjoying boundless adventures on the beautiful Seward Ranger District.

We have a real treat for you as we enter summer; The Seward Youth Conservation Crew (YCC) joined the Trail Rangers for 2 full days of brushing annual growth between mile 2.5  and 3.5 on the Ptarmigan Creek Trail to the lake. This is exciting news as we don’t often have the luxury due to time to cut annuals from the trail corridor.

The Trail Crew completed work on the Iditarod National Historic Trail, Bear Lake section where the jumble of trees and root wads exposed vertical rock. This particular section of trail required over a week of unexpected repair work for several Trail Crew workers and blasters.

The main gate to Palmer Creek Road in Hope is now open for the season.

All Seward Ranger District trails with trailheads and/or bulletin/notice boards are mostly free of snow and ready for your recreating pleasures.

Please call or visit the Seward Ranger District main office for help with recreation opportunities (or any natural resource questions) at 288-3178, we are located at mile 23.5 of the Seward Highway.

Happy Trails to you,  have a Great Summer and I’ll talk with you again in late fall, unless something arises that warrants your attention.

June 19, 2017- Cordova Trails

All trails on the Cordova Ranger District except the Alice Smith Intertie have been recently cleared and brushed. The Power Creek Trail has been visited by industrious beavers, so prepare for a two wet crossings; rock slides were cleared from the beginning of this trail – please use caution when traversing loose rock. Trail work will be occurring on Eyak River Trail during the month of July. Enjoy the hikes!

June 19, 2017-Seward Trails

Thanks for the great report Dante. Two folks are going to ride Johnson this week, looks like they'll have an easy time removing trees.

The upright post for the handrail on the Russian Lakes bridge is going to be replaced, along with the one next to it. We made this bridge narrower salvaging lumber from the bridge that was damaged during a flood, thus the narrower span here. The height of this bridge requires us to have a railing.

This summer Crescent Creek Trail and Juneau Lake to Swan Lake will be brushed, not sure what else as we have zero $$$ allocated to brushing,   though if we do other brushing I'll send a trail update.

Extensive work on rock stairs at Lost Lake, most likely a couple reroutes but not definite, we anticipate several trail workers spending 4 weeks this summer.

Lots of bridge repair and some replacements.

Tread work near mile 3-4 of Resurrection North.

Repairing the sluff on INHT trail along Bear Lake is almost complete.

Drainage and tread repair in many locations. Nothing else of a large scale.

June 16, 2017-Seward Trails

The mighty Trail Crew has not been able to get to the remainder of Johnson Pass trail between mile 4 and 4 from south and north for removing fallen trees, so, if anyone is out for a ride and notices how many down trees, location, and size please send me a message.

All trails are drying out nicely, anticipate snow at Lost Lake for the next 10 days covering an area of a mile or so as you drop down to the lake from either Lost Lake or Primrose trails.

May 26, 2017 - Campground Update

All Chugach National Forest Campgronds, except Coeur d'Alene and Child's Glacier in Cordova, are open. Fees are being charged and services (water, trash service, and outhouses) are provided.

June 2, 2017-Seward Trails

Good afternoon on this sun shiny day. The rays of sunshine beginning on Monday enabled vegetation to quickly burst into many shades of green, the photo is of Resurrection Peaks from the Lost Lake Winter trail.

Most trails on Seward Ranger District where there are bulletin boards have been cleared of fallen trees except for Johnson Pass trail between mile 4 on the north to mile 4 on the south and Resurrection River trail between mile 6 and the junction of Upper Russian Lakes trail. The trail crew is waiting for Johnson Pass trail to dry a bit more before biking over the top. We don’t anticipate sending a crew back to Resurrection River trail so if any of you make a trip through please send your observations to us.

Snow still covers most of the Dale Clemens’s Cabin summer trail, we recommend continuing to use the Lost Lake Winter trail as access to the cabin for the next week.

Resurrection Pass is mostly free of snow except for random patches here and there.

May 26, 2017 - Cordova Trails

  • Crater Lake Trail - Trail is but clear to the lake! Crater Lake is still beautifully snow-covered and frozen, and the trail is considerably wet after rains.
  •  Power Creek Trail – Word has it that the route is clear all the way to Power Creek Cabin. Enjoy the hike.

May 25, 2017-Seward Trails

Good evening it’s 40 degrees with the sun shining on Kenai Lake.

Crescent Creek Trail has been cleared of fallen trees and beginning to dry out.

Iditarod National Historic Trail (INHT) between Fall’s Creek Trail and Ptarmigan Creek Trail is clear of down trees.

Johnson Pass south and north have been cleared of fallen trees to about mile 4. There is a large avalanche path near mile 2 on the north trail that’s easy to lose your bearings as to where to find the trail. Trail is still drying out in these 4 miles on south and north.

Lost Lake Trail and Primrose Trails to Lost Lake are free of snow but muddy until about mile 3.75. Beginning near mile 3.75 there is between 2-4 feet of snow on each trail to the Lost Lake (see photos taken from Primrose side), this snow is not very dense and will melt earlier this year I think, anticipate mostly snow free by mid-June.

Enjoy a safe Memorial Day Weekend.

May 19, 2017 - Campground Updates

  • Bertha Creek and Granite Creek campground gates are open
    • There are No fees and no Services - so plan on packing out any garbage

May 18, 2017 - Campground Updates

  • Williwaw and Black Bear campground gates open
    • Snow still holding on in places especially the loop closer to the lake in Williwaw
    • There are No fees and no Services - so plan on packing out any garbage

May 15, 2017-Cordova Trails

Power Creek Trail - Life and color is returning to Power Creek Trail where it is exposed and sunny. A rockslide has obstructed the trail at about ½ mile - use caution if crossing this area. Patches of snow begin as you ascend the switchbacks, increasing and becoming continuous on descent to the valley.

Saddlebag Glacier Trail - Clear all the way to the lake, which is almost entirely free of ice.

May 11, 2017-Seward Trails

Happy full moon day on this gorgeous sunshiny afternoon.

The attached photo is near mile 8 on the Devil’s Creek trail this week.

Seward Ranger District Trails are slowly drying out at lower elevations. There is still snow in the mountains and snowshoes are good to have if traveling over Resurrection Pass trail, Johnson Pass, and Lost Lake trail (skis for Lost Lake).

The mighty Trail Crew employees have returned for the summer and are working at removing fallen trees from across trails in the next few weeks.

Devil’s Creek trail is mostly dry to mile 6, three days ago we needed the aid of snowshoes from mile 7-10, down trees have been cleared.

Gull Rock trail is a good hike, all down trees have been removed from across the trail. We haven’t traveled Hope Pt but it looks dry.

Lower Russian Lake trail is mostly dry to about 1 mile before Aspen Flats, down trees have been removed from the entire Russian Lakes trail. Snug Harbor road (access to Upper Russian trailhead) has snow on it for the last 2.5 miles before the trailhead.

Resurrection Pass trail from the south is mostly dry with some mud to Swan Lake. Snow is patchy from Swan Lake to Devil’s Pass cabin. From Devil’s Pass cabin to mile 17 on the north from Hope we needed snowshoes. The trail is very muddy between mile 8 and 17 where snow has recently melted. The trail is dry from the trailhead out of Hope to Caribou Creek cabin. Most of the down trees across the trail have been removed.

Resurrection River trail has patches of snow. Down trees will be removed from the trail in the next few weeks at least to Martin Creek. We may not be logging out the remainder of the trail this year. The ford at Martin Creek is low but anticipate this to change as water begins to rise from snow melt. The flat section of trail beginning at mile 2.3 is beginning to flood from Resurrection River, this section will be difficult to travel when the river gets a few inches higher in the next week.

Trail River Campground - the Eagle and River Terrace Loops are open. No fees or services at this time. Remember pack iout what you pack in.

Have a Great Mother’s Day Weekend!

May  8, 2017 - Cordova Trails

Crater Lake Trail is clear to the overlook, with a lovely view on sunny and cloudy days alike. Beyond the overlook patches of snow begin, developing into solid snowpack before reaching the pass down to Crater Lake. If you venture out be prepared - some areas of this wet snow appear solid but are hollowed underneath by flowing water. Watch your footing and enjoy the view!

May 5, 2017- Campground Update

I am going to hijack the trails page periodically for the next few weeks to post campground status-shhhhh don't let the trails folk know. Right now there are no fees AND no services, so please (please) if you pack it in, pack it out. Thank you.

  • Ptarmigan - open and almost snow free
  • Primrose - open Driving the road is not recommended, there is still a lot of snow and moguls from snow machines
  • Russian River - The King Salmon Loop is the only open loop
  • Quartz Creek - one loop by the lake is open
  • Cooper North - one loop open by the river
  • Porcupine - open and almost snow free

Palmer Creek Road will be closed until after Memorial Day. Several large avalanches with debris are blocking the road.

All Glacier Ranger District campground gates are still closed.

April 27, 2017-Seward Trails

Most trails where snow has recently melted are muddy, please don’t ride bikes on these trails until they are dry in a few weeks, except for Lower Russian Lakes Trail. This trail is mostly snow free and dry to Lower Russian Lake. The entrance gate to Russian River Campground remains closed as there is still a patch of ice on the hill before the Trailhead.

Bean Creek Trail to Resurrection South is snow free and mud is 4-6” deep, Resurrection South trail is a mix of snow patches and mud.

Carter Lake Trail has bare ground in the first ¼ mile then snow/ice for the remainder of the way to Carter Lake.

Lost Lake Trail continues its surprise of holding snow/ice in the trail corridor, a few patches of bare ground showing in the first ½ mile. Snow/ice tread is a mix of glare, hard packed ice and mushy snow. When temperatures near 50 sinking in 4-6” even on the packed trail.

Snow free biking w/o vehicles was short lived on Herman Leier (Exit Glacier) Road. You can now drive to the Resurrection River Trailhead.

Winter motorized use on Seward Ranger District closes at midnight April 30.

April 27, 2017 - Cordova Trails

Snow is melting on the Cordova Ranger District – this means the trails are opening up, but can be saturated with spring meltwater. Time to go hiking with a sturdy pair of boots!

4/24 Pipeline Lakes Trail - Only one patch of snow remains on the boardwalk! Most lakes entirely open water and muskegs free of snow.

4/24 McKinley Lake Trail - Free of snow. Soft tread and muddy in a few places. From Pipeline junction to McKinley Lake Cabin the trail is significantly more wet and slippery, especially on wooden corduroy structures.

4/26 Alaganik Slough Trail - Still flooded.

April 20, 2017 - Seward Trails

And the sunshine continues along with good conditions for winter activities on Seward Ranger District and places afar. Night time temperatures dropping into the mid to low twenties all week has slowed the melting of packed snow/ice on trails allowing for continued snogo travel. Last week’s trail/condition report remains much the same except that packed trails are not melting as quickly.

Carter/Crescent Lakes via Carter Lake trail have been good this week due to the cooler night time temperatures.

Quite surprising still is the Lost Lake trail near Seward that is holding its own for ice/snow on the trail, conditions are good for getting to the wide open country of Lost Lake.

More surprising is the remaining 4-12” of snow on over 50% of the Gull Rock trail which is mostly in the 100’ elevation range traveling along Turnagain Arm, though much of its aspect in relationship to direction is  northeast. At mile 3.5 an avalanche has come down and is a short but steep crossing requiring the aid of ice grippers.

Herman Leirer (Exit Glacier) Road is completely dry (except for the first 2 hills) to the glacier overlook parking lot at mile 6.7. Word on the street is that Dept. of Transportation is opening the first gate at mile 1.4 and closing the second gate at mile 2.3 before the weekend. Though most of the road is bare they don’t want people to drive on the icy hills.

Russian River Campground entrance gate remains locked as the first mile is 2-3” of packed ice to just beyond the trailhead parking lot. Lots of packed ice on the Lower Russian Lakes trail.

Trail River Campground remains a good ski when the packed ice/snow softens in the early afternoon.

Bear baiting opened on April 15 and runs through June 30 in our Game Management Unit (15).

Winter motorized use where it’s allowed is open through April 30 unless we have to close areas prior to this date to prevent resource damage. If weather continues to stay cool at night we don’t anticipate any early motorized closures, however there are some areas you won’t be able to physically motor to due to open water such as the Johnson Pass Winter Route to the south from Moose Pass.

Have an awesome weekend and catch the last of this sunshine before the clouds, rain, and snow forecast next week.

April 13, 2017 - Seward Trails

Good Evening on this most beautiful sunshiny day. For travel on Seward Ranger District this week I’ve added Bear Spray and kahtoola ice grippers back to my pack. Day time temperatures have been in the low 50’s this week and below freezing at night making trails hard packed after the sun goes down until about 11:00 a.m. Around noon the packed trails soften up making skiing doable but fat tire biking more difficult. All winter used trails are still in good condition for travel if you keep the freeze thaw of the day in mind, we anticipate these conditions to last through the weekend and possibly into early next week, though at lower elevations there are bare spots beginning to show. Take caution when traveling over frozen bodies of water later in the day as surfaces begin to soften and shore melt occurs.

If traveling to Barber Cabin use the summer route but keep a keen eye on the avalanche paths along the way as there is plenty of snow up high that has not slid, though it’s hard to imagine when all around you the ground is bare except for the packed trail.

It’s been a record breaking year for non-icy and consistently good conditions for snogo’s on the Lost Lake trail, we were able to easily restock propane to the Dale Clemens Cabin this week.

Access via snogo to Upper Russian Cabin via Snug Harbor Road is still possible for a few more days but snow is melting fast on west aspects which is much of this trail.

Resurrection Pass Trail from either the Sterling Hwy, Slaughter Ridge Road to Bean Creek Trail, and from the North Trailhead out of Hope is showing more bare ground at lower elevations, if you are pulling a sled you might consider wearing a backpack until you reach snow. Skis or snowshoes still needed to go up Swan Lake Grade and on the north end.

Crust skiing is fabulous until the noon day sun begins to affect the surface. Skiing far and wide overland is a treat many of you wait all winter for, enjoy!

Have a Wonderful Easter Weekend.

March 21, 2017-Seward Trails

Happy Spring!!!

Because our winter conditions have been fantabulous for the past several weeks I haven’t posted much for trail conditions as there hasn’t been too much for changing conditions which is crazy wonderful! This past Saturday and Sunday night the Seward Ranger District received 1-4” of snow at jumping off access points being used for winter and more at higher elevations except for the western area between Cooper Landing and Hope.

With the warm noonday sun and well below freezing temps at night there are a few areas of packed trail beginning to glaze and be slick, but for the most part we continue to have the most awesome ground conditions. Many trails and locations that quite often are difficult to navigate are pleasantly easy to negotiate, though skiing is a little tough on steep downhills as it’s quite fast on the packed trails.

More sno-go activity on Resurrection Pass Trail from subsistence users have packed a trail from the south to East Creek and to Fox Creek from the North.

Off trail travel in most locations if you’re not on a sno-go require the aid of snowshoes or skis.

I had fun checking out a rather fast sno-go today, I didn’t know some of them have mirrors (see photo), it’s so beautiful out I was quite distracted looking at mountains to the front, side, and rear.

Have a Great Week ahead as sunshine looks to rule for a few more days.

March 13, 2017-Seward Trails

Resurrection Pass Trail from Bean Creek Trail via Slaughter Ridge Road is a good fat tire bike ride to Swan Lake until the next measurable snowfall. Heading north there is a sno-go track from Swan Lake to just beyond Devil’s Pass Cabin, then a narrow ski trail to just above Fox Creek Cabin. From Fox Creek Cabin there is a sno-go track to the trailhead in Hope.

There is also a sno-go track from mile 4.3 of Resurrection Pass Trail South out West Juneau Rd, skiing the loop (9 miles) from the trailhead at Resurrection South go up the trail and taking the West Juneau Rd  back to the Sterling Hwy doesn’t require shuttling a rig, see attached map.

Other trails/areas on Seward Ranger District continue to have wonderful winter conditions unheard of for this long. Herman Leirer Rd (Exit Glacier Road), Divide, Trail River C.G., Russian River C.G. are good for skate skiing. The Old Sterling Hwy from Tern Lake (park at pullout on Sterling Hwy) to Quartz Creek Rd is a good classic ski.

Travel towards Nellie Juan Lake via the South Fork of Snow River has 2-3 open water crossings depending on which route you take to Nellie Juan Lake, this is a real treat if you are biking or skiing to have so few open water crossings.

February 21, 2017-Resurrection Pass Trail Update

Thank you for your trail updates, they are great! I wanted to send you a quick note about the Resurrection Trail as I and three friends traversed it over the weekend without much difficulty. We skied from Bean Ck Road to Juneau Lake cabin on Saturday on a packed snow machine trail with 1-2 inches of fresh snow on it. On Sunday, from Juneau Lake to Swan Lake we broke trail through about 4-6 inches of fresh snow (snow machines turned around on Juneau Lake as there was significant overflow just under the surface). The deepest snow was during the climb from Swan Lake to Devil’s Pass cabin. We were mostly able to stay on top of a wind/ice crust and only had to break trail through about 6-8 inches of fresh snow. On occasion, we broke through the crust and discovered the exhausting bottomlessness of the 40+ inches below. From Devil’s Pass cabin to treeline on the west side of Resurrection Pass the snow was thin on top of a windblown layer and in some places there was just a thin covering on the tundra. Overall, the pass provided some very nice skiing with 2 inches of fresh snow on top. We ran into a packed pulk/ski trail just below treeline and followed it all the way to Hope. The lower section below Caribou cabin is hard pack with 1-2 inches of fresh snow on top. We had a great ski and enjoyed staying in Juneau Lake and East Creek cabins. There’s some wood at both, but not a ton.

February 21, 2017-Seward Ranger District

My trail conditions mailing list covers all of Seward Ranger District, I don’t have one specific to Resurrection Pass Trail. Let me know if you want to be added to the trail conditions mailing, this list is for year round conditions. Now that winter is here and all areas are quite good, except biking in many locations, I don’t anticipate many more updates until late spring, I hope.

Across Seward Ranger District between Thursday and Friday we received 6-+12 inches additional snow at Lower Elevations, this is in addition to 3-5 feet from the week prior to last Thursday. Travel on the southern end of Resurrection Pass Trail to Juneau Lake will be good, travel beyond and to Hope you can anticipate a narrow ski trail that most likely will be wind swept through Resurrection Pass until appx. 18 miles from Hope.  There is sno-go activity on the Southern end of the trail from Cooper Landing Subsistence users, no activity out of Hope so far this winter. In no-sno-go winter season, such as this one, good packed trails are not to be had due to lack of sno-go travel.

Please send an email if you have additional questions I can help with. The photo here is from the Dale Clemen’s Cabin where there is over 12’ of packed snow at 1,800’. 

February 16, 2017-Seward Ranger District

Seward Schools closed today due to too much snow! Lots of rain followed by snow, snow, snow has fallen across the District this week.

Here is an interesting article on the Human Factor in Avalanches:

Note: Snow measurements will vary depending on where you are, we’re just measuring random areas but here’s our general break down for the District this week, with more to come in the next 2 days. Fat Tire biking will not be the best while classic skiing is the name of the game.

Seward to Mile 12 Divide received the bulk of moisture since Sunday with 2.7 inches of rain between Monday and Tuesday, and 28” of snow between Sunday, Wednesday, and today.

North of Divide to our District Office on Kenai lake we received 7” of snow since Sunday while Moose Pass received more.

To the West side of our District Cooper Landing area received 7-8” of snow since Sunday while Cooper Lake area received 17” of snow, higher elevations received much more, how much we don’t know as we’ve been hanging low during this week’s series of moisture.

To the North there is 4” of new snow at Resurrection Pass Trail North and no packed trail.

Jason Aigeldinger continues to roll Trail River C.G. wide enough for skate skiing which has been good  considering the rain and heavy wet snow, though it is a bit more of a workout it’s easily doable. Russian River C.G. has not had recent grooming, though classic skiing is very good.

Enjoy a pleasant and safe extended Holiday weekend!

January 25, 2017-Seward Ranger District

Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on, let’s go and play! The snow is perfect right now for building a snowman.

It’s good to see this moisture that will help give us a good base after it freezes if you can stay out of overflow and avalanche areas until then. We normally have a spell of 12 or more days of heavy rain during the Christmas break and into the New Year that we didn’t receive, we are very fortunate this warmup appears to be short lived.

Classic skiing is much better today than yesterday due to the amount of moisture in the form of rain and heavy wet snow we’ve received in the past 27 hours on Seward Ranger District. Highways, side roads, and plowed parking areas offer a mix of variables including ice, slush, and puddles. Overflow is quite abundant on all our snow covered lakes.

Snow machines have quite the challenge of getting around in the chest deep snow up high, and also finding places to ride that are not in avalanche territory.

The winter trail to the Barber Cabin is in very good condition and should be the trail you take if you travel to Lower Russian Lake, this trail bypasses the numerous avalanche paths that run beyond the summer trail. Keep in mind that you might be in overflow depending on conditions.

When this wet storm passes here’s an area that’s a fun classic ski that Mary Beth (see photo) and I checked out yesterday, though you do have to pay attention to open holes in the creek, Primrose Creek from the parking area for the Primrose Trail. Good snow coverage has allowed for skiing a few miles up the creek bottom.

A note of caution, just because there are tracks ahead of you does not necessarily mean it leads you on a good course. I am dismayed at the amount of sno-go tracks at the outlet of Lower Trail Lake right next to the trestle in the middle.

So now that we have opened all our trails that allow for public winter motorized use, and all lakes are adequately frozen for travel (remember though to educate yourself to frozen water travel and know where your springs, inlets,  outlets, and channels are), except Kenai Lake is not totally frozen over, I don’t anticipate sending out many more trail condition updates, unless there is something worth mentioning.

Feel free to give us a call with your recreating questions on Seward Ranger District.

Information on trails/areas/cabins please call Irene at 907-288-7748 or Mike Fitzpatrick (Fitz) at 907-288-7714.

Avalanche information please call our Avalanche Specialist Alex McLain at (907) 288-7710 and also continue to visit the Chugach National Forest Avalanche Information Center:

For information on groomed trails check the following webpages:

January 15, 2017-Seward Ranger District

Good morning to all of you fans of going vroom, vroom! Today we open Lost Lake and Primrose Trails to Motorized use. Have fun, don’t spin the snow off the trail and please keep your machines on the trail until you are deep in Snow City.

January 4, 2017-Girdwood Trails

Also keep in mind with the shallow snowpack alders will be your enemy with the next wet snowfall as it will cling to the branches bringing them down and obscuring any path you take through them, right now it’s not too bad because there isn’t any snow on their branches.

The Turnagain Pass segment of the Iditarod National Historic Trail (INHT) has full snow coverage and can be a great option for any type of skis but skate skis (with wider skis being ideal for the deep and soft conditions right now). This relatively new trail currently has no signs marking its way and does not see much traffic, but is in great shape, is easy to follow, and currently has no alders in the way. The trail more or less parallels the Seward Highway on the non-motorized side of the road, leading from the Johnson North Trailhead on the Southern end, to the parking area used to access Eddie’s at milepost 72 towards the base of Turnagain Pass on the northern end, with several other potential access points in between, including by the trail’s halfway point at the large Center Ridge parking lot at the top of Turnagain Pass.

Current conditions are a bit too deep and soft for fat bike traffic, but make for good travel for snowshoers and Nordic skiers looking for more of a backcountry experience. This trail can even be a good option for alpine skiers and snowboarders looking to go for a longer tour away from the crowds of the Tincan trees but are also reluctant to push it into the alpine during periods of heightened avalanche danger or poor snow conditions. I recently had fun skiing from the Johnson North Trailhead to Center Ridge with a pair of tele-skis with fishscales, while my partner was on classic Nordic skis. The snow was soft on the trail, which is largely in the trees, despite this being the day after our December 30th wind event that hammered the upper elevations and scoured away much of our alpine snowpack.

Bridge construction has not yet been completed on this segment of the Iditarod, but during the winter months the creeks can be negotiated. The trail crossings at both Spokane Creek and Bertha Creek are in deep canyons that can be a challenge to cross, but are quite a sight once down inside them.

From end to end this segment of the Iditarod through Turnagain Pass is approximately 11 miles - with the Center Ridge parking lot as a rough halfway point. This past weekend I travelled the southern half, but I have not yet ventured out onto the northern half this winter. If travelling north of the Center Ridge lot be aware that there is significant avalanche exposure in places, particularly on the north side of Tincan. Always be aware of current avalanche conditions, practice safe travel habits, and travel with the appropriate avalanche rescue gear (beacon/shovel/probe).

Not too many Nordic skiers seem to know about this trail yet, but you will occasionally see ski tracks either crossing or joining the trail for short segments - these are typically from alpine skiers and snowboarders on their approach to the higher elevations. This is particularly noticeable on the northernmost mile or so of this trail, which is used as a popular access point for the slope known as Eddie’s.  Otherwise expect to have this trail largely to yourself, which is a treat considering the good conditions and easy access.

January 4, 2017-Seward Trails

Oh me oh my, In my haste to go through mail and forward news, my co-worker alerted me that my forwarding Resurrection Pass trail information makes it sound as if Resurrection Pass Trail is open for Winter Motorized use, it is, but only if you are a SUBSISTENCE RESIDENT from Hope, Cooper Landing, or Ninilchik.

Hi Irene, Happy New Year!

I went up Res South looking for a caribou before the 31st. We Got up the grade from Swan fine but had to stay on the trail after that. (alders showing off trail) Made it down into the valley floor on the trail, then came to a bridge and side hill that’s too narrow. Maybe 14” of windblown snow, all powder until the frozen ground. We won’t be hauling timbers up there any time soon. Sounds like we need a wet dump everywhere.

We have snow, though not as much as we’d like for opening Primrose or Lost Lake Trails to Motorized. Yes, last year we opened with a tad more snow both of these trails trying so hard to give the public more options to get out, however, we were extremely displeased with the behavior of some riders, and you know it doesn’t take more than a few to really mess things up. The riding through the trees and spinning snow off the vegetation and getting down to mineral soil especially on the Primrose trail was very bad, we aren’t going to go there again. The ground is frozen, but the snow is not deep enough in the first ½ mile on Lost Lake Trail, we’re hoping for a good 8-12 inches of heavy wet snow to fall through the trees on this trail and then perhaps an opening? Primrose trail is even bleaker with bare vegetation showing in the first ½ mile.

December 30, 2016-Seward Ranger District

Good Morning to a rather skimpy snowfall in the Southern reaches of Seward Ranger District (Lost Lake-Primrose), but to the north Moose Pass and Summit Lake have received 4 inches of snow overnight.

Johnson Pass Trail opened today to Winter Motorized use for your vrooming pleasure, though make note that access from the North Trailhead is via the Johnson Pass Wagon Road located to the West of the parking lot as the first 2 miles of Johnson Pass Trail is closed to all motorized  use to Center Creek.

Lost Lake and Primrose trails remain closed to Winter Motorized use.

With less snow depths at lower elevations alder within the trail corridor presents a challenge to get through when new snow clings to their branches thus creating a tangled maze.

Continue to check these most awesome websites for updates on grooming and avalanche conditions so we don’t have duplicate messages here.

Resurrection Pass Trail to the north and south have decent packed trails for the first 13 miles. Driving to the trailhead in Hope is currently fine, winter parking to the south is best kept to the circular winter parking area on Slaughter Ridge Road, description and map is in last week’s email. Travel across the top between Cooper Landing and Hope has been very minimal and our winter storms that bring high winds have blown away most of the ski tracks above tree line.

Wishing all of you a Very Happy and Merry beginning towards the New Year!

December 21, 2016-Seward and Glacier Ranger Districts

Happy Winter Solstice to all of you on this Gorgeous Evening.

There are many groomed ski options across the District right now. Last week I referred you to websites for Cooper Landing, Girdwood, and Seward to check out what’s being groomed; for the most part they are updated with news when fresh grooming has occurred, though I noticed a couple areas were not added to the Seward site, they are Bear Lake, Exit Glacier Road, and Mile 12 Divide.

I enjoy ice and the physics and mechanics of ice; At work my partner and I have a lot of fun playing the guessing game of how tick the ice will be before we measure various bodies of water. November 14 Juneau Lake had 5” of ice thickness and no snow cover, Swan Lake had 7 ½ inches of ice and no snow, December 6 Trout Lake had 8” of ice thickness below a couple inches of snow. Since then these lakes received approximately 3-5 inches of snow November 30, a thick layer of hoar frost the 3rd week of December and 5-8 inches of snow fall December 16-19. Any guess as to what the ice thickness was yesterday on these lakes?

Resurrection Pass trail south via Bean Creek Trail has been packed by snow machine to Swan Lake. Here are directions for winter travel on Resurrection South which is easier to navigate (note, there are a few roads that veer right heading up hills, these are packed by sno-go, but you no wanna go go).

Bean Creek Winter Route access to Resurrection Pass trail south:

At mile 47.7 of the sterling Hwy. turn onto Bean Creek Road, Drive 1 mile, turn right onto Slaughter Ridge Road.     Drive ½ mile & park at the winter circular parking area. Travel 1.3 miles to the Bean Creek Trail.  Then go 1.8 miles up Bean Creek Trail to Resurrection Pass Trail .

There is also a winter access via West Juneau Road 200 feet directly west of the Resurrection Pass trail south at mile 53.2 of the Sterling Hwy. This access is more difficult until it is packed down well as it does not receive much use in non-motorized seasons.

Ice thickness beneath 8” of snow yesterday at Trout, Juneau, and Swan Lakes:

Juneau Lake: 13”

Swan Lake: 13.5”

Trout Lake: 16”


Trail Crew Foreman/Coordinator Will Brennan has this report to share for the Girdwood area:

Winner Creek Trail is primed for fat biking right now, and judging by the amount of tracks out there quite a few people are taking advantage of the good conditions. A lot of the folks out on the trail are renting bikes from next door at the Alyeska Hotel, a good option to consider if you are new to fat bikes.

Winner Creek can also be a hoot on skis with the right gear setup. This trail seems steeper in the winter, and is best suited for a fishscaled ski with metal edges and a stiff boot. The snow is a little thin in places, but for the most part the rocks and roots have been covered up. Skiers should also keep in mind that Winner Creek Trail connects to the Girdwood Nordic Ski Club’s groomed 5K loop if they are looking for an extended tour. Note that this loop is open to ski traffic only during winter grooming.

If you do bike or ski Winner Creek Trail please be cautious of other slower moving trail users as you head back downhill towards Alyeska. The trail’s current packed soft snow also makes for good conditions for walkers, and it’s just soft enough that you can leave the ice creepers in your pack.

The hand tram across Glacier Creek is closed down for the winter, but as of Sunday with a little bushwhacking and some light footwork it was possible to ford the creek over an ice bridge below the tram for those looking to push on towards Crow Creek Road. Heading the other direction there were recently a number of tracks leading up the Upper Winner Creek Trail, but eventually the bent over alders will slow you down this time of year. If travelling this way you should also be mindful that after roughly the first mile from the “T” intersection with the Winner Creek Trail you will be entering avalanche terrain and should only travel further with the appropriate gear and knowledge of the avalanche hazards and how to mitigate them.

It’s great to have snow to sea level after the last couple of winters, so hopefully people have a chance to get out and enjoy this trail while the conditions are in!

Here is a report from Carolyn Seramur from Glacier Ranger District:

Report of ice/frost on Portage Lake from the 14th shows here

Sat-Sun snow fall of 5” was quite warm so was quite slushy by Sunday afternoon.

Monitor/tracking ice thickness or conditions of Portage Lake or the surrounding areas doesn’t occur.

A few inches of snow fell Monday morning across Girdwood and Portage . . . I would guess that snow would be enjoyable to slide/swipe/hike in!

From the webcam on the Begich, Boggs Visitor Center you can tell the lake is covered  . . . Portage Glacier site.

Take care and monitor/measure condition to allow yourself and those amongst you in your party to travel aware and cautious with returning safely home!


I’ll be taking a little time off so I’d like to wish all of you a Very Merry Christmas a little early.

December 20, 2016-Seward Ranger District

News in the woods today is that portions of Seward Ranger District are open to Winter Motorized use with the exception of Lost Lake, Primrose, and Johnson Pass Trails. In addition, Resurrection Pass Trail is closed this winter season to motorized use, however, Subsistence users (Cooper Landing, Hope, and Ninilchik) may use snow machines on this trail system.

December 16, 2016 -Seward Trails

The clumps of gnarly trees on the Iditarod Trail along Bear Lake have been removed by our Master Sawyer Mike (Fitz) Fitzpatrick, root wads and torn out trail will remain until spring as they are quite frozen in, travel in this section isn’t too easy but it’s better without the trees in the way.

Bear Lake had 8” of ice yesterday and is skateable in some areas beginning about ¾ of a mile beyond the start of the lake though it is mixed with patches of snow, see attached photo.

Snow is in the forecast, predictions change daily, we are making sure at least one of us is checking conditions every day and will let you know when we are able to open some areas to Winter Motorized use.

December 14, 2016-Seward Lakes

Here are 2 lakes for ice skating I have to share for those of you that can head out in the next couple days before the next snowfall as it isn’t very often you can skate on them due to snow cover, and avalanches at Ptarmigan Lake.


Grant Lake:Yesterday we measured 3.75 inches of ice in front of the Portage Trail and 4.5 inches out farther. The ice is smooth beneath ½” of snow and hoar frost and skated nicely. The far east last ¼ of the lake appears to have just frozen over so we did not venture there.

Ptarmigan Lake, we measured 7” of ice beneath a couple inches of hoar frost today. We don’t normally recommend winter travel to Ptarmigan Lake due to several avalanche paths that cross the hiking trail and several on each side of the narrow valley from the beginning of the lake to the end of the lake, however, we feel pretty comfortable with travel to the lake and also down the lake before the next snowfall. Ptarmigan Creek trail is 3.4 miles one way to the lake, and 3.25 miles on the lake from the west shore to the eastern shore. Nordic blades were the favorite skate as they cruised through the hoarfrost much easier and faster than hockey skates.

December 9, 2016-Seward Trails

Dear, oh dear, oh dear, I’m sorry we have not had much more than a smidgen of new snow this week so the Seward Ranger District remains closed to Winter Motorized use, and we really do check and monitor conditions on a daily basis, check out my stash of necessary gear in the photo, the only thing missing is my split snowboard, I am very fortunate and say my many Thanks every day.

Bear Lake beyond the cove ice thickness was 5” yesterday.

Crescent Lake froze last Sunday afternoon, ice thickness Monday was 1”, we anticipate with zero snow cover the ice is adding about 1”/day, anticipate it to be close to 5” now, however, a few hundred feet in front of the inlet on the Carter Lake trail side was not frozen on Monday.

Trout Lake ice thickness is 9”.                                  

Please keep in mind that ice thickness varies on each body of water, just because I give ice thickness reports does not mean ice travel is safe, there are many factors in determining where, how, when, and if you should travel on ice, here is a link with a lot of very good information:

In addition to ice travel safety, here is a link to the Most Awesome Avalanche Website (Chugach National Forest Avalanche Information Center) should you find yourself traveling in avalanche terrain:

I would also like to share three websites covering areas on Glacier and Seward Ranger Districts for skiing so you can check conditions and find out when campground roads and other areas have been groomed as I don’t plan on posting any further updates for skate skiing now that everyone is up and running with the minimal snow we have and posting updates when needed:

Have a Beautiful Chilly Weekend!

December 8, 2016-Glacier Ranger District

Portage webcam:

Over the past week temperatures have stayed below freezing.  High temp of 30 degrees at 4am on 12/6.  Low temp of -8 at 6am on 12/5.  Most recent report (eyes on the lake) was Sunday 12/4 = still no ice on Portage Lake.  As of 4pm 12/7 it has been 16 days of below freezing temperatures using the avcams weather instruments on Begich, Boggs Visitor Center Portage Glacier webcam: . . .  I’m sure the ice is forming somewhere on that lake soon if not already . . .

Cold fluffy light in density snow is what covers the ground throughout Portage Valley  . . . in places up to a foot even!

For more Portage information check out the recent Turnagain Times article on page 18 of

December 6, 2016-Why No Winter Motorized Opening

Why isn’t the Seward Ranger District open to Winter Motorized Use? When will we open? Good questions as it’s now December 6 and we’re full on into winter. We’re waiting for snow, snow, snow, and snow! Snowpack is too shallow on our trails, we need more snow, snow, snow, and more snow, snow, snow!

Here are a few considerations we look at to determine when we open trails/areas to Winter Motorized Use.

On SRD we assess conditions to make our recommendations on when it is appropriate to use snow machines on and off our trails. We regularly monitor these access points to monitor conditions: Lost Lake TH, Snow River at Mile 13, Primrose TH, Johnson South TH and Upper Trail Lake, Carter Lake TH, Summit Lake, Palmer Creek RD, Bean Creek TH, Resurrection Pass TH's (N&S), (though it's not open to motorized other than subsistence this winter season), Snug Harbor Road, these being our primary areas.

Folks often ask about the amount of snow necessary to open to motorized use, we can’t give them a measurement as there are other factors than snow depth to make a decision and it is better assessed by the ground conditions (frozen or not), density of snow (dry or wet), and anticipated weather (cooling or warming, more snow or not, rain). What we are looking for is frozen ground, snow sufficient to pack on the trail and cover most ground vegetation so traffic will not wear the snow cover away or blow it off the trail and expose dirt for long stretches. This may be 8 inches of heavy snow on frozen ground or 20 inches of dryer snow. But again, and particularly on trails, it is not the depth of snow but its consistency, the condition of the ground beneath it, and anticipated weather over the next several days. We have a couple areas that are so close, well, sort of close, to being open but we just need a little more snow, snow, snow, and more snow, snow, snow!

December 2, 2016-Seward and Girdwood Trails

It’s a Winter Fairyland on Seward Ranger District with just enough snowfall to mess with ice skating on some lakes but not enough to open to Motorized use, and yet there’s barely enough snow to allow for skate skiing in some areas but where it does, it’s GREAT due to the grooming Dave Story has done at RRCG and Jason Aigeldinger at TRCG

Classic and skate skiing on Herman Leirer Road (Exit Glacier); Trail River C.G. (TRCG); and Russian River C.G. (RRCG) roads is good. Today there is 2-4” of light snow on an ice layer at Herman Leirer Road making for a little harder skate skiing, it will get better as folks get out and pack it down. TRCG and RRCG have been groomed, it’s amazing what a groomer can do, and yes, there are rumors of gravel at TRCG, I took my brand new skate skis to TRCG and had no problems with gravel or getting down to gravel, though I did toss about 10 small rocks off the road.

Resurrection Pass Trail South is bike able to Swan Lake, frozen prints and ruts are covered in snow. Pulling a pulk from the South to the North is good.

Resurrection Pass Trail North is bike able to just beyond Caribou Creek Cabin and skiable from just beyond through the Pass.

Ice thickness on the following lakes is as follows:

Grouse Lake: 6 ¾” of ice beneath 2” of snow, the ice is smooth and easy to skate through the snow.

Summit Lake: 8” beneath 2” of snow, the ice is smooth and easy to skate through the snow.

Tern Lake: 9” beneath 3” of snow.

Lower Trail: 6” beneath 2.5” of snow.

Upper Trail: 5 to 6” beneath 3.5” of snow 200 feet North of the Ball Diamond.

Cooper, Crescent, and Grant Lakes not frozen.


Here is an update on Recreational Activities for Glacier Ranger District:

Ranger Tim says XC ski on campground road at Williwaw Campground was good this past weekend 11/26ish with maybe a few inches of snow on the ground . . . there is a snow berm blocking access to driving into the campground and gate should be (if not) pulled shut.

More information on this location: this fresh snow fell a few times in dusting type amounts over the last week or two, surface hoar has been forming on top of this snow as well, looks like winter fat tire biking is popular at many parts along the Trail of Blue Ice, ice is forming in/on wetland areas (as long as temperatures stay below freezing), Explorer Pond (not sure on thickness) but was covered in ice and smooth and most likely skate able as well as probably parts of Alder Pond wetlands and the like.

The Portage area has been below freezing (for the most part minus a few hours here and there getting up to 35 degrees) for a week now . . . how about ice on Portage lake you ask? . . . in the past it has taken up to two solid weeks of below freezing weather for ice to try or start to form .  You can pay attention to temperature/weather/camera at FAA webcam on top of BBVC (Begich, Boggs Visitor Center) has three views from the rooftop.  This is at on the webcam named Portage Glacier.

For reference in above paragraph with brochure map below: 2 is Alder Pond, 3 is Explorer pond, Trail of Blue Ice is labeled on map, and 7 is Williwaw Campground.

November 30, 2016-Seward Trails

I do love the beautiful crystal clear and cold days that are helping to add ice thickness to local lakes, however, I don’t like being the bearer of news you probably already know; Seward Ranger District (also Glacier R.D.) will not open to winter motorized use on December 1 due to lack of snow to prevent resource damage, see attached closure order and map. Be assured that we monitor conditions on a daily basis and will open to motorized use when we receive adequate snowfall to prevent resource damage.

Seward Ranger District-Trail Ranger Note to You:

Dear Outdoor Enthusiasts,

I Love outdoor recreating on the beautiful Seward Ranger District, actually almost anywhere, and this is why I particularly love sending information out on various conditions close to home on SRD. Please keep in mind that these conditions, especially in winter, may change in a matter of minutes sometimes. There may be times when I say the skiing is Great is at such and such a spot, however, just because it’s Great to me, it might not be to you, it could possibly be a Death Trap depending on how you go about it.

Each adult needs to be able to determine for themselves if they have the right equipment, experience, and frame of mind to venture into the wilds of the outdoors. Each adult also needs to take serious precautions when introducing children, pets, and inexperienced adults to an outdoor activity. Is the area safe for travel, did you make sure everyone has the necessary equipment, clothing, ability to do the trek safely and without overdoing the physical aspect of the activity?

The photo is of my 2 dogs Lupine and Larkspur, I enjoy taking them on outings, my first aid kit has doggie drugs, booties,  and vet wrap in case of porcupine quills, cut to feet, etc. I am now adding that tool for releasing traps, and stronger wire cutters. In earlier years when my children were younger my pack weight was way heavy with extra layers, gloves, hand warmers, lots of food, on and on and on, I still carry extra items for them, but not as much now that they are teenagers and know more than I do.

I wish all you the joy in experiencing the outdoors, Happy and Safe Trails to you and yours!  Irene B. Lindquist

November 21, 2016-Seward Trails

Good Evening to all of you on this beautiful night. Here is a little update for your reading pleasure as I will not be sending out updates again (besides a little disclaimer in a few minutes) until next week as I am minus Trail Rangers until next spring and I am extending in this direction the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend.

For those of you in the local hiking area we will not be able to tend to the Bear Lake mile 1.5 cluster of trees until perhaps December, maybe by then Bear Lake will be frozen enough for somewhat safe travels?

Carter Lake to Crescent Lake: Good skiing from the trailhead today to Crescent Lake, 3-4” of ice on Carter Lake under 1” of snow, Crescent Lake not frozen, 12” of packed snow at 1,700 feet in elevation.

Grouse Lake: 1.5” of ice today.

Lost Lake Winter Trail to Dale Clemen’s Cabin, 10” of packed snow at 1,800 feet in elevation.

Summit Lake: 2.5” of ice under ¼” of snow today, and 3.5” of packed snow on the ground.

Tern Lake: Refrozen moat today ice measured 2.75”, ice beyond the refrozen moat measured 4” beneath 1.5” of snow.

Have a Lovely Thanksgiving Holiday!

November 17, 2016-Seward Trails

Good evening on this snowy day on Seward Ranger District, so far we received 3 inches of snow south of Moose Pass (7:00 a.m. Friday morning it's now 6") and more in Moose Pass.

With heavy rains Saturday then temperatures going below freezing across Seward Ranger District a lot of ice has formed on trails and side roads making for more cautious travel. Ice cleats should be standard fare in your pack so you have them if needed. After walking one mile on gravel and no ice, I fell hard on a snow covered frozen puddle and am thankful I didn’t break anything other than my phone.

Biking with studded bike tires and ice cleats on your boots is the name of the game for people wanting to bike, there is some good riding but there are also many places where you have to get off and walk due to treacherous conditions.

Ice thickness for the following lakes: Note: Now that many of our lakes have snow cover the ice will be building at a rate of less than ½”/day. Lower Russian 3”; Grayling 3”; Meridian 2.5”; Jerome 6”; Juneau 7”; Swan 9.5 inches; Tern 2-3”. Lakes not frozen: Cooper, Grant, Ptarmigan, large parts of Summit and Vagt.

November 10, 2016-Seward Trails

Quite often I chuckle while looking at local weather forecasts, this 5-day forecast (including today) is one such example of what I find funny. These forecasts are from 11:30 a.m. today.

Anchorage: Rain/Snow; Rain/Snow; Rain Likely; Rain; Snow Likely then Rain/snow.

Moose Pass: Snow 1-3”; Snow 1-3”; Snow 5-8”; Snow 5-8”; Snow 3-5”.

Seward: Rain; Rain; Rain; Rain; Rain;

Conditions across the Seward Ranger District are a mixed bag of wet/muddy/soggy soil below 1,800 feet in elevation. Above 1,800 feet snow is sticking and should be building in the next few days.

Carter Lake has 4” of ice.

The entrance gate to Russian River Campground is now locked and closed for the winter season, add 8/10ths of a mile of road to your trek before reaching the Lower Russian Lake Trailhead. The road today is packed ice.

Tern Lake ice measured 3.5” this morning, that’s a loss of ½” in the past 24 hours. Surface is wet and smooth.

Trapping Season is well upon us, see attachment. If you venture outside with dogs it would be well worth your time to get with a trapper friend and have them show you how to release various snares/traps. Even when you know how to release a dog from a trap, this is a very traumatic experience. I had a horrible experience releasing my dog’s paw from a trap, I can’t imagine how much worse it would be to release a dog’s neck from a trap. I’ll try and get a story for next week’s trail report from a couple friends whom experienced the HORROR of releasing a dog’s neck from a trap.

Most of the land on the Seward Ranger District are public, managed by the Chugach National Forest and is open to trapping fur-bearers.  Trapping seasons vary, but for many animals it runs from November 10 through March (Unit-7 opens October 15 for trapping of beaver, coyote and wolf and muskrat ends May 15).

Bait and odors used to attract fur-bearing animals to traps may attract your dog .

Please keep your dogs on leash or under voice control to avoid having them caught in a trap.

Tampering with traps is against the law.

 For more information on trapping regulations, contact AK Department of Fish & Game, Wildlife Conservation: (907) 267-2344 or online at

Have a Great Veteran’s Day Weekend whatever the weather.

November 7, 2016-Seward Trails

Tern Lake ice thickness is 4.75" of ice under 1/4" of snow, ice is smooth. There is a 12-15" refrozen moat that is 1-2" thick before the good ice. I would be hesitant to venture on frozen ponds/lakes unless you know the pattern of the body of water and have a drill and tape measure with you to do several test holes. We're due for another round of warm air, though I was pleasantly pleased to see the temperature near the Tern Lake Wye holding a steady 31 degrees at 2:00 p.m. today.

Johnson Pass Trail North has minimal snow and is a decent bike ride until additional snow falls.

October 25, 2016-Seward Trails

This morning Tern Lake cloudy ice measured 3 ½” and the clear black ice measured 2”. Temperatures have been in the single digits overnight and warming up to the 30’s mid-afternoon in the past couple days. The clear black ice began freezing Saturday adding about an inch a day. I drilled several holes around the lake staying away from the inlet and outlet and all holes were consistent with the above measurements.

Jerome Lake cloudy ice measured 4” thick and the clear ice 2 ¾” .

Ice safety charts vary for thickness of when a person can safely travel on its surface, google ice safety charts for more information. Keep in mind there are many variables to add to the ice safety charts that can make ice travel less stable such as: travel near inlets, outlets, springs, decaying matter, currents, depth of water, snow cover, salt or fresh water, air temperature, season, on and on and on. I read a blurb that says to stay off cloudy ice, with that said, I’m going skating today at Tern Lake!

October 20, 2016-Seward Trails

Seward Rangers District received 3.5-10 inchs of snow between Sunday and Monday afternoon. Much of the snow at lower elevations has already melted. Anticipate 8-10 inches of snow through Resurrection Pass. At elevations between 1,000-2,000 feet there is approximately 5 inches of snow and between 600-1,000 feet around 2 inches.

Remember the 2016/2017 Winter season is non-motorized for Resurrection Pass Trail (except for subsistence users).  

September 30, 2016-Seward Trails

What a Fantastic week of lovely Fall weather with the cold, clear, crisp nights and Norther Lights, and bright colors all around, I hope you have enjoyed it in one way or another.  

Johnson Pass and Russian Lakes trail have several down trees from the windstorm 2 weeks ago. Resurrection Pass and Devil's faired fine. A few of the limbs have been removed from the Russian Lakes down fall, though just enough to allow you to get over them, traveling by bike will take a bit more time to get over or under.  

Traveling grassy and brushy areas is very easy now due to most leaves off bushes and grasses dying down. 

If any of you travel Gull Rock trail this weekend, please send me an update of how many down trees are there. 

Enjoy this evening and tomorrow while the sun is shining!

September 16, 2016-Seward Trails

Good Fall Day to everyone.

It’s such a relief to finally experience muddy ground conditions on our hiking trails, conditions were fabulous all season, now reality is back, enjoy the mud, mud, mud, and more mud!

Copious amounts of moisture have saturated the ground leading to very mucky conditions in organic soils and large puddles in non-organic soils where water does not drain due to lack of fill.

Vegetation is dying back and leaves are falling off bushes making for a tad bit of easier travel through brushy areas.

August 19, 2016-Seward Trails

Here is a rare treat to enjoy: Ptarmigan Creek Trail has had annual growth cut back to within 1/3 mile of the lake. It’s not a common occurrence to cut grass, cow parsnip, and other annuals from our trails. This trail is not recommended for horse or bike due to many roots, rocks, and steps between mile 1 and the lake.

Beginning Sunday August 21 there will not be a fee charged at Lower Russian Lake Trailhead Parking Lot in the Russian River C.G. as Red Salmon fishing closes August 20, though Silver Salmon fishing is still open

August 4, 2016-Seward Trails

Well, what a relief it is to see the fire danger on Seward Ranger District at low don't'cha think?

The Seward Ranger District Trail Crew Extraordinaire has completed brushing of woody plants within the trail corridor of the Carter Lake Trail.

There is a brown bear in the vicinity of Resurrection Pass Trail South that has been way to curious of people, a backpacker had to use her bear spray on him and then he followed her 4 miles, this is a report that has been passed on to us. In addition, there is still a pesky black bear in the vicinity of Lower Russian Lake.

July 12, 2016-Seward Trails

Good Gorgeous evening to all of you on this fine summer day. I have been enjoying the summer trying not to stop for too long as the insects are out in full force, as is the vegetation. Sorry for forwarding messages yesterday with long trailing emails, my computer is acting up again and my email program doesn’t want to work well.

I have attached the ROG Sheet for the Resurrection River Trail as a guide of what to expect on this relatively wild and quieter trail if you choose to venture there because our brushing contractor just completed clearing down trees and woody vegetation from the trail corridor between Martin Creek (mile 4.5) and the Upper Russian Lakes Trail Junction, though there is still plenty of annual non-woody growth that has not been cleared. We don’t recommend this section of trail for the inexperienced hiker, and we only recommend hiking on this section, though I know of folks who enjoy mountain biking it, they are not your usual recreationists, rather they are a very experienced breed.

Martin and Boulder Creeks are running high, Boulder Creek is fordable today but Martin Creek is not, give it 2-3 weeks to subside before venturing there, unless you have a pack raft.

I’ll look for you on the wild side, have a Great Trek wherever you go.

June 15, 2016-Seward Trails

Hey, it’s winter, I’m back!!!! See photos.

Here’s a quick update for you:

Johnson Pass trail has had all downed trees removed from the trail way. Few miles of water on the trail from Bench Lake and North, though the tread is mostly gravel and biking is fine to do.

Lost Lake trail between mile 3.5 and 4 had patchy snow yesterday, same thing for the Primrose trail. Between mile 4 of the Lost Lake trail to Primrose Trail mile 5 is solid snow 2-5 feet deep in most places. We skied 6 miles, though the skiing was a bit slow due to pollen on the snow. Walking without snowshoes is good due to the rapid melting and condensing of the snowpack. I anticipate this section of trail to be mostly snow free by the end of the first week of July. Even though the snowpack is rather solid it’s not bike friendly because you are still sinking in 3-4 inches.

Resurrection Pass trail is a good bike, hike from Cooper Landing to Hope.

Enjoy the sunshine!

June 8, 2016-Seward Trails

Good Morning on this gorgeous, sunny day!

Trails are drying out nicely, you are good to go for hiking and biking on all trails we have Recreational Opportunity Guides (ROGS) and Maps for (except over the top of Lost Lake where there is still snow), follow the link which will take you to the latest and Greatest basic information on our trails, finally posted to the WEB!!!! For detailed information on planning a trek please call me, or Mike Fitzpatrick at 907-288-7714.

If you are not familiar with our hiking trails please review the ROG’s, they help in deciphering what trails are recommended for biking and horse use.

All trails except Johnson Pass (some down trees remain but they aren’t a problem to get around) and    Resurrection River Trail between Martin Creek and Russian Lakes Trail Junction (this area will be difficult to maneuver until trees are removed) have had down trees removed.

Vegetation is growing at an excelled rate, this photo was taken Saturday on Victor Creek trail, it’s a jungle out there already!

I’ll send an update this summer after the Resurrection River Trail has had down trees removed, anticipate this to be around end of June, until then I don’t anticipate sending any trail updates.

Enjoy your summer on our Beautiful and Magnificent Chugach National Forest.

May 26, 2016-Seward Trails

Another good sunny day to you!!! Please be mindful of the dry conditions on the Kenai Peninsula and have a safe and lovely Memorial Day weekend coming up.

Resurrection River Trail between the Upper Russian Lake Jct. and mile 4.5 at Martin Creek has not been cleared of fallen trees for 2 years now. We have a brushing and tree removal contract occurring in this location soon. Snow melt runoff will continue to add water through the first of July making travel across Martin and Boulder Creeks difficult if not impossible to cross. If you choose to travel this trail I recommend you begin your trek at the Resurrection River trailhead in case you can’t cross Martin and/or Boulder Creeks, this will allow for a shorter trek back to the road system. In addition I do not recommend travel between Martin Creek and the Russian Lake trail junction by any other mode of travel besides walking until after the 2 years’ worth of fallen trees are removed (I’ll send a message out this summer when the trail is clear).

Carter Lake trail is snow free until mile 2 where we found 20 inches of snow today, see photo.

Crescent Creek trail has been cleared of fallen trees almost to the lake and is snow free except for avalanche at mile 3.5. Remainder of fallen trees will be cleared next week.

Crown Point Road to Iditarod/Vagt Lake loop has been cleared of fallen trees.

Iditarod Trail from Mile 12 Divide to Primrose trail has been cleared of fallen trees.

Johnson Pass Trail South and North have been cleared of fallen trees to mile 7. Still laden with snow through Johnson Pass for approximately 4 miles. Anticipate the trail crew to clear remainder of the trees hopefully by the 2nd week of June.

Resurrection River trail from the trailhead near Exit Glacier to Martin Creek (mile 4.6) has been cleared of fallen trees.

Russian Lakes trail from Russian River Campground to the Upper Russian Trailhead on Snug Harbor Road has been cleared of fallen trees, vegetation is about knee high, the ground is dry. Parking is still free at the Lower Russian Trailhead until June 11 when the salmon sport fishing opens on the Russian River. After this date only cabin permit holders on the Russian Lakes Trail will be allowed to park without paying a fee.

May 19, 2016-Seward Trails

Today I’ll post trails that still have snow, other trails are dry, or mostly dry.

Here’s a Great tip for those of you who would like to ski:

Lost Lake has abundant snow, 6-8 feet just beyond Clemen’s Cabin. Clemen’s Cabin from the Lost Lake Trailhead is a mere 2-mile hike, though it seems further due to the quick elevation gain of 1,300 feet. We were able to skate ski sinking in 2-4 inches, poles with baskets would be more useful than skate poles. Catch it on a good visibility day.

Snow on trails above 1,200 feet in elevation in most areas including Carter, Lost Lake, Primrose, Johnson and Resurrection Pass. Trails are drying out nicely where snow has recently melted. Listed below are approximate times for these areas to be snow free.

Carter Lake: 2-3 weeks.

Lost Lake across the top to Primrose: 2nd week of July.

Johnson Pass: 1-2 weeks.

Resurrection Pass: 2 weeks.

Anticipate minimal trail updates from me for the summer as conditions don’t change daily like they do in winter, though myself and our Trail employees are available to answer your questions and help you plan a trip.

For additional information and questions please feel free to call the following people on our staff:

Mike Fitzpatrick (907) 288-7714

Martha Story or Erik Johnson (907) 288-7712

Seward Ranger District Main Office (907) 224-3374

Have Great Summer recreating on the Beautiful Chugach National Forest!

May 12, 2016- Seward Trails

The snow will be melting quickly now with all the sunshine and warm weather in the forecast! 

Resurrection Trail is dry from the northern trailhead all the way to Fox Creek. The snow line starts a mile south of East Creek and continues to the Swan Grade where snowshoes are recommended. From there to the southern trailhead the trail is mostly dry with several lingering wet areas.  

Trail crews have already logged out:

--Resurrection North to Devil's Creek junction

--Resurrection South and Bean Creek to Juneau Lake

--Gull Rock

--Devil's Creek

--Iditarod Trail from Divide to Bear Lake

--first 7 miles of Johnson South

Crews will continue to log out the trails in the coming weeks. 

April 14, 2016-Seward Trails

Snow is melting fast, especially on south and west aspects. Most areas below 1,000 feet in elevation are snow free, some drier than others.

Bean Creek Trail is snow free but very muddy in the last ½ mile. Resurrection Pass Trail South beginning at the Bean Creek Junction has mostly packed snow with stretches of bare ground.

The Road to Exit Glacier is open.

The last mile of the Lost Lake winter trail to Clemen’s Cabin would be nice to have snowshoes when temps are above freezing as snow is getting quite rotten, even on the packed trail.

Lower Russian Lake Trail is ice/snow free and very dry and would be a good bike ride with regular tires, the lake is free of ice. The road to the trailhead is open.

Ptarmigan Creek trail to the lake is dry.

And thanks to Chris Craven’s for this report on Snug Harbor access to Lost Lake:

Hello!   Just wanted to give you an update on trail status from snug harbor.  Me and three other snowmachiners accessed lost lake are from snug on tues April 12.  We parked and offloaded about 1/4 mile past the parking lot finding plenty of room to park our vehicles and still providing room for other trucks to pass.  Good snow coverage on the road itself found approx 3/4 before rainbow lake. Rainbow lake was very solid with no obvious signs of systemic deterioration.  Just past the lake there is a small section of "rotten" snow but lots of it!!!!  Beyond that excellent trail and snow condition.  4 feet of new up high!

April 7, 2016-Seward Trails

Not a motor will chug all through the District except for Snug Harbor Road access to Lost Lake, Upper Russian Lake Trail, and Summit Lake area as we are anticipating closing all other areas to winter motorized use this weekend. Snug Harbor Road access to Lost Lake and Upper Russian Trail has 1,000 feet of gravel road leaving from the winter parking area before reaching snow. You won’t want to drive a rig to reach the snow as there are no places to turn a truck around, let alone a truck pulling a trailer. Warm temperatures is melting ice at record levels not seen before, Tern and Lower Trail Lakes are mostly ice free, Upper Trail Lake has many open areas that we don’t normally see until the 2nd to 3rd week of May.  Have a Great Weekend.

March 31, 2016-Seward Trails

You’ll either cringe with agony, or feel the love as Winter Motorized use is still open in many locations on Seward Ranger District strange as it may seem. Where there is no snow at the trailhead and we’re not concerned about resource damage occurring we will keep a few areas open to motorized if you choose to try getting to snow. Access to the snow is as follows:

Carter Lake: ½ mile of mostly bare ground.

Palmer Creek Road: 1 mile of bare ground.

Resurrection Pass Trail South via Slaughter Ridge Road to Bean Creek trail: 1.5 miles of mostly bare ground. The gate on West Juneau Road is closed. Better coverage begins at mile ½ of Bean Creek Trail. Skiing is possible closer to the Bean Creek and Resurrection Trail junction (Biking is difficult with warm temperatures making for corn snow conditions). Good conditions to Juneau Lake. Juneau Lake to Swan Lake has thinner snow cover (if temperatures continue to stay above freezing the winter route to Swan Lake may not be passable this weekend, stay on summer trail). Swan Lake to Caribou Creek  is skiable. Caribou Creek to Resurrection Pass North Trailhead is mostly bare ground, motorized is open from Resurrection South to Caribou Creek Cabin.

Snug Harbor Road access to Lost Lake: snow begins near the parking lot.

Upper Russian Lake Trail snow covered trail to about mile 8, then patchy. Travel beyond mile 6 is difficult due to open water crossings and patchy ground.

Conditions for areas closed to Winter Motorized use:

Gull Rock and Hope Point trails are mostly dry.

Lost Lake: Bare ground and muddy for first ¾ mile, packed snow trail beyond to Clemen’s Cabin.

Lower Russian Lake Trail: Russian River C.G. road remains gated, road mostly snow free. First ½ mile of the trail is snow free, remainder of the trail to Barber Cabin is mostly ice covered.

Primrose Trail: Packed snowgo trail from this week’s search and rescue.

Ice cleats still a handy item to have for the snow packed trails.

March 24, 2016-Seward Trails

Little remains of the snow that fell last weekend except at higher elevations, (photo of Resurrection Peaks from Lost Lake Winter Trail). Ice layers still remain and are softening with temps climbing into the 50’s across the District all week. Ice cleats on boots still useful due to the saturated, slippery snow and ice.

Carter Lake: Still open to motorized, some bare ground on road at start.

Lost Lake via Snug Harbor Road for snow machines is in good condition. Ice through the trees has been easily traveled with the warms temps, anticipate this to get slick again in the next couple days as we return to below freezing temps at night.

Lower Russian Lakes Trail to Barber Cabin: RRCG road to the Trailhead is about 50% pavement, and 50% ice. The trail to Lower Russian is mostly ice covered.

Resurrection Pass Trail South: Is still open to winter motorized use if you don’t mind riding on dirt a bit, Slaughter Ridge Road from the winter parking area is down to dirt for the first ½ mile. Some patches of ground beginning to show the rest of the way to Bean Creek Trail. First mile of Bean Creek Trail is on 2” ice layer, conditions improve as you gain elevation. The logging road before Bean Creek trail may offer easier travel for machines. Travel at the top of Bean Creek Trail is good through Resurrection Pass to Caribou creek.

Resurrection Pass Trail North: Bare ground and ice to Caribou Creek. Remains closed to winter motorized.

March 22, 2016-Seward Trails

We don’t recommend travel via Crescent Creek Trail beyond mile 2.5 in winter/spring due to numerous avalanche paths, and round the clock above freezing temps may make travel across Crescent Lake very wet. Travel on Carter Lake Trail is currently good. If you  have skins for skis you would be able to ski most of the way up Carter Lake Trail. The ski across Crescent Lake will have snow, just a question of how much of a slog it could be if  temps don't drop below freezing at night before your trek.

March 10, 2016-Seward Ranger District

Warm 45 degree days this week is melting snow rapidly in the woods. Packed trails are holding up well due to the ice layer. Snow up high is settling and the temps in the 20’s overnight has made for good travel by ski, bike and sno-go.

Meet our District Ranger Francisco Sanchez (see photo) on his first hike to Clemen’s Cabin.

Trails/areas currently open to winter motorized use:

Carter Lake

Johnson Pass (travel via Moose Pass is not possible due to difficult open water crossings)

Resurrection Pass Trail South to Caribou Creek Cabin (use Bean Creek trail)

Snow River Corridor South Fork no snow bridges, lots of open water crossings.

Snug Harbor Road access to Lost Lake

Summit Lake to the South, The Ski Hill and Tenderfoot C.G. are closed to winter motorized.

Upper Russian Lake Trail to Upper Russian Cabin (1st 7 miles of trail are in good condition, remaining distance beginning to show more bare spots and open water crossings)

Russian River C.G. road is showing more pavement, walking (ice cleats needed) or biking this access road and the Lower Russian Lakes trail is the mode of travel.

Mile 12 Divide is good for skate skiing.

March 9, 2016-Resurrection Pass Trail

Resurrection South Trail, West Juneau Road, and Bean Creek Trail is open to motorized to Caribou Creek Cabin on the north.

Resurrection North Trail out of Hope is closed to motorized use to Caribou Creek Cabin due to lack of snow. Trail remains much the same as it has for the past several weeks, hard pack, ice cleats needed.

Resurrection South Trail is not recommended for motorized use due to many side hills that are difficult to stay on. West Juneau Road is mostly down to gravel for the 1st mile. Travel via Slaughter Ridge Road to Bean Creek Trail or the logging roads before Bean Creek are in good condition.

Travel up the Swan Lake Grade towards Devil's Pass Cabin is in good condition for motorized travel with a packed trail.

March 3, 2016-Seward Trails

While the overflow on area lakes is mostly refrozen, there are no smooth surfaces for skating. Tern Lake and Upper Trail Lake surfaces are smooth but with a bumpy surface that could be skated if you really wanted to.

The Old Sterling Hwy. from the Quartz Creek Road in Cooper Landing is in good condition for biking or skate skiing if you are used to non-groomed trails. The first 3 miles has just a couple open water crossing, the last 2 miles has many water crossing. The entire distance to Tern Lake has numerous moose print holes but are easy to ski over. If I were to ski it again I would go ½ way and return back the same direction from the Quartz Creek side.

Biking on Resurrection Pass Trail via Bean Creek Trail is good. See last week’s trail report for the full update which hasn’t changed much except for West Juneau Road access being down to gravel for 1st mile.

Trail River C.G. is skate skiable even with numerous boot track prints covering the road, side loops are better.


Good gorgeous sunny evening to all of you. It was great to see many of you out enjoying the weather today. I am sorry to let you know that the Primrose Trail access to Lost Lake will be closed tomorrow due to a few machines that have ridden on the vegetation and tearing it up to mineral soil. Thanks to many of you who have made an effort to stay on the trail and to educate others about the consequences of tearing up the vegetation.

Snug Harbor Road access to Lost Lake remains open.

March 1, 2016-Seward Trails

Good Month of March to you today! May this month bring a bit more snow down low but not much more up high.

Primrose Trail motorized users please do not ride off the trail onto bare vegetation. Sunday 1 sno-go drove onto bare vegetation for 25 feet on flat ground, we have blocked this trail and put up signs in hopes this will not happen again. We are monitoring conditions daily and are trying very hard to keep this trail access to Lost Lake open for you. We will have to  close the trail to motorized use if resource damage occurs from folks riding on bare vegetation. Thank you to the hundreds of motorized users who have traveled this trail in the past 6 days and not ridden on bare vegetation.

Resurrection Pass Trail South access from West Juneau Road is down to gravel for the first ½ mile, the 2nd ½ mile has patches of snow. Do not drive (we are posting signs) a rig up this road, there are no places to turn around in this section. Access from Slaughter Ridge Road to Bean Creek Trail is good.

Lower Russian Lakes Trail has numerous frozen boot prints making for a rough, but doable, bike ride. The Russian River C.G. road has 500 feet of exposed gravel and asphalt. The cutoff trail to the Barber Cabin has a few hundred feet of exposed gravel trail. Lower Russian Lake has over 16” of ice and the surface is dry and frozen. The avalanche that comes down to the lake has slid for the 3rd time this winter, another avalanche has crossed the trail ¼ mile beyond this one. The two avalanche paths right before the Barber Cabin junction have not come down. The winter trail bypassing the avalanche zone has very little snow, hiking it would be the mode of travel if you take this route. Please feel free to call Alex McLain at 907-288-7710 for Avalanche information.

Snug Harbor Road is down to gravel for the first 9 miles.

Alex is teaching an Avalanche Awareness class tomorrow from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at the Seward Library.

February 24, 2016-Seward and Glacier Ranger Districts

All areas of Seward Ranger District received measurable snowfall over the weekend except Resurrection Pass Trail North in Hope.

Lower Russian Lake trail via Russian River C.G. received 5” of snow that was packing well yesterday. If it doesn’t warm up and rain too much the skiing will be possible.

Resurrection Pass Trail South (see attachment for directions to Bean Creek or West Juneau) access from Bean Creek Trail is skiable all the way to Caribou Creek Cabin. There is a packed snow machine trail from the start of West Juneau Road to Swan Lake. Anticipate a packed snow machine trail from Slaughter Ridge Road to Bean Creek trail in the next couple days as this is now open to winter motorized use. Swan Lake grade through Resurrection Pass to Fox Creek has a narrow ski trail, 4+ feet of snow, we’ll see if sno-gos are successful in getting up the grade this weekend.

Resurrection Pass Trail North from the Hope Trailhead to a little beyond Caribou Creek Cabin is solid ice, creepers needed.

Though ice is mostly a non-issue right now (except for Resurrection Trail North for 7 miles) ice creepers are handy on steeper sections of trails due to the slippery, saturated snow.                                         *************************************************************************

Here’s Alison’s update for Glacier Ranger District:

Portage Valley, at sea level, is bare ground, no snow….but up high it’s been temperatures have been above freezing on the highway through the pass.

This storm cycle is continuing through the weekend, bringing difficult driving conditions and limited safe parking due to plows prioritizing roadway clearing.  If you’re determined to get out in this storm, car pool and have emergency winter gear along!

February 24, 2016-Seward Trails

More vroom, vroom, room for sno-gos on Seward Ranger District. We have opened Primrose and Resurrection South Trails (also Bean Creek and West Juneau Road) to winter motorized to Caribou Creek Cabin, see map.  Resurrection North remains closed.

I’ll send an update on the conditions later today.

February 18, 2016-Seward Trails

Good Morning!

Hopefully some of you have flexibility in your schedules and can go ice skating at the drop of a hat before snow (ha, ha, ha, what’s that?) moves in at lower elevations to Tern Lake, and Upper and Lower Trail Lakes.

Cooler temps has made the ice much easier to travel on these past couple days, though ice creepers are still needed.

Carter Lake trail is a leg breaker, sorry to my friend, when you hit the ice on a sno-go and slide back and sideways.

Exit Glacier Road for some strange reason received a few inches of snow that has adhered nicely to the ice allowing for skiing.

The first ¾ mile of Lost Lake trail is mostly bare ground with patches of ice. Six feet of packed snow at Clemen’s Cabin.

The first photo is of Fitz and his pet bird who doesn’t think we see him.

You know something is just not right when you see us packing M T propane bottles from the cabin to the trailhead, see 2nd photo.

February 11, 2016-Seward Trails

Hmmm, well, now what? I can’t keep track if this is flop or flip week.

The good news is that there’s a lot of snow above 900’ elevation in most areas across the Seward Ranger District, and the Swans are enjoying mild weather on Lower Trail Lake, see photo. The 2nd photo is of Carter Lake trail which is quite slick in the 1st ¾ mile and is still open to winter motorized use if you can get past the ice.

Please call Alex McLain (907-288-7710) with your Avalanche questions as he is our resident expert, and also check in with Chugach National Forest Avalanche Information Center for up to date information at:

Temperatures above freezing for the past 30 hours has turned plowed side roads and packed trails below 800’ elevation to slick ice. These conditions are just more of the same and can quickly change when temperatures go below freezing again, even though the ice will still be there, it’s amazing at how much traction a little frost offers.

Bean Creek Trail via Slaughter Ridge road is ice until about mile 1. Add 1.3 miles to your trek because you most likely will not want to drive beyond the winter parking on Slaughter Ridge Road.

Resurrection Pass Trail North is ice to just beyond Caribou Creek cabin. Skiing is good from about mile 8, over the pass and to the Bean Creek junction on the southern end (about 26 miles).

Resurrection Pass Trail South is ice to about mile 3.5. All lakes are snow covered on Resurrection South.

I’m not going to list all winter trails today, as not much has changed, take a look at previous reports. And remember if it stays well above freezing during the day, take tire chains if you’re driving Snug Harbor Road, and ice cleats for all areas below 800’ in elevation.

Firewood at cabins is bleaker than the weather. Propane at the Dale Clemen’s Cabin is still available. We ask that cabin users try to run propane bottles until they are empty rather than switch to a full bottle, especially when temperatures are this warm. Before turning propane on, hold bottle horizontal and shake back and forth, this will help propane flow easier when you begin to light the stove.

Enjoy the Valentine’s Day Weekend, and an extended weekend if you are fortunate to have Washington’s Birthday off.

February 3, 2016-Glacier and Seward Ranger Districts

Me again with nothing much to add for your recreating pleasure, however, our Neighbor’s to the North have a report from the Glacier Ranger District, thanks Alison.

Portage Valley has winter on the mountain slopes, but autumn conditions on the valley floor.   Trail of Blue ice is almost entirely snow and ice-free; ponds have water covered ice of unknown thickness, Portage Lake is wide open water. Byron Glacier Road is also ice and snow free.  There’s plenty of snow hanging on up high….don’t linger where an avalanche could plow you over!

Winner Creek Trail near the Hotel Alyeska in Girdwood is a lane of hard-packed snow or ice while much of the adjacent forest is completely snow-free.  The hand tram remains closed until sometime in May.

There is a 3km groomed Nordic loop at Center Ridge Parking – cooperative effort with Girdwood Nordic Club.

I sure hope to have a more wintery update soon!! Alison


Meanwhile on Seward Ranger District it’s warm up day again! Add Lower Russian Lake to the list for good ice skating. Keep those ice creepers, and tire chains handy. Weather reports with promise of several inches of snow keep a coming with not much to show.

February 1, 2016-Seward Trails

Happy February,

There’s still hope I keep telling my co-worker Fitz, we still have more than 2 months of what can turn into a winter with more snow.

The below freezing temperatures beginning Friday night brought ice skating back to many Seward Ranger District lakes over the weekend. Check out Bear, Cooper, Grant, Lower and Upper Trail, and Tern Lakes before the next round of snow. Remember to look at maps, talk to locals, and educate yourself on safe ice travel if you are not familiar with a particular body of water and/or travel over frozen water. Here’s a website containing a lot of information for travel on ice, thanks Seward Nordic Ski Club for the link.

Lake Ice - Activity Links

Snug Harbor Road ice conditions have improved with the colder temperatures, still a lot of ice but it’s not as slick.

January 28, 2016-Seward Trails

Ice, ice, and more ice allows us to continue with the same old story of our flipping conditions that started flopping again this past Sunday night at most Seward Ranger District accesses to winter recreation areas (except Mile 12 at Divide and Summit Lake). All locations will require aid of ice grippers on your boots at the start. These conditions will improve when we receive an inch or so of snow, in the meantime if you use ice grippers you’re good to go. Bike riding, even with studded tires in these conditions is hard splat waiting to happen. You begin leaving the ice behind beginning at about 800’ in elevation.

Carter Lake trail is continuous ice for the 1st ½ mile and is not possible to sno-go if you don’t have studded tracks. 4’ of packed snow at Carter Lake, 3-4 feet of saturated snow on Carter Lake.

Crescent Lake ice as far as our drill measures (11”) under 3” of snow and 2” of water had 3” of soft ice on top of 2” of water, on top of 6” of soft ice today.

Lost Lake Trail is icy for the first mile, and then snow is more continuous with 4’ at Clemen’s Cabin.

Snug Harbor Road beyond mile 4 is not possible to drive without tire chains.

January 19, 2016-Seward Trails

I tried to attach the CNF Winter Motorized Closure document but apparently it is too large. The document is located on CNF main webpage on the left side click on Alerts and Notices, then under Forest Orders at the bottom is the Winter Motor Vehicle Closure document, here is the link:

 For Summit Lake please refer to the maps for Summit and Tern Lakes on pages 12 and 13. There isn’t much winter motorized open in the Summit Lake area. It’s basically from Summit Lake (Tenderfoot C.G. is closed to MV) to the south on the East side of the Hwy, however, it’s very difficult to ride the corridor to the south from Summit Lake with the warm weather and less snow due to many open water creek crossings and a lot of exposed brush. There is minimal public parking directly north of Summit Lake Lodge adjacent to the highway for a rig with a trailer, one is on the west side of the Hwy on the north side of Colorado creek, and the other is on the east side at the beginning of Tenderfoot C.G. Road.

See page 18 for the Snow River Corridor which is the south fork and provides access to Nellie Juan when water crossings allow. Other areas on SRD that are currently open to winter motorized are: Carter Lake Trail, Johnson Pass Trail, Palmer Creek Road, Upper Russian Lake Trail, and Snug Harbor Rd access to Lost Lake.

January 14, 2016-Seward Trails

Are you tired of getting so many winter trail condition updates from me yet? Well here’s another one to mention the ever so sly changes that make a tiny difference in trail conditions after the 1” of snowfall Seward Ranger District received Sunday night, and the 1-2” received Tuesday night. Areas that were glare ice are now covered with a thin layer of snow and are packable on level ground; still need ice cleats on slopes and side hills in most locations due to the ice layer waiting to catch you by surprise.

Overflow on lakes has re-frozen; edges of lakes have thinner ice as the moats are still trying to freeze.

Today Grant Lake ice is smooth under 1” of snow, travel up the Portage trail is good. The ice on Grant Lake is over 11” thick (our drill bit measures to 11”) and consisted of 4” refrozen overflow, ½” water, then 6+ inches of solid ice. The area around the island is open water, and there was open water at the far west end of the lake.

Resurrection Creek, Russian River C.G., and Palmer Creek Roads are in good condition.

Resurrection Pass trail south via Slaughter Ridge Rd/Bean Creek trail will require aid of ice cleats for about 1 mile then skiing or biking with studded tires is on hard packed trail with a softening of snow. Resurrection Pass North is similar except for a longer distance of ice under snow for about 6 miles; the good news is you can now drive to the trailhead instead of parking at the winter parking area.

Snug Harbor Road is now hard pack snow and slick (not yet ice) the entire distance to the Chugach Electric road junction where the surface under a thin layer of packed snow is ice, driving today was good but slower due to slippery surface.

January 11, 2016-Seward Trails

Palmer Creek Road is currently open for winter motorized use, however it is extremely icy at the start. Most of our side roads and trails between about 200-900 feet in elevation are solid ice, the warm temps and rain is making them even slicker.

While Snug Harbor Road is ice free most of the way to the winter parking lot, getting into and out of the parking lot at mile 9 is difficult due to the ice. The first several hundred feet of road leaving the parking lot is extremely icy. This could change for the better in a few short hours if even a scant of wet snow falls.

January 7, 2016-Seward and Glacier Ranger District

3.5 feet of snow at Clemen’s cabin, trail is icy in first ½ mile, then hard pack slick snow the remainder of the way, ice cleats are the ticket for gear.

Motorized travel to Lost Lake is open via Snug Harbor Road access. Snug Harbor Road is in good condition and is mostly ice free, though is icy for a  few hundred yards out of the winter parking lot at mile 9.

Resurrection Pass Trail South via Trailhead or Slaughter Ridge Road/Bean Creek access is icy, ice cleats needed until near the top of Bean Creek trail. Remainder of trail is hard pack until Swan Lake. Top of Swan Lake Grade through Resurrection Pass is windblown hard pack snow most of the way.

Resurrection Pass Trail North is icy to Caribou Creek Cabin, travel gets better about a mile before Fox Creek.

Upper Russian Lake trail is packed and good for about 7.5 miles, conditions begin to deteriorate quickly due to icy trail and several open water crossings, we walked the last few hundred yards to the cabin instead of taking the sno-gos. Travel via Cooper Lake to the trail is difficult due to many open water crossings.

11” of ice today on Cooper Lake.

8” of ice on Upper Russian Lake, couldn’t get to the good ice with a sno-go due to moat that has refrozen only ½” thick as of this afternoon.


Glacier Ranger District report from Alison:

Portage Valley’s floor is mostly snow-free; the Trail of Blue Ice is mostly gravel with some ice sections, bring cleats to be on the safe side!  No roads are blocked by snow berms, but ice surfaces are hazardous.

Portage Pass Trail – on Whittier side of Tunnel; cleats required!

Winner Creek Trail is icy – cleats (or ice skates?!) are needed to negotiate this trail.

January 6, 2016 Seward Trails

The past 8 days of above freezing round the clock temps and rains in many locations on Seward Ranger District have made for havoc on lakes with standing water and overflow.

Carter Lake had major overflow and snow machines getting stuck in 2’ of slush.

Crescent Lake had 6” of ice Monday on the eastern end, and standing water and thin ice near where avalanche crashed through the ice about 3 miles down the lake. A snow machiner crashed through the thin ice and is lucky to be alright.

Ptarmigan Lake we don’t usually travel in winter due to avalanche territory.

Tern Lake had 4” of water and 10.5” of ice yesterday.

Upper Trail Lake we couldn’t get to due to 12’ or more of open water before the ice.

December 30, 2015-Seward Trails

As you’re probably already heard, Lost Lake trail is closed to motorized use due to lack of snow to prevent resource damage. Currently the Snug Harbor Road access is still open but no snow out of the winter parking lot and icy conditions.

Other areas on Seward Ranger District are packed ice out of the parking lots. Biking with studded tires, or hiking with ice cleats on boots until about 1,200 feet in elevation will work for now.

Wish I had a little more perky news on winter conditions to welcome in the New Year, it could be worse though; at least we do have a few places to bike, hike, ski, and sno-go.

Happy New Year soon to all of you!!!!

December 22, 2015-Seward and Glacier Ranger Districts

Johnson Pass trail is now open to winter motorized.

The cooler temps the last two days has refrozen most of the overflow we experienced on lakes. 10” of ice on Upper Trail Lake today 200’ north of the Ball Diamond.

Here is a report from our neighbors on the Glacier Ranger District:

Portage Valley  Recreation Update December 22, 2015: Early winter conditions, with up to 12” of snow in places, bare ground under tree cover.  Snow has solid to breakable crust; skis will skim over crust but expect some post-holing with boots.  Moose Flats is plowed but rough; Explorer Glacier pullout, Five-Fingers Trailhead, and Portage Lake-shore parking are all plowed.  No good ice for skating on ponds, and Portage Lake is not frozen.  Alison

As it’s not likely we’ll open Primrose or Resurrection Pass trail to motorized use before Christmas due to lack of snowfall forecast this will be the only trail report this week.

Wishing all of you a Very Merry Christmas!

December 17,2015-Seward Trails

Exit Glacier Road, Mile 12 Divide, Trail River C.G., and other areas of Seward Ranger District are being regularly groomed for skiing, I would like to direct you to the Seward Nordic Ski Club link for updated information on groomed trails for the remainder of the winter rather than repeating what is current in that arena;  If you become a member of the SNSC updates will be sent to your email automatically.

Correction to Johnson Pass trail on Seward Ranger District; sorry, I lied, it’s closed until Glacier Ranger District opens the Johnson North segment of this trail. Please check this link for updated information:

Primrose and Resurrection Pass trails are still closed to motorized use; we’re checking conditions daily and will open these areas when we can.

Carter/Crescent Lake area has a tad over 3’ of snow, and lots of alders showing today. Crescent Lake is frozen but we didn’t venture on it to measure ice thickness due to over 8” of overflow.

Forget the icy steep climb directly out of the parking lot at Lost Lake being difficult, that’s easy compared to the mine field of exposed rocks, roots, and stumps on your way to good snow. Folks have been successful in getting to Lost Lake via the Snug Harbor Road/Rainbow Lakes access.

Lower Russian Lake trail is a good ski with very sporadic gravel easily avoidable.

Safe and Happy travels to your recreating fun on the glorious Seward Ranger District!

December 14, 2015-Seward Trails

How do you like the snow now? The Seward area received over a foot of snow in some areas overnight. Other areas of the District received varying amounts of snowfall which means we are lifting our winter motorized closure orders on Seward District for all areas EXCEPT Primrose and Resurrection Pass Trail Hope to Cooper Landing including its access trails of West Juneau Road and Bean Creek Trail.

We hope to open Primrose and Resurrection Pass Trail to winter motorized as soon as we receive more snow as we continue to monitor conditions daily for your recreating pleasures.

For access to Lost Lake via Snug Harbor Road you will want to park in the winter parking lot at mile 9 even though there are tire tracks continuing further up the road, the snow gets deeper and deeper and the road is narrow with no place to turn around for 3 miles.

For those who travel Lost Lake trail via Sno-go with no studded track consider taking the trail to the right that begins 200 feet from the parking lot, there is a sign here that says “Trail” with an arrow to the right. This trail bypasses the steep hill that will quickly get down to the icy layer.

December 10, 2015-Seward Trails

Good Afternoon on this yet again clear day with little new snowfall. All remains quiet in the woods on Seward Ranger District as we are still closed to Winter Motorized use. We monitor conditions daily and will open an area, or areas to motorized when we have adequate snow cover to prevent resource damage. We do have a frozen base in most locations and that is a good sign, now a bit more snow is needed.

More lakes are freezing, adding ice slowly. Cooper Lake ice thickness is 3.5 inches; Upper Trail ice was 5 inches 100’ to the north from the Ball Diamond yesterday, and Grant Lake today had 3” of ice beneath 1.5 inches of water.

The summer/winter loop on the Lost Lake Trail is packed, get it before the next snowfall, this loop isn’t normally used in winter months due to the steeper side hills on the summer trail that are difficult to get by when snow is deeper.

Trail River and Mile 12 remain good enough for skiing.

Our Avalanche Specialist Alex McLain will be teaching a free Avalanche Awareness class this Saturday December 12 beginning at 9:00 a.m. the Seward Public Library conference room. Please call Alex at 288-7710 for more information.

Lower Russian Lakes Trail: The 2” of snow that fell last Thursday night has been packed down on the icy ground making for a little easier walking or biking (pulling a sled would work also). Skiing is possible without hitting gravel for about 80% of the way. The approximately other 20% is intermixed with patches of gravel in the first 1 mile of the trail, this section needs another 2+ inches of new snow in order to ski w/o hitting gravel. If the next round of moisture doesn’t add snow I would recommend walking or biking.

Before you reach the avalanche path on the Barber Cabin trail there is an area you can easily get onto the lake to access the cabin if you take the summer route the entire way. We recommend the winter route to avoid the avalanche paths, however, with little snow cover the winter route is difficult to travel by bike or skis.

December 3, 2015-Seward Trails

Oh how I love to hate these flip flopping warm, cold, warm, cold spells. 1” of snow two days ago across the District has allowed a smidgen easier travel on ice, though ice cleats are still needed in most locations. Snow is lightly falling this afternoon, expect another 1-2"  on SRD.

Carter Lake and Lost Lake near 1,200 feet in elevation has 3 feet of snow and skiing is good.

Mile 12 Divide ski area has 1” of snow on top of frozen rutted ice making for difficult skiing on the downhills, a couple more inches of snow will greatly improve conditions.

Travel on winter used trails is currently good biking with studded tires, wearing ice cleats on boots is helpful when spinning out on steeper hills when you need to dismount quickly.

The 2-3” of water on top of frozen lakes from last weekend’s rains is now frozen.

Lower Russian Lake has 10” of ice under ¼” snow.

Summit Lake has 10” of ice under 1” of snow.

Tern Lake has 11+ inches of ice (the drill bit we’re using only measures to 11”) beneath 1” of snow, ice surface is smooth and would be good ice skating.

Upper Trail Lake directly north from the Ball Diamond measured 2” of ice five feet from shore (this is the moat that has refrozen); 30 feet from shore the ice measured 6” and 100 feet from shore the ice this afternoon was 3” thick under 1.5” of snow.

Our Avalanche Specialist Alex McLain will be teaching a free Avalanche Awareness class December 12 beginning at 9:00 a.m. at the Seward Public Library conference room. Please call Alex at 288-7710 for more information.

Have a Great Weekend!

November 30, 2015-Seward Trails

Here is a report from Martha and Dave Story on what they experienced when their dog Bonney got caught in a trap yesterday. I have copies of the dvd mentioned at the end of this writing if you would like to borrow it, though as mentioned below, it’s a whole different ballgame when you are in the woods and your dog gets caught in a trap. Handling traps and learning to disengage them is good training also. Once you get your thoughts together during this very emotional experience you remember what to do, it worked for me in freeing my dogs paw from a conibear trap. The Alaska Trappers Association gives live presentations on releasing various style traps, I’ll keep you posted when one is scheduled down our way.

Our dog, Bonney, was caught in a Conibear trap on Coyote Knob Sunday. It was set less than six feet from the trail with no flagging, other human discernable indications or notification of trapping taking place nearby on this frequently travelled trail. 

Three of the four people in our party knew how to release it in a classroom setting but please understand that this is not the experience you will have if your pet ends up in a trap. Whatever knowledge you have will likely be blinded by emotion at least for a moment and you may not have many of those to spare. 

All of us immediately lost and attempted to regain our composure long enough to remember what to do. All of us screamed. First in horror and more again in anger while we fruitlessly tried to squeeze the arms together with our hands as fear overpowered our rational thoughts that would eventually lead us to cinching together the arms with her leash as we had so unemotionally seen on a video or done ourselves in a warm room during an emotionally dry demonstration. 

Meanwhile Bonney’s tongue, grossly forced from her mouth, was turning blue in front of our eyes and she defecated on us. 

The trap will be anchored to something. You rarely see a release demonstration explaining how difficult it can be to gain access to the arms on both sides of the trap when the trap is anchored in a tight area. No demonstration will prepare you for accessing the arms when your trapped pet is the obstruction to their own release.

Bonney kept remarkably calm during the struggle. Her reaction was almost certainly atypical. Other animals might lash out or strain against the trap and their rescuers throughout the process.

The video demonstrations almost always take a couple minutes. It took us at least five. Five minutes can seem like forever. Five minutes might be too long. Bonney was fortunate that it was not too long. She was fortunate that we had knowledge and were able to access it through the fever of the moment. She was fortunate and she will probably be fine. I would not, however, wish the experience on anyone.

While this trap was almost certainly a legal set, legal and ethical are not always the same. It was less than a leash length from a regularly traveled trail and placed in a narrowing of the trail that made non-target species encounters more likely. 

You may never encounter an ethically set trap. There are, however, no shortage of traps set by the unethical or uneducated.

If you trap, please educate yourself about how to do so to minimize non-target species and user conflicts. 

If you live or play in Alaska with your pets, please educate yourself about how to release traps and snares. Your pet’s life may depend on it. 

You can find more information at the ADF&G’s page linked below or borrow the Alaska Trappers Association video from the Cooper Landing Library. 

Trappers and Dogs Sharing the Trails, Alaska Department of Fish and Game Information on trapping in Alaska.|By

November 30, 2015-Seward Trails

Ladies and Gentlemen, please do not start your engines, Seward Ranger District will not open for winter motorized on December 1 due to lack of adequate snow cover to prevent resource damage. We monitor conditions daily and will open when conditions allow.

November 25, 2015-Seward Trails

Yesterday Old Man Winter blew in rain and round the clock above freezing temperatures across Seward Ranger District below 1,000 feet elevation. The rain and warm temperatures is causing lake ice thickness to shrink, groomed trails to get soft, and plowed side roads and parking areas to turn into glare ice.

It was great to see people recreating in the snow last weekend, conditions were marvelous and grooming for skiing has begun at Mile 12 Divide, Trail River C.G., and Old Sterling Hwy from Tern Lake for 3.5 miles. Classic skiing is still alright in these locations and skate skiing was still possible today at Trail River C.G., tomorrow will be questionable but still worth checking out if you live locally.

Most trails have good snow cover that is soft; anticipate needing ice cleats on packed surfaces when our temperatures drop below freezing at night, until then enjoy walking, skiing, and PUSHING your fat tire bike.

Where you can drive a vehicle expect trapping for fur bearers. A strong scent used on some of these traps is very odiferous and can be smelled from the road depending on how the wind is blowing. I checked out 4 different traps, all were between 50-75 feet of the road. If you’re traveling with a dog keep them by your side.

Carter Lake has 11” of ice under 10” of snow and 2” of overflow. Snow depth between Carter and Crescent Lake is 2-3', Crescent Lake not frozen.

Summit Lake 6 ½” ice under 2” of water and 3” of wet snow.

Tern Lake ice down a few inches to 7” with 2” of standing water on top.

Upper Trail Lake directly north of the Ball Diamond lost ¾” of ice in the last 24 hours and is at 3 ¾” thickness today and showing signs of spring breakup (this is the section of lake to freeze last) see photo. The area to the right of the squiggly pattern had 6” of ice.

Have a Great Thanksgiving!

November 19, 2015-Seward Trails

The entrance gates to Trail River and Russian River Campgrounds are being closed today in anticipation of rolling and packing (1st step to grooming for skiing when snowpack is thin).

Most areas of Seward Ranger District along the road system so far today received 1-3” of snow with more forecast this evening, just enough to mess with the promising natural ice skating.

Ice thickness on Summit Lake today is 7” beneath 3” of snow.

Lower Trail lake ice on the eastern half measured 7” beneath 2” of snow.

Upper Trail Lake ice within 100’ of the Ball Diamond measured 3 ½” today. The remainder of the lake that just froze 100’ from shore is 1” thick beneath 2” of snow.

Vagt Lake has 6” of ice beneath 2” of snow.

November 17, 2015-Seward Trails

Is it cold enough for you yet? It’s certainly cold enough for some of Seward Ranger District lakes to add ice.

Yesterday Grayling Lake had 4 ½” of smooth ice under 1” of light snow. Meridian Lake had 6 ½” of rough ice under ¼” of snow. Summit Lake had 3 ½” of smooth ice amidst growing hoar frost. Tern Lake had 8” of ice under 1” of hard packed snow.

Today Lower Russian Lake had 7 ½” of smooth ice and hoar frost. Lower Trail Lake had 4 ½” of smooth ice and hoar frost. Summit Lake  had 4 ½” of smooth ice amidst flowers of hoar frost.

Keep in mind that most of the time we measure ice away from inlets, outlets, channels (think Lower Trail Lake’s western half from N to S). When a lake has various rates of freezing we measure at the last area to freeze and use that measurement to determine when we travel over frozen water.

Ice thickness safety charts recommend a minimum of 4” of ice thickness for general activities such as ice fishing, skating, foot, and ski travel by an individual.

Stay warm!

November 12, 2015-Seward Trails

Hello to the beginnings of winter! It’s been a couple months since my last trail update. You can anticipate regular updates as changing conditions warrant. If you would like to taken off this mailing list, or to be added, please respond to any of these updates.

Seward Ranger District has received just enough snow at winter used trailheads north and west of Moose Pass to be a teaser for skiing beginning near 500’ in elevation. Rock skis should be used until you reach elevations near 1,000’.

Trapping Season in our area, Game Management Unit 7, opened November 10 for fur bearers, see attached document.

Our Avalanche Specialist Alex McLain will be teaching a free Avalanche Awareness class December 12 beginning at 9:00 a.m. at the Seward Public Library conference room. Please call Alex at 288-7710 for more information.

Ice on lakes is slow growing. Today Tern Lake has 3.5 inches of ice in areas that were open 8 days ago. The ice surface below 1.5 inches of snow is rough.

The gate on Herman Leirer Road (road to Exit Glacier) at mile 1 and the gate at the beginning of Palmer Creek road in Hope are closed for the winter.  The gate to Trail River and Russian River Campground will remain open until we receive more snow for grooming.

Winter motorized on trails that allow it opens December 1 if there is adequate snow cover to prevent resource damage. We monitor conditions daily and will open for motorized use when conditions allow. This winter season of 2015/16 is open for winter motorized use on Resurrection Pass trail providing we receive more snow.

Carter Lake has 2” of ice and 2’ of snow near mile 2.

Lost Lake trail is icy at the beginning, ice cleats will be useful. Snow depth near Dale Clemen’s Cabin is 20”.

Resurrection Pass trail travel from Cooper Landing to Hope over the pass will now require the aid of snowshoes or skis. Skiing is possible above 1,000 elevation and pulling a sled from either trailhead is good.

Russian Lakes trail at the Upper Russian trailhead has 4” of snow; driving Snug Harbor road is good. The trail to Barber Cabin from the Lower Russian Lake trailhead has 2” of packed snow, pulling a sled is good.

Enjoy the crisp, clear days ahead!

September 1, 2015-Seward Trails

Good Blustery Day to you on this 1st day of September.

Winds have been howling for the past several days on Seward Ranger District. You might want to consider taking a saw with you if you’re traveling by horse or bike as there will be trees across trails in various locations. Removal of down trees will be slow because our trail crew is almost non-existent as they are out of state working on Wildfires.

Please give us a call if you come across any major obstructions in your travels on Seward Ranger District trails; details of location by mile/trail, and # and diameter of trees will help us plan accordingly.

August 17, 2015-Seward Trails

Good Rainey day to you! Let’s hope this soaker keeps going strong today, then stops before hard packed trails turn muddy.

The Russian Lakes trail brushing is complete, and an added bonus, the annuals (grass, cow parsnip, fireweed) have also been cut. Biking this trail for the rest of the summer and into fall will be pleasant for the experienced back country mountain bike rider.

July 31, 2015-Seward Trails 

The awesome Seward Ranger District Trail crew has completed a most fabulous new trail up Hope Pt. The new trail jct. is 900 feet  from the Gull Rock Trailhead, there are signs on the Gull Rock Trail pointing the direction to Hope Point trail. 3.5 miles of new trail has been completed, offering many more switchbacks for an easier trek up the mountain and ends near 2,500’ elevation. A user made trail continues further up the mountain. Get out and enjoy this new trail while it’s dry out.

June 25, 2015-Seward Trails 

Cooper Creek South Campground will reopen on June 26. The area included in the Stetson  Fire closure outside the campground including the Stetson Creek Trail remains closed.

The closure of the Resurrection Pass South and Bean Creek Trails from their trailheads to the junction with the Devils Creek Trail will be rescinded as of June 27th. Trout Lake, Romig, and Swan Lake Public Use Cabins will be reopened as well on that day.  Juneau Lake Cabin will remain closed for use of personnel monitoring the Juneau Lake Fire. Reservations of the Juneau Lake Cabin have been canceled through July 3rd.

Trails are in remarkable condition, including snow free Lost Lake.

Water is very high. Martin (mile 4.5) and Boulder (mile 6) Creeks on the Resurrection River trail (near Exit Glacier) are running strong and fast and are not fordable.

June 17, 2015-Seward Trails 

Resurrection Pass Trail South and Bean Creek Trail to the Devil’s  Creek Trail junction is closed today until further notice due to a WILDFIRE near Juneau Lake.

May 28, 2015-Seward Trails 

Wishing for snow yet? Just kidding! These hot, dry, sunny days are doing a number for melting snow, and drying muddy areas. 

Crescent Creek trail has a few down trees across it that will be cleared next week. The trail is dry. 

Johnson Pass Trail has been cleared of fallen trees and is a good bike ride except for a rather large avalanche at Johnson Lake that is a bit of work to get over. 

Russian Lakes trail has been cleared of fallen trees except for a few miles in the middle section between Aspen Flats and Upper Russian Lake, this will be completed next week. After this, the only remaining trail with down trees across it will be Resurrection River trail from Martin Creek to the junction of Upper Russian Lake trail, I’ll send an email this summer when this section of trail is cleared.  

Charging for parking at the Russian River Campground, Lower Russian Lake trailhead will begin when Salmon season opens on the Russian River June 11. 

This will be the last of the Trail Condition updates, for the most part as we are now in full summer mode, quite a few weeks earlier in all areas, except for Lost Lake and the upper reaches of Summit Creek. 

Have a Great Summer, and I’ll see you out on the trails!

May 21, 2015-Seward Trails 

Rather than repeat trails that have been cleared of down trees, here is a list of trails that have not been cleared of trees: 

-Crescent Creek

-Lost Lake (due to snow)

-Johnson Pass trail from the south at mile 4.5 to the north trailhead.

-Resurrection River from mile 4.5 to Upper Russian Lake trail.

-Russian Lakes

We are amazed at how quickly our trails are drying out, all except at elevations above 1,700’, the past several days of warm temps and sunshine have done wonders for drying out trail tread. Today we took a ride on Johnson North and dropped our bikes at mile 6 for what we thought would be long stretches of mud, we could have ridden further on fairly solid ground. 

While you are out and about enjoying the upcoming Memorial Day weekend, please keep in mind how dry the Forest is and don’t leave unattended campfires, actually, never leave unattended campfires. 

Have a Wonderful Memorial Day! 

May 14, 2015-Seward Trails   

A sure sign that summer is on its way is when our seasonal employees return to work, a very joyful time of year, this photo is of trail crew member Chase Brown logging out. 

Many of SRD larger lakes are ice free; Crescent, Grant, Lower and Upper Russian, Ptarmigan, Trout, and all roadside lakes. 

Bean Creek Trail: The Slaughter Ridge Road is questionable for driving (even with a high clearance truck) ¾ mile before the start of Bean Creek trail due to large mounds of heaved and eroded soil, park at the bottom of the hill. 

Carter Lake trail is snow free for the 1st 1.25 miles then 5-15” of snow to Crescent Lake, gaiters would be useful, no need for snow shoes. Carter Lake is still ice covered shore to shore. Crescent Lake has some ice, but mostly open water. 

Devil’s Creek trail between mile 7.5-9 would be helpful to travel with snowshoes through one more weekend, and it’s a toss for travel through Resurrection Pass which had less snowfall than Devil’s Creek. 

Johnson Pass trail from the north is mostly dry to mile 4 and from the south to mile 5. Lots of wet, soupy trail over the top, removing the remainder of down trees from the trail will occur in a week or two. 

Resurrection River trail has been clear of down trees to Martin Creek at mile 4.5.      

May 7, 2015-Seward Trails 

Trails are taking their time drying out, not too many changes from last week’s update, anticipate trails to be muddy above 900 feet in elevation.

Crown Pt/Vagt Lake loop has been cleared of fallen trees and is drying out nicely except for some glaciation in a few areas on the Crown Pt. road.

Devil’s Creek Trail is relatively dry to mile 4, muddy to mile 6, then snow to Devil’s Pass Cabin. Snowshoes would be useful for the next week or so, snow depth is average of 30” between mile 7-9.5.

Resurrection Pass Trail North has been cleared of fallen trees. Trail is dry to Caribou Creek, then very muddy to East Creek. Beginning at East Creek to Devil’s Pass Cabin snow is between 4-20” deep. The southern portion of the trail is dry for the first 3 miles, then muddy, some snow above Swan Lake grade, but nothing requiring snowshoes.

Have a Wonderfully Happy Mother’s Day weekend!

April 30, 2015-Seward Trails 

Upper Trail Lake became totally ice free on Tuesday, this is roughly 3 weeks earlier than we normally experience, and I had a Hummingbird return to my feeder this morning at work, over a week earlier than I’ve ever seen.  These signs of spring make it feel as if most of our trails should be good for hiking, biking, running, but they’re not. Finding a relatively dry trail is a feat that’s certainly possible in a few select locations on Seward Ranger District trails: 

Gull Rock, 1st few miles of Johnson and Resurrection Pass trails South, Hope Pt, Slaughter Ridge, and Lower Russian Lake trail to Upper Russian Lake. There are a few avalanches to cross, or skirt around beginning near mile 4 of Lower Russian Lake, one near mile 5 is quite large. 

Other areas still have snow, or are very wet and muddy due to recent snow melt. 

Carter Lake trail has packed snow up to 12” beginning at mile 1. Upper Russian Lake trail is packed snow 3-6” deep for 6 miles (Snug Harbor Road is a good drive to the T.H.).

Slaughter Ridge Road (access to Bean Creek trail) is not drivable for a low clearance vehicle ¾ mile beyond the winter parking lot, a high clearance truck could make it past this section. 

If traveling over Devil’s Creek, Johnson, Lost Lake, and Resurrection Pass snowshoes will be helpful. 

Happy May Day tomorrow!

April 16, 2015-Seward Trails

Bear Baiting in GMU 7 opened yesterday and continues through June 30.  

Bear bait stations must be a minimum of ¼ mile from trails, roads, RR tracks, Kenai River, and Kenai Lake shore lines, and 1 mile from homes/businesses/schools, public use cabins, and campgrounds. 

Bear bait stations must be signed with permit # and hunting license #’s. 

Devil’s Creek Trail: First 4 miles are snow free, near mile 5 snow depth is 2 feet (up to 3 feet where snow has drifted) snowshoes from this point would be useful. Trail is clear of fallen trees. 

Herman Leir Road (Exit Glacier) is open to vehicle traffic to the Park Service Gate at mile 7. 

Lower Russian Lakes trail to Upper Russian Lakeis mostly snow free, tread is dry and able to support biking. Fallen trees will be removed the first part of May. 

Snug Harbor Roadbeyond the mile 9 winter parking lot has been plowed by Chugach Electric. 

Upper Russian Lake Trail:7” of snow.

April 2, 2015-Seward Trails 

Looking at many of our local mountains and the lack of snow cover makes you think of snow free hiking/biking, but it’s still a bit early for elevations above 900’, less on north/east aspect trails. Where snow/ice have recently melted, trail tread is muddy and imprintable, please keep your bikes at home until these areas have a few weeks to dry out. Ice cleats will be useful in many random locations above 700’ elevation.

Carter Laketrail is snow/ice free for the first mile. I was able to put my skis on at 1.5 mile and ski to Crescent Lake. 20” of snow at Carter. 

Grant Lake Mine Road and Portage trails are clear of trees, ice kleats recommend for mine road, Portage trail mostly snow/ice free.

Gull Rock trail clear of trees, muddy tread but drying out nicely.

Biking on Herman Leir Road (Rd to Exit Glacier) behind the locked gate is a good choice now before the State Dept. of Transportation opens the road to vehicle traffic. 

Iditarod Trail Mile 12 to Bear Lake has been cleared of fallen trees. Lots of mud, some snow, and icy patches. 

Johnson Pass Trail South has been cleared of fallen trees to mile 4.5. 

The entrance gate to the Russian River C.G. road (access to Lower Russian Lake Trailhead) is now open for your driving pleasure. 

Lost Lake winter trail and summer loop is packed, ice cleats needed for some of it. 

Ptarmigan Creek trail clear of trees to the lake.

Resurrection Pass Trail Southvia any access points is muddy below 700’ elevation, after that you can anticipate more consistent ice. Above Swan Lake grade through the pass you might want to consider snowshoes, unless you time that segment of your trek before the afternoon warm up, lots of windblown surfaces. Resurrection Pass Trail North is mostly clear to Caribou Creek (mile 7) tread is muddy, but should be much firmer in a week. Near mile 5 there is a lot of glaciation for about ½ mile requiring aid of creepers. From Caribou Creek ice packed trail is more consistent requiring the aid of ice creepers. 

Driving to Upper Russian Lake Trailhead via Snug Harbor Road is possible depending on packed ice conditions beyond the winter parking area at mile 9. Snow depth is a lightly packed 5” beginning at the trailhead, trees have not been cleared on this trail beyond mile 3. 

Alison from Glacier Ranger District reports that Bertha Creek C.G. and Williwaw C.G. are now open (no services yet).

March 5, 2015-Seward Trails

Today the temperature hit 47 degrees near my office at Kenai Lake producing spring melt conditions once again. The name of the game right now is hiking and biking on Seward Ranger District. 

Icy packed trails are melting fast at elevations below 800’, except for those key areas of mini glaciers in various locations. But don’t be fooled by the lack of ice, take your ice creepers with you. Lakes, especially near inlet/outlets are showing more signs of spring melt this week from the well above freezing temperatures, and the formation of moats. 

Carter Lakehas 6-10” of snow beginning at mile 1 and is mostly snow free from Carter to Crescent Lake. 

Exit Glacier Road: From the locked gate is down to pavement for the first 6.3 miles, zippo ice. The gate at mile 1.3 of Herman Leirer Road (Exit Glacier) remains closed, this road is maintained by AK Dept. of Transportation. They generally open the road when the winter snowfall season ends, which is still weeks away. 

Lost Lake beyond the Clemen’s Cabin across the top to Primrose mile 5 you will be able to ski or snowshoe, appx. 30” of snow. 

Resurrection Pass Trail Via Bean Creek Trail heading North to Hope: Slaughter Ridge Road is mostly down to dirt and is drivable to the summer parking area near the start of the Bean Creek Trail. The first mile of Bean Creek Trail is ice free. Beginning near mile 1 (800’ elevation) begins patchy ice. Beginning at the jct. of Resurrection Pass Trail it’s mostly solid ice packed trail with intermittent patches of dirt to Swan Lake. About 10” of snow through Resurrection Pass, skiable to about 2 miles past Fox Creek. Ice is still quite treacherous past Caribou Creek for the next 4 miles. Unless we receive 5+inches of snow you won’t want to pull a pulk. 


February 24, 2015-Seward Trails

Russian Lakes Trail   


By being very careful I was able to ride a bike w/o studs most of the way to Barber Cabin today, however, I did have ice cleats on my boots so I could get off and walk in several locations. Lower Russian Lake surface water has refrozen. Snow line on the south slopes is about 3,500 feet. 

Lower Russian Lake to Upper Russian Trailhead there are several down trees and sporadic icy conditions. Beyond Upper Russian Cabin closer to Resurrection River Jct., the snow is packed and icy to the Upper Russian T.H., No skis/snowshoes needed, however ice cleats are needed. 

Driving parts of Snug Harbor Road to Upper Russian Trailhead beyond the winter parking area is very slick, it will improve when temperatures drop below freezing, studded tires are needed if you choose to travel this section, it is quite treacherous in the location of the switchbacks. Winter parking area to Upper Russian T.H. is 3 miles.   

February 20, 2015-Seward Trails  

Good afternoon on the eve of another warm spell. You know it’s really bleak for winter conditions on Seward Ranger District when we begin packing 60 pound bottles of propane up steep hills to restock propane, serious, this photo was taken on a return haul on the Lost Lake winter trail. Lucky for me today, Fitz recruited co-workers Adam, Alex, and Jesse to haul propane. 

The President’s Day storm brought down trees across many trails, some of these will be cleared (Grant Lake, Grant Portage, Ptarmigan, maybe Gull Rock again,) in the next couple weeks, many will wait until early spring. 

And so it goes, and so should you, before it’s gone again, ice skating that is. The 3 days of below freezing temperatures this week has refrozen the standing water on ice on local lakes. 

It’s 45 degrees out and the wind is picking up. Enjoy your weekend, and for you winter enthusiasts, remember, us like minds are all in this together. See you on the ice! 

February 17, 2015-Seward Trails  

What a wild, wet, and windy storm late Saturday through President’s Day, here are two reports, from 2 different trail users both named Steve. 

Barber Cabin trail: A friend and I spent the long weekend at Barber Cabin. The good news is we had a chainsaw and time to kill so we left a large amount of ready-to-go firewood for the next folks. The ice in front of the cabin is over 20" thick.  

The weather changed as forecasted and it rained hard and blew hard. By Monday morning, the lake was covered completely in several inches of water and there were ripples and whitecaps. The trail was either hard ice (see attached photo) or gravel and the campground road was down to blacktop......spikes made the walk out easy and a bike with studded tires would be another great travel method right now. Despite a night of strong, gusty winds there were no trees down on the trail. 

And one more important tidbit, there was bear scat on the Barber cabin access trail right below where the avalanche debris comes very close to the trail. 

And, this one for Resurrection South: Went in Saturday on mostly snow trail with some bare spots and 2 overflow sections.

Came out yesterday on wet and icy trail with lots of dirt on Bean Creek.

Ice cleats were required.  Nothing to ski on.  Don't think sleds will be able to transit after this week.

Firewood scarce.  Had to really search on opposite shore. Good thing wasn't cold. 

The sun is shining brightly, snow/ice is melting, water/overflow is accumulating on ice covered lakes, it’s 40 degrees at Kenai Lake Work Center, argh. 

Today at Carter Lake conditions are icy for 1st mile, spikes on shoes needed (standard equipment for most areas below 1,000 feet in elevation). Snow depth at Carter Lake is 20”. Packed trail until right before the lake. 2” of overflow under 6” of snow at Carter. Skiing was fair, though easier than walking beginning at mile 1.3. 

Crescent Lake had 5” of water on top of ice, where I measured the ice was 6”, but I suspect it’s thinner further out. Not sure how long it will take to freeze the water but I would not recommend travel on Crescent Lake.  

January 29, 2015-Seward and Glacier Trails 

Last weekend’s 1-4 inches of snow across Seward Ranger District has adhered nicely to the icy road and trail surfaces making for good traction in most locations on winter used trails and side roads. When we receive a few more inches of snow, skiing the trails will be good right out of the parking lots. With a bit more exertion, skate skiing is doable on Upper and Lower Trail Lakes, classic skiing is very good. 

Even though there is not much snow on Resurrection Pass Trail, skiing is fair and getting better as I write today’s update. We received about 1” of new snow to Swan Lake today, and snow is falling nicely right now. The biking conditions were fabulous today, we anticipate this to change if we receive measureable snowfall this evening.                                                                    

Glacier Ranger District Recreation update Thursday, January 29, 2015

Portage Valley is looking like early winter with about 3” of new snow, ski tracks on the Trail of Blue Ice, and a shoveled ice-skating area at Moose Flats.   Portage Lake and the valley’s creeks are still open water, but all the other ponds and wetlands have frozen and are snow-covered – making them good for skiing or biking explorations.    

Byron Glacier Road has been plowed, and Byron Glacier Trail has several inches of snow.  This trail brings you into a steep-sided narrower valley.  The ridge tops are often covered with huge snow drifts known as cornice front of them.    

Twentymile and Placer Valley wetlands have frozen and are covered with several inches of snow.  Lots of brush everywhere, with frozen waterways between.

Winner Creek Trail in Girdwood has just a dusting of snow; a good bike ride or hike, no skiing out there……yet! 

Have a Great Weekend!

January 22, 2015-Seward Trails

I’m so excited looking out my window at the horizontal blowing of snowflakes, I hope you are too! 

My winter partners and I have fun guessing how thick lake ice will be in any particular location given a few knowns, much of the time we’re quite surprised what we find when we drill. January 6 Grant Lake had 2” of hard black ice 10’ from shore with some open water 50’ out. Since then we’ve had quite a fun mix of heavy rain for several days, light snow, and most recently these gorgeous, clear, cold days. Any guesses as to ice thickness yesterday at Grant Lake? 

Most lakes on Seward Ranger District have refrozen the wide moats that surrounded them through Saturday.  

Tuesday Cooper Lake ice was 3 ½” thick under 1” of snow. Tern Lake measured 10” under 2” of snow, and Upper Trail Lake measured 8” under 3” of snow. Today Bear Lake measured 8.5”, no snow, orange peel surface, would still be skateable if you don’t mind the bumpy pattern. 

While last weekend’s snowfall was limited in amount and localized to a small area around Moose Pass, it did add over a foot to Lost Lake at elevations above 1,500’, and a few inches at Carter Lake. Lots of good terrain and snow for skiing after a 2 mile hike in either location. Hopefully this will be a moot point after the next few days of snowfall which is supposed to accumulate enough snow to allow for skiing at the lower elevations. 

The colder temperatures has made for easier walking and driving conditions with the addition of hoar frost, though ice cleats and studded tires are still needed in many locations. 

Grant Lake was not frozen on January 19; it began adding a skim of ice on January 20. Take a look at this photo taken at Grant Lake on January 21. 

Uh-Oh, where’s that blizzard I’ve been looking at out my window? 

Have a Great Weekend shoveling and playing in all the snow? 

January 8, 2015 Seward and Glacier Ranger Districts

Our umpteenth switch to rain is messing with us again as far as winter recreating. You should all be getting pretty good with predicting the ground conditions; here are a few updates though.

With the warmup today all icy side roads will be very slick, have tire chains if you choose to drive some of them. Most of our trails below 1,500’ in elevation have an ice layer, have ice cleats.

Resurrection Pass Trail: take ice cleats for hiking from Hope to Cooper Landing, lots of glaciation from the north between miles 3-6 in addition to icy tread for first 7 miles. From the south icy conditions to Swan Lake. Best hiked with ice cleats until we receive a few inches of snow to cover ice. Winter access routes on South (West Juneau or Slaughter Ridge to Bean Creek) are ice.

Cooper, Crescent, and Grant Lakes have frozen over, though not by much, we couldn’t travel more than 20-50’ from shore due to thinner ice towards deeper lake depths.

Keep in mind the following ice thicknesses are only where we measured, thickness varies depending on lake variables, if you are not familiar with traveling a particular area, go with someone who is.

Yesterday Cooper Lake had 3” ice 50 feet from shore, and Crescent Lake from the Carter Lake side measured 2” of ice twenty feet from shore, Tuesday Grant Lake measured 2” of ice ten feet from shore with a large area of open water in front of the Portage trail. We thought there would be 3-4” of ice on Grant Lake as we prepared to skate the lakeshore heading towards the mine road to log out trees, not!

Today Bear Lake had 7 ½” of ice with 1” of standing water. Upper and Lower Trail last weekend had 8” of ice. Ice skating will be wet once again.

The rains have returned, covering everything with water.  All areas are now covered with rain, and it’s both freezing a thin layer and the higher temperatures are melting our ice. Our weather is often this fickle; call us at 907-783-3242, 8-5 m-f for current conditions.

Johnson Pass Trail is ice covered, with limited snow patches near the trailhead. The road into the trailhead is all ice. Walk & drive with caution!

It’s trapping season, remember to keep your pets under control to avoid them becoming trapped.

December 23, 2014-Seward and Glacier Ranger District 

Seward Ranger District did not receive the snow that blanketed Portage Valley this past weekend, however, we did receive a smidgen that adhered to the ice layer giving more traction and less slip on most icy surfaces. Ice skating is still good despite the new sand paper surface. 

Crescent Lake is not frozen from the Carter Lake side, though it is frozen on the Crescent Creek side where the lake is shallower to the islands. Carter Lake has 8” of ice. Today where we measured ice 100’ north of the Ball Diamond was 4 ½”. 

Cooper Lake is not frozen. The District is closed to Winter Motorized use, this includes Snug Harbor Road access to Lost Lake. 

Alison Rein from Glacier Ranger District has this report for your skiing pleasure: Portage Valley received 4-6” snow on Sunday the 21st, and it’s stayed close to freezing or below , for good early-season ski on the Trail of Blue Ice.  Parking lots are plowed, but there is NO ICE yet in Portage!   Happy Holidays! 

It’s almost Christmas and the forecast looks exciting for the arrival of……………………………………………Santa Claus, ha, ha, ha, ha…..I meant snow. May all of you have a Very Merry Christmas!

December 18, 2014-Seward Trails 

Bah humbug! We’re doing much flip flopping again on Seward Ranger District for winter conditions. The good news is the snow level is dropping, elevations above 900’ is about where you can begin skiing without hitting rocks, more lakes are freezing with no snow cover insulating the ice, and ice skating is good on Tern, Jerome, Grayling, Meridian, Trout, Juneau, and Lower Russian Lakes. Other lakes may soon offer skating, we haven’t checked ice thickness yet on Upper or Lower Trail, or Summit Lakes due to the open water they sported late last weekend. Grant Lake was ice free early this week.   

Resurrection Pass trail south to Swan Lake, and Resurrection Pass trail north to Caribou Creek are snow free, but not ice free. Take skis or snowshoes to go over the pass. Side roads and trails are icy, cleats worn on boots, and studded bike tires are helpful in most areas shortly after leaving the parking lots, and, it seems rather silly to mention, but we are still closed to winter motorized use due to lack of snow.   

 December 4, 2014-Seward and Glacier Ranger Districts 

December 4th, 2014 and the woods are quiet as we remain closed to winter motorized use due to lack of snow cover to prevent resource damage. We continue to monitor conditions daily and will open to winter motorized use as soon as Mother Nature allows. 

The gates to Trail River and Russian River Campgrounds are now closed in preparation for grooming, add 1 mile to your trek to access the Lower Russian Lakes Trailhead. 

While not a lot (but enough to mess with ice skating), there is finally white stuff covering all exposed ground on Seward Ranger District. To date we have received 5-10” of snow a little at a time since last Friday night. The local ski clubs (Cooper Landing and Seward) are gearing up for rolling at Trail River and Russian River C.G.’s to provide a base upon which to groom when more snow falls. Still need several more inches before other ski areas can be rolled. Pulling sleds/pulks is working well, and if you have rock skis it is possible to classic ski from the parking areas to winter used trails, conditions will greatly improve with just a few more inches of snow. 

Today Exit Glacier Road has a few inches of slushy snow on an ice layer (no rock skis needed), skate skiing is possible but somewhat difficult due to various user ruts, classic skiing would be good. When temps drop below freezing the ruts will become challenging to skate ski. 

Alex McLain is teaching a free Avalanche Awareness Class in Seward on Saturday, December 13 from 9-3:00 p.m. For additional information call Alex at 288-7710 or 362-3720. 

Alison Rein has this update for Glacier Ranger District: 

Portage Valley Recreation update Tuesday Dec 2, 2014

Winter is slow to arrive in Portage this year: ponds and lakes are open water, and a slushy 1-2” of snow is on the ground.  You’ll need to gain elevation or distance from saltwater to get better winter conditions! 

It’s trapping season and most of the Chugach National Forest is open for this activity; remember to keep dogs under control or leashed so they do not accidently find their way to a trap.

Enjoy the long night full moon this weekend!

November 26, 2014-Seward Trails 

Frozen ground and ice growth is occurring once again on Seward Ranger District as temperatures across most of the District dropped below freezing Saturday evening. Surface seeps are freezing making for some slick areas, though it’s still fairly easy to hike and bike without the aid of cleats or studded tires if you pay attention to the ground in front of you. No need as of yet for snow shoes or skis over the passes, surely this will change soon?????????

Tern Lake as of today where we measured has ice thickness of 3.5”. At these temperatures the ice has been growing at a rate of ½”/day allowing for the resumption of ice skating on Tern Lake. We tend to measure ice thickness in safer areas staying clear of hazards, so, when traveling over frozen waterways please take precautions to educate yourself as to location of inlet and outlet flows, faster moving water in channels, overflow, refrozen pressure cracks, etc. because these areas harbor thinner ice.  

December 1 will come and go without the District opening to Winter Motorized use as we don’t have snow, yet…………….When Seward Ranger District does open to Winter Motorized use, it will not include the Resurrection Pass Trail system from Hope to Cooper Landing as this winter season (2014/2015) is closed to motorized except for Subsistence users (residents of Cooper Landing and Hope). 

Have a Very Happy Thanksgiving!

November 13, 2014-Seward Trails 

I began writing this trail condition update with a sense of betrayal from Old Man Winter, but knowing the weather could be like last weekend, I’m looking forward to some fun outings with great ground conditions before the next round of moisture comes our way. This sunny, mild day will repeat itself into the coming weekend. 

You can put aside your ice cleats, studded bike tires, skis, and snowshoes for the next few days on Seward Ranger District because the icy, treacherous conditions we experienced last weekend are nowhere to be seen.  

The first gate on Herman Leirer (Exit Glacier) Road is closed and the road is snow/ice free. 

Tern Lake has gone backwards in ice thickness. This afternoon we measured 3” of ice, and observed a lot of open water near the edges. According to ice safety charts you need 4” of ice for activities such as skating, skiing, and ice fishing. 

Chugach National Forest lands are in full operation mode for the winter trapping season. Glacier Ranger District is hosting “A Shared Trails” Presentation by Alaska Trapping Association on Wednesday December 3rd at the Forest Service Office in Girdwood at 7p.m. A 25-minute video, discussion on various types of traps and snares, and tips on how to free something caught in a trap or snare will be presented.

November 6, 2014-Seward Trails 

While current conditions are unseasonably good as far as biking and hiking, they are about to change more towards winter mode, maybe???? The freeze thaw that began last Sunday has made conditions icier on all packed surfaces, ice cleats on shoes and studded bike tires would be desirable for our current conditions.

You still don’t need snow shoes or skis to travel over our passes, however, do keep a keen eye out for weather  should you be venturing more than a day as these items are overdue as a staple for traveling at higher elevations. 

When temperatures are at freezing or below, the ice skating on Tern Lake remains good. Lower Russian Lake had 5” of ice four days ago and was good for ice skating. 

This Saturday is the Seward Nordic Ski Club Gear Swap, and Soup and baked goods sale, 11-2, Seward Elementary School Gym. Details for dropping off gear and helping out are available on the Seward Nordic Ski Club FB page. 

Enjoy the full moon tonight!

October 28, 2014-Seward Trails 

Cooler temperatures allowed a skim of ice (for the 2nd time this October) to form on Tern Lake one week ago today. Last year at this time Tern Lake was not frozen, it formed a layer of ice on November 6.  

The Seward Nordic Ski Club has their annual Gear Swap Saturday, November 8. Details on times, location, helping with Soup and Bake sale, gear drop off, etc. can be found on their Facebook page. 

While we do have cooler temperatures, the lack of snow cover south of Resurrection Pass on Seward Ranger District is allowing us to extend our hiking and biking well beyond a normal season. It’s quite unusual for Lost Lake to be snow free the end of October.  

Enjoy the next few days with the ghosts and goblins and……………………………… Ice Skating on Tern Lake! Today the ice measured 4”. 

October 23, 2014-Seward Trails 

Hello Winter Enthusiasts! As we slowly move towards winter I’d like to share a few reminders of things to ponder on Seward Ranger District winter used trails/areas. 

This winter season 2014/2015 Resurrection Pass Trail, including Bean Creek and West Juneau, is closed to Motorized use, except for Subsistence users (residents of Hope and Cooper Landing). Other winter motorized trails/areas on Seward Ranger District open December 1 providing there is adequate snow cover to prevent resource damage. 

Trapping for most fur bearers on our Forest opens November 10, however, trapping for coyote and wolf opened on October 15 in our Unit (7). If you would like to borrow a DVD presented by the AK Trappers Association on how to release a dog from various styles of fur bearer traps send me a note.  

The northern half of Seward Ranger District received measurable snowfall early Monday, gaiters will be a useful item if you’re traveling from the trailheads at Johnson Pass North and Resurrection Pass North through the passes; Gull Rock trail at sea level has 1-4” of snow that has not melted. Palmer Creek Road is not drivable and the gate has been closed. Areas to the south received some snow but not enough to warrant mention. The gate at mile 1.3 of Herman Leirer Road (Exit Glacier) is now closed. 

Winter updates may be frequent depending on changing ground conditions. While we try to be discreet with this mailing list, there may be times when your email address can be viewed by others also on this list. If you would like to be removed from, or added to the trail condition mailing please send an email to   

June 23, 2014-Seward Trails 

There are a couple open water crossings on the "Primitive" Crescent Lake trail, one closer to the Carter Lake end, and one closer to the Crescent Cabin end. During spring melt and after heavy rains the one closer to Carter may be impassable, the other one you could ford. Once you are on the Lake trail it is easy to follow, it is a cut trail the entire distance. What makes it difficult is the narrow trail tread, many exposed roots, rocks, and alder/grass/cow parsnip in the trail corridor. This trail is only recommended for hiking. The trail is slated to be brushed this summer, most likely late July, early August. 

Seward Ranger District received measurable rainfall this past week, waters have risen quite dramatically. I was barely able to ford Martin Creek on the Resurrection River Trail last weekend before the rains set in, so, until water recedes, the section of "Primitive" trail between Martin and Boulder Creeks will be impassable. 

Johnson Pass Trail is less brushy this year, though the annuals (cow parsnip/grass) on the north will still be there, as the trail brushing started last fall has been completed this month. The rains have made the north 9 miles quite a muddy mess.

May 15, 2014-Seward Trails

I’m so pleased to once again be wishing you a Very Warm, and Sunny Weekend coming up! 

This is a light year for logging out our trails, our Trail crews are working daily and should have most fallen trees removed from the trails within a week or two. As this will be my last trail update for the summer, unless changing conditions warrant, I’d like to give you a basic rundown of what to anticipate for our higher elevation trails: 

Lost Lake-Primrose is usually mostly snow-free by the 2nd week of July, right now there’s snow 26-36” above mile 3.5 on each end. This area will be mostly snow free by the 2rd week of June. 

Travel across Resurrection Pass and upper Devil’s Creek usually snow free by the 2nd week of June will be mostly snow free before Memorial Day weekend. 

Johnson Pass Trail will be mostly snow free by the 3rd week of May. 

Brush/grass is growing rapidly, we have seen new growth on willows between 8-15”, quite remarkable already. It won’t be long before you won’t be able to see the trail tread when passing through willow/alder/grass sections.  

So, now that our trails are drying out nicely and about 2-3 weeks ahead of a normal snow year for melt, it’s still a bit early in some areas for biking, however, if you use good judgment and get off your bike in mucky sections I’ll tell you of a couple places you can get a jump start for riding right now: 

Crescent Creek Trail to Crescent Lake is dry. Larger than normal avalanche to get around at mile 3.5. And   please, stay away from the cabin unless you have a reservation, there are 3 accesses to the lakeshore so there is no need to take the trail to the cabin, (for all of our public use cabins, please be respectful of cabin occupants and do not intrude upon cabins that are occupied); Lower and Upper Russian Lakes Trails, some muddy areas from the Upper Russian T.H., has been logged out; Resurrection North to Caribou Creek and beyond. 

Beginning June 11 parking fees will be charged for the Lower Russian River Trailhead in Russian River Campground through August 20. You will not be charged a fee to park if you have a cabin reservation for Barber, Aspen Flats, or Upper Russian Lake Cabins. The Concessionaire will be charging for parking at Pink Salmon and Grayling parking lots prior to June 11.

Our trails open to horse use July 1, I’ll keep you posted through the CNF webpage for Trail Updates as it appears likely we may open some trails to horse use early. 

During your ventures on our Grand District please give our main office a call (224-3374) if you come across things such as fire extinguishers spent at cabins, broken windows, doors, etc….that we would like to know about so we can get maintenance needs taken care of quickly. 

Have a Safe and Wonderful Summer on your outings enjoying the Chugach National Forest!   

May 9, 2014-Seward Trails

Am I really talking about Seward Ranger District as we head towards another round of sunshine? YES!!! For your recreating pleasure here’s what you can anticipate for the coming weekend besides sunshine on SRD; Mosquitoes, muck holes, leaves opening, sweetly singing birds, critters, etc….. to help you remember what to add to your day pack now that we’re switching gears from winter to spring.

Review last week’s trail update for the drier hikes, you will still want gaiters for Carter Lake, Devil’s Creek, Iditarod (between Bear Lake and Primrose), Johnson Pass (beyond mile 3 to Johnson North T.H.), Lost lake, and Primrose Trails. Ice cleats can be put away until next fall, except for Fall’s Creek Mine Road, (ATV’s would want tire chains if you dare to go up the glacier in the beginning).

In addition to last week’s mention of drier hikes, add the loop of Crown Point Road to Iditarod, to Vagt Lake, this is a new loop hike where you can park your rig and not have to do a shuttle back, see attached map.

Resurrection Pass Trail System: We are about 3 weeks ahead for snow melt on Resurrection and Devil’s Creek Trails. You won’t need snowshoes, they are almost a hindrance since the snow is very rotten, with each step down, you have a step up with heavy wet snow loaded on your snowshoe. Hiking poles are immensely helpful in pulling yourself up when you do fall through to the bottom. Devil’s Creek Trail: Dry ground the first 4 miles with no snow in the avalanche chutes. You start hitting solid snow at mile 5. Then it is a slow, 1-mph snow slog, with occasional mud until the pass. There are some very large drifts where you may sink up to your hips, the attached photo was taken at mile 9.5 of Devil’s Creek Trail. Resurrection Pass Trail South: Cleared of fallen trees. The first few miles from the Trailhead on the Sterling Hwy. are dry, then trail turns muddy much of the way to Juneau Lake. Trail is drier from Juneau Lake to Swan Lake. Lakes are frozen and beginning to open a little at inlets/outlets. Muddy above Swan Lake Grade to Devil’s Pass cabin. Resurrection Pass Trail North: Trees have been cleared between mile 8 and Devil’s Pass Cabin. The remaining down trees are easy to negotiate around. Fairly dry to Caribou Creek, then the trail gets muddy and mucky in sections (especially the flat sections). Substantial snow begins near mile 17, from here it is a snow slog to Devil’s Pass Cabin with some intermittent breaks.

May 1, 2014-Seward Trails 

Happy May Day! Yet another gorgeous, sunny, warm day, and all is quiet in the woods as the vrooming of sno-gos is now closed until next winter season. 

Even though it’s been warm and snow is melting at a rate of 2”/day this week, our ground is saturated with water and the trail tread is muck soup in many locations and not too bike friendly. Please refrain from biking on newly snow free trail tread until it has firmed up and you don’t leave a tire channel. A few of the drier hikes right now are: Gull Rock; Lower Russian Lakes Trail to Upper Russian Lake; Ptarmigan and Victor Creek Trails; and any of the south to west facing ridge trails/scrambles.  

Have a fun weekend in the sunshine. 

April 24, 2014-Seward Trails  

Good Gorgeous Morning!!!!! This photo was taken outside my office this morning on yet another Glorious Day. 

As we get closer to the Winter Motorized Closure date of April 30 on Seward Ranger District the only remaining area/trail we anticipate staying open through April 30 is the Lost Lake access via Snug Harbor Road. Sno-gos will most likely be riding on some gravel upon leaving the winter parking lot, as some stretches of road are melting out faster than others.  All areas of Glacier Ranger District are now CLOSED to Winter Motorized use. 

Snow/Ice is melting at a rate of 1-2 inches/day in most locations, this weekend you can anticipate standing water, and mucky trails, gaiters are a good choice of gear. 

Just last weekend you couldn’t launch a boat at any of the boat launches to access Kenai Lake due to ice cover, that has changed for your boating pleasure as all but the Primrose boat launch are now ice free. This morning Primrose boat launch has approximately ¼ mile of ice before open water. 

The entrance gate to Russian River Campground is now open, allowing vehicle access to the Lower Russian Trailhead parking lot. 

The Lost Lake Trail Winter/Summer loop beginning at mile 1.5 either side has 2-3 feet of snow, not too punchy on the well packed winter trail to Clemen’s Cabin, quite punchy on the summer trail. Skiing still good at some of the higher elevations surrounding Carter, Johnson, and Lost Lake areas.    

April 18, 2014  

I think we are relatively safe in saying spring has sprung on Seward Ranger District, though we still have over a month before we’ll be free of the sporadic below freezing night time temperatures and rain/snow precipitation.

Winter motorized use on Seward Ranger District: Through Friday all areas except for Lost Lake, Primrose, Resurrection Pass, West Juneau, and Bean Creek Trails are open through Friday, April 18. Beginning Saturday, April 19 all areas on SRD except Snug Harbor Road access to Lost Lake will be closed to motorized use.

The entrance gate at Russian River Campground remains closed due to ¾ mile of icy packed road before and after the Trailhead parking lot. Exit Glacier Road is free of snow and gates are open to the Park Service gate at mile 7.

Bear Baiting is now open and will continue through June. Even though bear baiting stations are not allowed within ¼ mile of trails, roads, railroad tracks, Kenai River, and Kenai Lake and within 1 miles of Campgrounds, recreational cabins, and houses, you need to be on your toes at all times because you never know when, and where you may encounter a black or brown bear being lured into a bait station.

Alison from Glacier Ranger District has this current report: Snow is going going going fast, set up in the morning early afternoon Winner creek trail is still under snow, Trail of Blue Ice is half snow, half bare. It was 40-45 in the valley yesterday afternoon, light rain. I walked onto the edge of the lake, it was solid, but who knows for how long? Side roads are almost drivable, snow is soft and dirty. Portage lake is a light shade of blue; its ice saturated. Turnagain motorized to the north will remain open while Johnson Pass is closed beginning Saturday.

I’m going to the woods to look for the Easter Bunny, have a Great Weekend!

April 11, 2014-Seward Trails

We have closed Resurrection Pass Trail and it’s winter access trails (Bean Creek and West Juneau), Lost Lake, and Primrose Trails early, again to motorized use for the season. Please check this site before heading out this weekend to go vroom, vroom to find out if other trails are closed this week.

April 3, 2014-Seward and Glacier Ranger District 

Not a lot of changes from last week’s update other than a few more patches of bare ground and more icy spots developing on snow packed trails. Take a look at last week’s report and add more icy spots and bare ground.

Carter Lake Trailhead parking will be filled with rigs on Saturday, April 5th due to a local event, you won’t be able to find a spot to park. 

We’ve had another great week of hauling trail/cabin materials out to various locations on Seward Ranger District. Our sno-go tracks are heavily studded for traction on ice, and even then, we do slip and slide a little while pulling heavy loads. 

I discovered it’s much easier to bike the South Fork of Snow River than it is to ski it when there are no snow bridges. Instead of constantly putting on and taking off waders, I was able to wear them the entire time. Over 20 open water crossings (see photo) to mile 8 before the climb up beside the glacier. Sno-gos have been traveling to Nellie Juan Lake, but the icy trail beside the glacier requires the aid of others to help each other up. 

Here’s an update from our Neighbors at Glacier Ranger District: 

Portage Valley Recreation Update – April 3, 2014

Portage Lake is being well used by self, dog and wind-propelled skiers, walkers, bikers & runners, all enjoying the sunshine, snow and spectacular glaciated scenery.  For those of you who prefer to minimize your exposure to the effects of an ice-berg calving into the lake, the snow is fantastic across the valley floor.  All small ponds have smooth snow-covered surfaces.  The Trail of Blue ice is predominantly snow-covered and ski-able.  Some bridges are snow-free, while others have you teetering on a narrow berm of snow.  Skiing out to Skookum Glacier from the west end of Portage Valley is also reported to be excellent.  Looks like our awesome weather will be changing, so get some while you can!   

Enjoy the change in our weather pattern! 

March 27, 2014-Seward Trails 

As we near the end of this most magnificently, sunny week, here is the forecast for Seward Ranger District weather: THERE ARE NO IMPACTFUL WEATHER CONDITIONS ACROSS SOUTH



The below normal lows we’ve been experiencing has allowed our thin snow cover to extend its offering for winter enthusiasts in some areas. Most of our trails at lower elevations will require travel with the aid of ice cleats on your shoes. The colder temps at night is hampering with the development of crust skiing or biking, you would think it would be good with all the sunshine we’ve been having, but it’s not. I found out I can ride my bike with kahtoola spikes on my boots, though it doesn’t help my bike stay upright on the ice, it’s  easy to dismount and walk icy sections. 

Bean Creek trail is mostly icy. 

Carter Lake trail is in good condition 

Johnson Pass trail is filled with moguls the entire distance and is quite the bumpy ride. 

Lost Lake trail from the beginning is icy, the experimental tracks are buried under the ice layer and are just now beginning to appear. Even the summer trail that bypasses the ice chute has several icy sections.  Conditions are good beyond mile 2.5 as you leave the Clemen’s cabin.  

Lower Russian Lake, we did not open the closed gate into Russian River C.G. last Friday, and it is still closed due to a 1-2” packed icy surface. Lots of bare ground and ice on the trail. 

Primrose trail does not sport ice in the normal areas near the beginning, though it does have its usual moguls. 

Resurrection Pass South via Bean Creek trail, park at the bottom of the hill on Slaughter Ridge Rd, this hill looks drivable from the bottom but there is a large glaciated area at the top, see the attached photo. Ice cleats on your shoes, and studded tracks on  your sno-go will be required to get beyond this section, more bare ground showing daily on this road. From the Bean Creek trail junction Resurrection Pass trail is in remarkably good condition for skiing, or fat tire biking to Juneau Lake. Juneau Lake to Swan Lake snow conditions are marginal. Swan Lake to Caribou Creek on the north is skiable. Between mile 3-6 on the north there is a lot of glaciated areas on the side hills, studded tracks, tires, and shoes are necessary for travel in this location. 

Have another sun filled weekend! 

March 20,  2014-Seward Trails  

Happy Spring to all of you on this fine sunny afternoon. 

I have made a new Trail Conditions mailing list, please reply to this email if you want to be removed as I know there are some folks who have not requested to be on the list, I didn’t want to chance deleting addresses I wasn’t sure about. 

It’s been quite the sea saw for motorized use this winter. With our latest round of opening/re-opening this is our 3rd one this winter season, see the end of this email for the run-down of our weather related motorized openings and closures.  

As of March 16, we have a frozen base of 8” in the lower elevations from Moose Pass to Lost Lake, and east to Cooper Lake, just a short couple hundred feet in elevation gain the snow depth increases tremendously, well, compared to what it has been all winter. Snow Depths are between 3.5-4.5 feet at Carter, Johnson, and Lost Lakes. Conditions are quite good on many of our winter used trails for skiing/snow machining except as noted below. We have been able to easily haul bridges and food storage lockers to a number of locations this week. This photo shows 20’ long 4” x 12” treated boards that weigh a gazillion pounds each that we were able to haul up Carter Lake trail on Tuesday. 

The West side of the District to the North, sports a thinner snowpack, but skiing or motorized use is still possible. Traveling Resurrection Pass trail on the south will require some walking with ice cleats on your shoes or studded tracks on your sno-go on part of Slaughter Ridge Road and a short distance on Bean Creek trail, you won’t want to take West Juneau any longer as there are a couple miles of exposed gravel on this south facing road. You can easily drive 8/10ths of a mile beyond the winter parking area on Slaughter Ridge Rd, park at the bottom of the steep hill to avoid sliding on the large glaciated area near the top of this hill. Skiing gets better at Mile 1 of Bean Creek Trail. From Juneau Lake to Swan Lake the snow cover is thinner but skiing/snow machining is still doable. Swan Lake to the trailhead in Hope is fair to good, lots of wind drifted snow through the pass. Note: Resurrection North by sno-go is for the experienced rider to the top of the southern grade at East Creek; from here it turns into easy riding to Devil’s Pass Cabin, Devil’s Pass cabin to Swan Lake Cabin is advanced riding.  

Biking will be good on Resurrection Pass South via Bean Creek to the top of the Swan Lake grade, and perhaps further, depending on how our sno-go tracks have set up. See note about parking and glaciation. 

The steep hill out of the parking lot on Lost Lake is icy, take the hiking trail to the right if you don’t have studded tracks. 

Lower Russian Lake trail is icy with patches of bare ground. We anticipate opening the entrance gate tomorrow afternoon. 

Our usual dates that allow for winter motorized use are December 1 through April 30. We work hard at opening areas/trails to winter motorized use, even though it’s a lot of legal paper work, and time in the field posting and/or removing closure notices, we do our best to provide you with winter motorized opportunities when the occasion arises, so please be patient when we need to work with Mother Nature and close areas/trails early. 

December 20, 2013, first of many openings this winter season to motorized use, except for Lost Lake and Primrose trails.

January 16, 2014, open Primrose trail to motorized.

January 24, 2014, close Primrose trail to motorized.

January 28, 2014, close all of Seward Ranger District to winter motorized.

February 19, 2014, open all of SRD to motorized.

March 1, 2014, close all of SRD to motorized.

March 13, 2014, open all of SRD to motorized. 

Have a fantabulous, sunny weekend! 

March 13, 2014-Seward Trails

The Seward Ranger District is open to snowmachines.  As of now we have a heavy base of 5-8” in the lower elevations, with more snow Just a little higher up.

The West side is a little thin, Take Bean Creek if going up Resurrection Pass South, West Juneau Rd. is Bare. Lost Lake and Primrose Have 8” at the Trailheads but quickly hold more snow higher.

The town of Hope and Resurrection North are a bit thin. Hopefully it cools off some and we get some more snow with the upcoming storm.

Watch for overflow on the Lakes. We need it to cool off. 

March 6, 2014-Seward Trails 

Good grief, yet another clear and sunny day! Last night’s snowfall amounted to  just a couple inches in Moose Pass and not much else anywhere on the District. 

All remains quiet on  SRD as we are still closed to Winter Motorized use due to lack of snow cover to prevent resource damage. Glacier Ranger District has closed Turnagain Pass to Motorized; Placer River and Johnson North remain open to motorized use.

Hiking trails are not skiable, hiking with ice cleats on  your boots is the activity of choice. Biking is possible with studded tires.

Driving our side roads is good in most locations except the last 1/2 mile of Slaughter Ridge road that accesses Bean Creek Trail. The glacier on the steep hill is not passable by a vehicle.

Resurrection Pass Trail is not skiable due to icy conditions and intermittent exposed ground for the first 12 miles on either end. There is a packed trail from Cooper Landing to Hope, we currently recommend hiking with ice cleats and taking snow shoes or skis to get through the pass if that white stuff should inundate the area while you are there.

Have a Great Weekend!  

March 1, 2014-Winter Motorized Closure

Due to unseasonably warm weather, including rain and sustained temperatures above freezing, all of the Seward Ranger District is now closed to over-the-snow motorized use.

Turnagain Pass, Johnson North, and Placer River on the Glacier Ranger District remain open.

February 27, 2014-Seward District 

Old Man Winter is slacking. Seward Ranger District is anticipating closing to Winter Motorized use beginning Saturday, March 1 due to lack of snow to prevent resource damage.

Even with rock skis you won’t want to ski any trails on SRD below 1,000’ in elevation. Skate and classic skiing is doable at Trail River C.G. and Divide, though it is a slow slog when temps are in the high 30’s-40’s. Ice cleats will be needed for travel when the temperature drops below freezing in a day or two, packed surfaces will turn hard and slick. West Juneau Road is down to gravel for the 1st mile and a half. Other side roads are icy but may get down to gravel soon. 

Do you know how to travel on groomed ski trails if you’re not on skis, especially if conditions are soft and mushy? Walkers, runners, snowshoers, bikers, please try and stay towards the side of groomed trails so as to not leave imprints in the middle of groomed trails. Bob A., it was so great to see you last night walking off to the side as I came barreling by ski jouring, thanks so much. 

If you venture to the Lost Lake trail you will notice four snow machine tracks laid out in the middle of the trail on the infamous icy climb from the parking lot. This is an experiment we’re allowing a snowmobile club to try. They’re hoping it will provide safer access over the steep icy sections. The big question is: will we have an opportunity to open again to motorized use this winter season to try the tracks out? 

Perhaps we’ll get an opportunity to ice skate on numerous local lakes once again soon? 

This forecast is for real; it was on the NOAA Alaska Weather site for Moose Pass, Seward:


Have a Great Weekend in the Sunshine, or rain, or snow!

February 23, 2014-Seward District 

Good Gorgeous Morning, 

Just a heads up if you don’t have studded tracks on your machines you will not want to attempt going up Primrose or Lost Lake Trails due to the polished icy surface. 

February 21, 2014-Seward Trails and Portage Valley

Who was that woman who sent you a trail condition report yesterday? Anyways, the fat tire biking on the west side of the District that only received 5” of new snow is not too easy, at least for me. When I skied Resurrection South, out West Juneau Rd this week I just knew the fat tire biking would be Great, NOT! 

Some skate skiing opportunities to be had at Upper Trail Lake, access from the Lodge, this is much nicer now than the lung buster race last weekend, Exit Glacier Road, Mile 12 Divide, Bear Lake, and Trail River C.G. You may have noticed there’s been zero news since early January for Cooper Landing grooming, it’s due to lack of snow to adequately run the groomer, though, classic skiing is good (remember to take rock skis if you have them) in the locale. The accessible trail from the Grayling Parking Lot in Russian River C.G. down to the river is skiable. 

Kenai Lake appears to have totally frozen over patching the last open water on Tuesday, February 18. Ice thickness where I measured 15 minutes ago was 2.5 inches. 

Alison Rein sent me this update for your recreating pleasure in Portage Valley: PV Rec Update February 21, 2014, 10 am: 1���and calm; 3’ of snow cover, Portage Lake is white…..with overflow and snow drifts.  Plow crews have not caught up with recent snow storms; bring a shovel to make your own parking space off the road.   

Have a fabulous Sun Shiny weekend, preferably outdoors in the fresh air. 

February 20, 2014-Seward Trails 

Greetings on this gorgeous evening, hope many of you were able to get out and enjoy the sunshine. 

Skis are replacing ice cleats, however, rock skis would be the gear choice in many locations.

 The west side of our District has minimal snow cover. I would choose skis over walking, and fat biking over skiing. The ground is frozen and the snow did cover most of the icy tread surface. 

In most locations, except above tree line at Lost Lake and Primrose, sno-gos will be limited to traveling the trails as there is not a lot of snow below 1,500’ elevation on Seward R.D. Carter Lake has 24” of snow. Lost Lake has 36”. 

We restocked Clemen’s Cabin with several full bottles of propane today. The Lost Lake trail has many sled grabbers that tried, (and succeeded a few times) to throw us from our machines. In 2.5 miles I counted 77 obstacles (large rocks and roots) you have to keep a keen eye out for. 

Resurrection Pass Trail North received quite a bit more snow than the southern end, the glaciated areas should be covered in snow, you might need an axe if you’re traveling by sno-go to chip away at river ice that’s on the trail at mile 4. 

February 19, 2014-Seward Trails open to Motorized

Good afternoon on this gorgeous day as I sit at my computer overlooking recently frozen over Kenai Lake. Yesterday while sitting at my desk I spied out of the corner of my eye a lynx, I love my job, especially when I can deliver good news to those of you who like to go vroom, vroom. Seward Ranger District Winter Motorized areas/trails are once again open to motorized use.

February 18, 2014-Seward Trails 

Sno-gos, here’s a little riding for you at Turnagain Pass West Side Motorized and Johnson North via the wagon road, access west side of trailhead parking area. Currently these are the only areas open to Winter Motorized Use. 

We are monitoring conditions for Carter, Johnson South, Primrose, Lost Lake, Res. So, Bean Creek after today’s snow and will let you know what we come up with by tomorrow afternoon.

February 13, 2014-Seward Trails 

In the past week we have received enough snow to sort of halt ice skating, though it’s easy to skate through, there are many cracks in the ice that are now hidden and waiting to catch your blade and send you flying. The next Federal Land Manager to the West of us has areas of very good ice skating at the moment.  

Take a look at last week’s trail report, it’s much the same story today. One change is that the super slick glare ice roads of last week are less slippery, however they are still icy, and walking our trails still require the aid of ice cleats. Backpacking across Resurrection Pass Trail is the name of the game from Cooper Landing to Hope, though you will want to carry snowshoes as there is snow predicted in the next few days. 

Grant Lake mine road has been clear of fallen trees. Grant Lake had 15” of ice on it 2 days ago. 

There is skiing to be had on SRD, check the Seward Nordic Ski Club link, better yet, go to the site, become a member and updates on latest conditions will be automatically sent to your email. 

Alison Rein from Glacier Ranger District has a more promising report, at least for those of you who like to ski: The valley is back to more normal winter conditions with wonderful on-trail skiing.  12-16" of fresh light snow, parking areas plowed, continued light snow and cold temps (highs of 20's at most) should keep the conditions in great shape!  Don't delay, ski portage today! 

Tomorrow is the full moon, not sure if we’ll get to view it because it’s the “SNOW MOON”, and as many of you know, quite often in winter the day of, or the evening before the full moon brings a change in the weather. Before my kids were in school I planned most of our winter camping trips around the full moon so as to avoid winter storms, this worked well about 75% of the time, keeping my fingers crossed.

February 6, 2014-Seward Trails  

Good Clear, Crisp, Icy, day to all of you. The District remains closed to SNO-GOS due to lack of snow cover.

Today (2/6/14) mini glaciers continue to grow on our winter used trails due to lack of snow cover. My favorite piece of gear these past few weeks (besides ice skates) are my Kahootla Microspikes that have enabled me to safely travel over ice on any terrain.  

Gull Rock and Hope Point trails are mostly ice/snow free. All other trails on the Seward Ranger District at the moment will require ice creepers on your shoes. Even though there is no snow in the woods, and in some cases no ice on the trail/road for the first mile, our winter used trails/roads are icy. 

Many area lakes are skate-able; Tern, Bear, Meridian, Lower Russian, Juneau, Lower Trail, portions of Upper Trail, and many are not; Vagt, Grant, Trout. 

If any of you have checked the link I sent you will have gleaned some valuable information on a couple areas that are skiable thanks to the many hours put in by the volunteer groomers. 

Resurrection Pass Trail, as with all of our winter used trails, except Gull Rock and a few ridge trails, will be best traveled by walking with ice cleats until we get snow. Access to Resurrection Pass Trail SOUTH via West Juneau Road, Slaughter Ridge Road, and the Summer Hiking Trail have bare ground for first 1-1.5 miles. Though Slaughter Ridge Road is drivable for the first mile, I don’t recommend travel up the 2nd hill, you’ll notice a large glacier forming that is sketchy to drive, even with tire chains. The last mile to Resurrection Pass Trail North T.H. is icy as well.

Folks, if you travel to any of our Public Use Cabins and notice anything that’s missing or broken (windows, splitting maul, saw, fire extinguisher, etc…) please give us a call and let us know so we can fix it. Our main office number is 907-224-3374. 

February 14-16, 2014 is the 1st annual Moose Pass Winterfest.

February 6,, 2014-Glacier Ranger District-Trails 

Glacier Ranger District, Portage Valley Recreation Update February 5, 2014

There’s no snow on the valley floor, but we have skate-able ice on all the small ponds, and all roads are bare gravel.  Get it while it lasts, there’s snow in the forecast.  Portage Lake is not frozen as of today, so beware if it looks solid tomorrow!  The nearby wetlands in Placer & Twentymile valley’s are also frozen smooth and can take you miles away quickly on a pair of sharp skates.  All our ponds and wetlands have small openings created by gasses released when plants decompose, watch out for these hazards, and for moving water areas (inlets/oulets). 

Bryon Glacier Road is open to travel.  If you choose to hike Byron Glacier Trail, be aware of the snow still piled up above you.  This trail is located at the bottom of a narrow, steep-sided valley.  If the weather starts warming, snowing and/or blowing, the avalanche danger for people using the trail can rise quickly.

January 30, 2014-Seward Trails

Seward Ranger District, January 30, 2014 and all remains quiet in the woods as we are closed to winter motorized use until further notice. Wasn’t it just a couple weeks ago I said you wouldn’t be hearing much from me now because we are in full winter mode? Ha, ha, ha, ha, sorry, I lied.

I’m disheartened to report the Death of a dog just shy of his 1st Birthday; Reuben got caught in a conibear trap on the shores of Kenai Lake near Waikiki Beach last week, his owners were with him but were unable to revive him.

As of yesterday Snug Harbor Road was ice free to the winter parking lot at mile 9; beyond this the road was icy and not drivable. Last mile of Resurrection Creek Rd to the Resurrection North T.H. is a luge run. Slaughter Ridge Rd. is mostly ice free, West Juneau is free of ice for the 1st mile, then icy the remainder. Folks going overnight will do better with backpacks rather than ski pulks until we get more snow cover.

A tad over two months ago on November 22, 2013 Tern Lake had 12” of ice, any guesses as to how thick the ice on Tern Lake is today?

Hiking on any of our winter used trails is doable with ice cleats, biking is difficult until you get beyond the ice, ever try turning on ice while biking? It’s an accident waiting to happen; just trying to ride in a straight line w/o slipping on ice is a challenge, even with studded tires.

Snow depth at Clemen’s Cabin on Lost Lake winter route is a shocking 31”. The winter/summer loop is packed and will be even firmer today with the below freezing temperatures at night.

Lower Russian Lake had 14” of ice as of Tuesday. Take a look at the attached photo of an avalanche that came down twice in 2 weeks. The 1st time it came to within 15 feet of the Barber Cabin Trail and was an impressive sight. The 2nd time it crashed into the lake breaking the lake ice. I’m a bit puzzled as to why only two of the 5 avalanches that normally slide in the mile section (½ mile on L.Russian Lake Trail, and ½ mile on Barber Cabin Trail) came down, there’s still a lot of snow up high, at least in this location.

KTUU is looking for our local Avalanche expert, really, not for his upcoming class, but for his knowledge on Avalanches. Anyways, Alex McLain is teaching a free Avalanche Awareness Class this Saturday February 1st, 1-5 PM at the Seward City Library, 239 6th Ave, Seward AK. Topics covered will include Snowpack, human factors, mountain weather, terrain, and Avalanche Rescue (Beacon Search). If you are interested contact Alex McLain with the USFS, Seward Ranger District for more information at (907) 288-7710 or by email at

Ice skating on some local lakes is back, though, getting to the good ice may prove to be a challenge due to the moats that formed during the 3 weeks of warm weather. Today the moats on Lower and Upper Trail Lakes, and Tern Lake had refrozen to ½” thickness. Currently Tern Lake offers the most promising ice skating from the Day Use Area; access the lake from the second or third picnic site. Access from the Sterling Hwy. may be possible in a few days. The inlet has opened tremendously wide; as always with any inlets or outlets on frozen bodies of water use caution when traveling near them. Ice thickness today at 12:30 on Tern Lake was 14” and mostly clear with numerous methane gas formed bubbles.

To be added or removed from Seward Ranger District trail updates please send an email to:

January 28, 2014-Seward and Glacier Ranger Districts

January 28, 2014 and all is quiet, Chugach National Forest shall not have the zooming of sno-gos as all areas normally open to winter motorized use are now closed. 

We will monitor all areas on a daily basis and when we receive adequate snowfall to prevent resource damage we will re-open to winter motorized.

January 23, 2013-Seward Trails

Tomorrow, January 24, 2014 Primrose Trail will be closed to winter motorized use, Lost Lake Trail remains closed due to lack of snow to prevent resource damage, and, Turnagain Pass Motorized side on the Glacier Ranger District is closing to winter motorized use today. 

January 23, 2014 brings yet another wet, warm, day on the Seward Ranger District. You will need ice cleats on  your shoes, and ice studs on your sno-go track if you choose to venture outdoors on the Seward Ranger District from sea level to about 900’ in elevation, if you don’t have these I don’t recommend travel until you get them or until we get snowfall. Above 900’ elevation you get out of the ice and into heavy, wet snow that is difficult to stay on top of, even with snowshoes.  

December 12, 2013 Crescent Lake had 7” of ice, any guesses as to how thick the ice is as of yesterday? 

To give you an idea of just how wet it is out there, Divide Ski area (Mile 12 Seward Hwy) snow moisture content at the moment (3:26 PM) is 43.5%, though Summit Lake is quite a bit drier at 25.5%.  

The Dale Clemen’s Cabin on Lost Lake trail is out of propane. Small BBQ style propane bottles in the 11-20 lb. range will work with the propane stove at Dale Clemen’s Cabin. When we open Lost Lake trail to motorized use we will restock the propane. 

There is an overabundance of overflow in many locations on frozen ponds and lakes. Yesterday Carter Lake had 12” of overflow. Crescent Lake had 1” of ice on top of 5” of water on top of 9” of ice. 34” of snow at Carter Lake. 

January 10, 2014-Seward Trails 

Seward Ranger District trails that are open for winter motorized use are hard packed still………..The lovely snow storm predicted last weekend arrived warm and delivered a lot of rain. Good news is that we have ice skating once again!!!! Tern Lake and parts of Upper Trail Lake out of the Ball Diamond are good for ice skating.

Lost Lake and Primrose trails remain closed to sno-gos.

Though there is little snow for off trail travel, on trail travel is good. Not much ice except at elevations below 700’ elevation. Above 700’ you get into decent conditions to sno-go, ski, or Fat Tire bike to cabins and lakes on packed trails.

Though you can travel by sno-go through Resurrection Pass via the North trail from Hope, you will still want to take a chainsaw, or at a minimum a hand saw. We’re working on hauling bridge materials, bear food lockers, etc…. while conditions are good and don’t anticipate going on Resurrection North for a few weeks.

Clemen’s Cabin is low on propane,  you can try one of the mostly MT bottles, hold it horizontally and shake the contents then hook it up. You can also try taking a barbeque style propane bottle with you. If anyone does this let us know how it works. Our first priority when we open Lost Lake trail will be to refill the 17 bottles of propane at the Clemen’s Cabin.

January 10, 2014-Portage Valley

Portage Valley has lost most of its snow on the valley floor; trails are better walked (with cleats) than skied.  Portage Lake has ice that has broken and partially re-frozen.  All side roads are ice-covered.  Ponds are frozen, but not smooth.  Wear your cleats and have a nice, quiet stroll in Portage before the next storm changes everything again!

December 31, 2013-Seward Trails 

Travel today, December 31, 2013, on Seward Ranger District trails is good on the following trails for sno-gos, thanks to a large number of people who have taken their chainsaws on first rides. Though, we anticipate these conditions to quickly change as we get closer to ringing in the New Year if we receive the predicted snowfall. Also please note that even though I mention travel is good, it’s only as good as the ability of the rider, many of these trails I mention are “more difficult”. 

Carter Lake to Crescent Lake. 

Johnson South to Johnson Lake via Johnson Creek winter route, Thank you Corey for going back with a chainsaw!

Johnson North to Johnson Lake via the Wagon Road, access from West Side of the parking lot.

Resurrection Pass Trail South to Swan Lake via Slaughter Ridge Road(limited parking for rigs w/trailers, or West Juneau Road.

Resurrection Pass Trail North to Devil’s Pass, limited parking for rigs w/trailers.

Upper Russian Lake via the Snug Harbor Road Trailhead. Travel via Cooper Lake is rougher due to exposed willow/alders. 

Still closed to winter motorized due to insufficient snow to prevent resource damage are Lost Lake and Primrose Trails. So many phone calls from folks wanting to sno-go in these locations. We don’t have a magic formula of how many inches of new snow we need to open. We’re hoping for wetter, dense snow that will adhere to the thin, packed icy trail surface.  

Grant Lake Portage trail has been logged out, we anticipate logging out the mining road this Thursday. 

Ice thickness on Upper Russian Lake on 12/30/2013 was 11”, and Cooper Lake had 12” of ice. We’ve been experiencing over flow on all lakes in various locations.

At the moment, snow depth in Resurrection Pass is 18”. Snow depth at Cooper Lake is 14”. Snow depth at Lost Lake is 24”. 

Continue to check the links I sent out last week for up to date conditions in areas that are being groomed for skiing. 


December 24, 2013-Seward Trails 

Thanks Cliff for the update on Johnson North (see the end of my report). I talked to some guys who made it to Johnson Lake from the Southern end via Johnson Creek Winter Route. Some trees to go around, most were easy, though some were not, they didn’t have a chainsaw, can’t ride off trail due to exposed alders/willows.

Resurrection Pass South sno-gos have made it to Swan Lake this past weekend but couldn’t get above the Swan Lake grade, skiers are going through to Hope.

For those of you venturing out further please send me your observations so I can forward to our recreating public.

Lost Lake/Primrose Trails remain closed to winter motorized use as we still do not have adequate snow to prevent resource damage.

Yesterday we rode in the wagon route (North Johnson Pass) and logged out about 1.9 miles…there were two of us so we worked until dark. You can get up to the lakes by riding up the first creek to the first bridge but there are detours around trees after that. The wagon road side is very brushy (alder) but we took out at least 10 big spruce across the trail. We made it past the fist slide path but did not get to the second (big field) before darkness.

Have a Very Merry Christmas!

December 19, 2013-Seward Trails-Sno-gos need Chainsaws 

If you are traveling in the following areas by use of snowmobile you will want to take a chainsaw with you as there will be down trees across the trail, some you will be able to negotiate around but there will be others that will require cutting.

Resurrection Pass Trail North from the Trailhead to M-17.

Johnson Pass Trail entire distance.

Grant Lake mine road.

Russian Lakes Trail from Upper Russian Trailhead to Upper Russian Lake (remainder of this trail going north towards Cooper Landing is closed to snogo).

Resurrection River Trail

We will begin working on these trails when we can after the Holidays. Unfortunately, our Winter Program has been cut 50%, instead of three 2-person crews we now have 1.5 two person crews.

December 19, 2013-Seward Trails

Good welcome to awesome winter conditions in many locations on the Seward Ranger District!!!

Seward Ranger District opens to winter motorized use on trails/areas that allow motorized use EXCEPT for LOST LAKE and Primrose Trails on Friday, December 20, 2013. We will continue to monitor conditions daily and will open these areas when there is sufficient snow to prevent resource damage.

Great skate skiing on groomed trails in Russian River and Trail River C.G.’s, Exit Glacier Rd, Divide Mile 12, last mile of Quartz Creek Road before Crescent Creek Trailhead from Cooper Landing, and Bear Lake, though last night Bear Lake area received 7” of snow, Divide 2”, and a skiff at Trail River and Russian River C.G.’s.

Plowed side roads (Last mile to Resurrection North Trailhead on Resurrection Creek out of Hope, Snug Harbor, Slaughter Ridge) are currently are in good condition for driving if you have a high clearance vehicle.

Winter access to Resurrection Pass trail south via Slaughter Ridge Road to Bean Creek trail has been plowed by the contractor removing beetle killed trees. If you choose to drive beyond the winter parking area keep alert for logging trucks and heavy equipment coming down the road. This contract is estimated for completion in approximately 2-3 weeks, until then the last mile of this road from the winter parking lot will be plowed making for a rougher ski. 

Now that grooming has begun across the District please bookmark these two sites for updated information on what’s current so I don’t send repeat information to you the rest of the winter.

For current Avalanche information please bookmark

This website has a wealth of information from Summit Lake to Girdwood. Also, for more in depth information on Avalanche information please call Alex McLain at 288-7710.

Have a Fantabulous Winter Solstice Weekend!

December 17, 2013-Seward Trails 

Lots of calls on Winter Motorized Access opening on Seward Ranger District Trails. So, at the moment we are anticipating opening some areas this Friday, December 20, but not for Lost Lake/Primrose Trails, unless we receive quite a bit more snow before then. 

I’ll send a note out to the Trail Conditions mailing list and also will have it posted on the Chugach National Forest web page under Quick Links Thursday late afternoon. 

You may notice I say “at the moment”, or “currently” a lot in my trail updates because conditions can change quite rapidly in the out of doors. Let’s hope my anticipation for Friday’s opening is a go.  

December 13, 2013-Seward Trails

Happy Friday the 13th, may this day be eventful to you in many good ways!

Chugach National Forest is still closed to snow machines due to lack of sufficient snow cover to prevent resource damage. When we do open for winter motorized use this winter season, 2013/2014 motorized use is allowed on the Resurrection Pass Trail system, note: the first 3 miles of Devil’s Creek Trail from the Seward Hwy is closed year round to motorized use, as is the Summit Creek trail.

Ice skating is good in many locations of Seward Ranger District, anticipate this to change this afternoon as we will hopefully see the influx of several inches of snow.

Despite the lack of snow, classic skiing is good across the Seward Ranger District from Mile 12 Divide north, it’s strange though to be skiing amongst tall grass and cow parsnip, stranger to not be able to take our usual short cuts in various locations due to exposed willow and alder, regardless, it’s all good.

The slim skate skiing we had in Trail River C.G. last week is no more after the warm up that changed the rolled surface to hard icy conditions, can’t even gently push off w/o sliding. Skate skiing on edges of Lower Trail Lake is good.

What is unusual about our weather on SRD is that we don’t have much snow at our highest elevations 1,500’+. And, what snow 14”-24” is on the ground is sugary with no base layer making it very difficult to snowboard or ski down the mountain. Though, you can skin up and not hit the bottom, it’s not a good trip down.

While we don’t have much at the moment for snow cover, you will want the aid of skis or snowshoes if you are traveling above 1,200’ in elevation on SRD winter used trails/areas.

Russian River C.G. entrance road gate is now closed, it is 1 mile further to the Lower Russian Lakes T.H.

As of yesterday, December 12, 3013 ice thickness on the following lakes measured:

  • Upper Trail Lake: 7 ¼”  under 2” of snow. In areas of no snow cover the ice measured 9.5”

  • Carter Lake: 14”

  • Crescent Lake: 7”

  • Cooper lake: 6”

You saw the note I forwarded yesterday from Glacier Ranger District and the unethical trap sets, well, I’m very sorry to report that on the Seward Ranger District we have come upon numerous traps adjacent to roads, trails, parking lots.

Enjoy the weekend Blizzard?

December 9, 2013-Seward Trails

Good gorgeous morning to Everyone on this Monday. Though it appears there aren’t too many outdoor activities available, don’t let Mother Nature fool you. 

  • Ice skating on Tern Lake is FABULOUS!!!!!!!

  • Skate skiing on Lower Trail lake is good.

  • Classic skiing on Seward Ranger District is good.

  • Fat Tire biking on packed trails is good. 

December 5, 2013-Seward Trails  

Well, it is warmer outside, but boy did we get wet today in the rain and wet snow. Chugach National Forest is still closed to Snogos due to lack of sufficient snow to prevent resource damage. 

With our well below freezing temperatures this past week, any guesses as to how thick the ice is on Upper Trail (November 22 U.Trail Lk had 4” of ice) and Grant Lakes?   

Anticipate more slick and icy surfaces on packed trails/roads once again as our temperatures are above freezing. The snow off trail in most locations north of Seward is packing well and classic skiing is good.

Trail River Campground has been rolled and skate skiing is fabulous and fast, anticipate it to get hard and faster when temperatures hit 32 degrees or less. 

Russian River C.G. entrance gate is still open at the moment, however, we plan to close it at the next snowfall regardless of amount. 

The loop trail from Resurrection Trail South and out the West Juneau Road has been packed. This 8.6 mile loop is a fun ski and is best skied up the hiking trail and down the logging road. West Juneau road is 100 feet west of the trailhead so you won’t need to shuttle your rig. From Resurrection Pass trail the West Juneau road is on  your left 1,000 feet beyond Juneau Falls, if you go over the bridge across Juneau Creek you’ve gone too far. 

The Grant Lake Portage Trail has been packed and logged out, there is 12” of snow. The first 100’ of Grant Lake has 4” of ice, further out it looks as if other parts of the lake began freezing a couple days ago, there are many areas of open water on the lake. 

Upper Trail Lake had 4” of ice on November 22. We received 5” of snow on November 23, temperatures were well below freezing this past week. Today the ice thickness 150’ to the north of the ball diamond was 6.5”, the power of snow for insulation is amazing.

December 4, 2013-Seward Trails  

There are many variables for winter travel on Seward Ranger District trails that include numerous not recommended areas, numerous beware locations, numerous winter routes that by-pass summer routes to avoid avalanche paths, switchbacks, etc………These are all listed in the trail ROG (Recreational Opportunity Guide) sheets that include a basic map, they are available at the Seward Ranger District office, Supervisor’s Office in Anchorage, and soon the Glacier Ranger District office. In addition, the Chugach National Forest Web Page has a link to each Ranger District for information on cabins and trails. Though these are not as detailed as our ROG sheets, the basic information is there. Also, we post notices with maps for alternate winter routes at trailheads and bulletin boards in these locations; winter parking on Slaughter Ridge Road, Resurrection Pass trail south, and Lower Russian Lakes trailhead. 

For additional information and help in planning an excursion on Seward Ranger District trails/areas please call the following people: 

Avalanche Information:Alex McLain, 288-7710 

Cabins/Backcountry Treks:  IreneLindquist, 2887748                                                        Mike (Fitz) Fitzpatrick,  288-7714                                         John Eavis, 288-7701                                                        Seward Ranger District Office, 224-3374  

November 30, 2013-Glacier District Updates

All side roads and parking areas are snow-covered ice. Drive cautiously and watch your footing;

The Trail of Blue Ice, Byron Glacier Road and campground roads are great for skiing.  Most ponds in the valley are frozen and have at least 4” of snow cover. 

Parking is available at Moose Flats, Five Fingers, or the Portage lakeshore area.     

It’s Trapping season, remember to keep dogs under control to avoid getting caught. 

November 27, 2013-Seward Trails

Due to lack of snow on Seward Ranger District (also Glacier Ranger District) we will not be able to open to motorized use on December 1, see attachment. We will monitor our conditions daily and will open as soon as we have adequate snow to prevent resource damage. 

11/26/2013 Trout Lake had 7” of ice.; Upper Trail Lake to the west of the Ball Diamond a few hundred feet out had 6” of soft ice. 

Most of our trails beginning from the trailheads have between 4”-8” of snow at the moment, 4” near Seward, 6” near Moose Pass, 4” in Cooper Landing, and 8” in Hope. All trails have an ice layer on the ground topped with packed snow for a good base. 

All areas have glaciation at lower elevations, ice grippers are recommended. 

Skiing is possible on Resurrection Pass Trail South via Bean Creek trail. The 2nd large hill on Slaughter Ridge Rd. is glaciated, recommend either parking at the winter parking area, or if you choose to drive this road, park at the bottom of the 2nd hill. 

Folks traveling over Resurrection Pass Trail will want to have snowshoes or skis. 

Pulling a pulk is feasible on Lower Russian Lakes trail, the gate is still open into Russian River C.G.

November 27, 2013 Portage Valley 

All side roads and parking areas are snow-covered ice. Drive cautiously and watch your footing!

The Trail of Blue Ice, Byron Glacier Road and campground roads are great for skiing.  Most ponds in the valley are frozen and have at least 4” of snow cover. 

Parking is available at Moose Flats, Five Fingers, or the Portage lakeshore area.     

It’s Trapping season, remember to keep dogs under control to avoid getting caught.

November 22, 2013- Seward Trails 

Good Glorious Ice to Everyone! Though snow would be nice, we’ve got lots of ice on plowed and packed surfaces, in addition to various lakes. 

When our temps were in the single digits area lakes were adding between 1-1.5” of ice in a 24 hour period.  Prior to this when temps were near freezing the lakes were adding ¼-½”of ice in 24 hours.  

Here is what we have for ice thickness on a few of our lakes, please keep in mind this is just where we drilled.
Ice thickness on most bodies of water will vary depending where you measure due to currents, depth of water, organic matter, inlet/outlet flows, springs, etc… . If you choose to venture on any frozen body of water you should educate yourself as to the various quirks (potentially dangerous areas), and as with any outdoor activity be prepared with appropriate safety gear. 

  • Carter Lake: 10” of ice on Wednesday, anticipate it to now be around 12” with 20” of snow cover.

  • Lower Russian Lake: 8” on Tuesday, anticipate it to now be around 10.5”.

  • Lower Trail Lake: 11” of ice and 1” of water as of noon today.

  • Summit Lake: 5”-11” and 5” of snow as of 11 A.M. today.

  • Tern Lake: 12” of ice and ½” of water as of 11:30 A.M. today.   

  • Trail River Campground main entrance road gate is now closed for the winter season.

November 18, 2013-Seward Trails

Most of the land on the Seward Ranger District is public land, managed by the Chugach National Forest, and is open to trapping fur-bearers. Trapping seasons vary, but for many animals it runs fromNovember 10 through the end of March. 

Bait and odors used to attract fur-bearing  animals to traps may attract your dog.

Please keep your dogs on leash or under voice control to avoid having themget caught in a trap. 

Tampering with traps is against the law. For more information on trapping regulations,  contact AK Department of Fish & Game, Wildlife Conservation: (907) 267-2344  or online at

November 15, 2013-Seward Trails

Good Snowy Trails to you on Seward Ranger District, from zero inches in Seward, to over 12” at Summit Lake we have skiing! Snow is packing well for cross country skiing north of Mile 12 Divide to Hope. West side of the District received a couple inches of snow at 400’ elevation. 

Lower Trail Lake at 10:30 A.M. today (11/15/2013) had 3.5 inches of ice.

Jerome Lake at 11:00 had over 8”, as deep as the bit I had could measure.

Tern Lake at 11:15 had 6.5” of ice. 

Herman Leirer Road (Exit Glacier Rd) is now closed at mile 1.4 for the winter. No snow on this road behind the gate makes for a good bike, skate w/o vehicle traffic.

Russian River C.G. road is open and will continue to remain open until more snow accumulation. 

The last mile of Resurrection Creek Rd. to Resurrection North Trailhead is currently icy. This section is not gated, conditions vary quite a bit in winter, use caution if you choose to drive to the trailhead.

If you would like additional information on recreating on Seward Ranger District please call the following people: 

Avalanche information: Alex McLain 288-7710

Backcountry and Cabins: Irene Lindquist 288-7748; Mike Fitzpatrick 288-7714; John Eavis 288-7701. 

Enjoy the Wonderful Sunny Weekend ahead!      

November 7, 2013-Seward Trails

Amazing how quickly water freezes when the temp drops below freezing. Tern Lake froze over, again, yesterday. This afternoon the ice thickness was ¼”. 

At the moment (11/7@3:42 P.M.) snow on Seward Ranger District in most locations begins around 3,500’. While we don’t have much snow, we do have great conditions for grand exploring in areas that are normally difficult due to extremely brushy terrain that is now easy to navigate, and, an added bonus, many mountains don’t have the snow in avalanche terrain to cascade down upon you, this wasn’t the case earlier in the season but it is now that all the snow melted during the flooding rains. 

Gates are still open, back country trekking is a cake walk, and trail tread is frozen and easily biked or hiked. 

Seward Ranger District - November 4, 2013

Seward Ranger District's route for Iditarod National Historic Trail (INHT) when completed will travel from Nash Road to Johnson Pass North T.H. where the Glacier Ranger District INHT segments begin. Eventually there will be one route known as INHT (with bridges across major drainages) that a person will be able to travel from near Seward to Girdwood on National Forest Service lands. Here is a brief description of the Seward Ranger District portion. 

Nash Road to Bear Lake INHT: There is a trail, several creeks do not have bridges. This trail is primarily for winter use, though you can hike it when creeks are fordable. Several junctions may confuse the person who is not familiar with this area and the network of trails leading to subdivisions and private homes in this location. 

Bear Lake to Divide: This segment of INHT is constructed with bridges, at mile 12 of the Seward Hwy. cross the highway and travel south 800' to the west side of the Highway for the connecting INHT trail to Primrose trailhead. 

Primrose T.H. to Mile 18: Not constructed. 

Mile 18 to Victor Creek: A 2 mile INHT segment is constructed and ends on the south side of Victor Creek, no bridge.   

North side of Victor Creek to Ptarmigan Creek: Not constructed, no bridge across Ptarmigan Creek. 

INHT from Ptarmigan Creek trail to Fall's Creek:is constructed, no bridge across Fall’s Creek. 

North side of Fall's Creek to Vagt Lake: INHT is constructed. 

Vagt Lake to Johnson Creek trail: is not constructed, no bridges across Grant or Trail Creeks. 

Johnson Creek trail to Johnson Pass trail north trailhead is constructed and will be part of the connection for the INHT.  From here the Glacier Ranger District has constructed several miles of INHT, again, no bridges, yet on much of the route.

Seward Ranger District - November 4, 2013  

Tis a good time to get out and enjoy snow free trails/areas. Trails are quite muddy in many locations, some trees are down across trails (take a handsaw if you're biking) yet it is still quite nice out in the woods.

Gates are still open on the following roads: Palmer Creek, Russian River C.G., all of our campgrounds for that matter; all of Herman Leirer Road (Exit Glacier Rd), and also the last mile of road into Exit Glacier NP is currently open. 

Forest Service gates begin to close when snow depth is such that a vehicle will get stuck, so, keep an eye on the weather and you’ll know when the gates are closed.

May 24, 2013- Seward Trails Update

Where snow has recently melted anticipate muddy conditions, Gaiters would be a good item to have.
North and East aspects have lots of snow at all elevations.

This has been an easy year for lack of downed trees impeding travel, replaced by deep snow instead in most locations. Most lakes are still frozen.

Carter Lake Trail: Snow free 1st ¼ mile. 3-4 feet of snow at Carter Lake.
Crescent Creek Trail: Snow free for 1st 3 miles, then snowshoes recommended to Crescent Lake. Crescent Lake is frozen and beginning to thaw at the outlet.
Devil’s Creek Trail: Snow at the beginning, snowshoes needed beyond mile 4.
Johnson Pass Trail: South end snow free for first 3 miles, then snow shoes needed as the trail leaves the lakeshore and heads north. North end anticipate snow all the way to the southern end.
Grayling Lake Trail: Patches of snow, travel w/o snowshoes is possible.
Gull Rock Trail: Snow free, trees have been removed.
Lost Lake Trail: Ice layer then snow from the Trailhead. Snowshoes required after mile 2.5.
Primrose Trail: Snow shoes needed beyond mile 2.
Ptarmigan Creek and Lake: Mostly snow free.
Resurrection Pass Trail South: Snow free first 3 miles then packed snow. Snowshoes not needed to Swan Lake. Beyond Swan Lake through Resurrection Pass to Caribou Creek snowshoes needed.
Russian Lakes Trail: Lower Russian Lake free of snow for first 6 miles (except avalanche paths) then snow. You won’t have to pay parking fees to park at the Lower Russian Lakes trailhead until June 10.

Upper Russian Lake T.H. add 3 miles to get to the T.H. Snow on the road begins ¼ mile beyond the winter parking lot at mile 9, snowshoes needed.

Have a Wonderful Safe Memorial Day Weekend.

May 23, 2013 - Spring Update

Open Campgrounds Memorial Day weekend:
Crescent Creek Cooper
South and North
Porcupine Primrose
Ptarmigan Russian River
Quartz Creek Trail River

Williwaw-Right loop only. The gate will be open late Friday afternoon.

Water systems are being tested and there will be no water service at the campgrounds for Memorial Day weekend.

Be aware of ice and snow conditions before heading into the backcountry. Using the backcountry involves risk anytime of the year. Avalanche conditions still exist even in the summer. Take a look at the Chugach National Forest Avalanche Information Center website at for Springtime Avalanche Tips. People aren’t the only ones eager to be out and moving around, be cautious, bear are awake and active.

Closed Campgrounds-due to snow conditions:
Black Bear
Coeur d’Alene


For those of you just wanting to take a quick trip out-of-town, the Begich, Boggs Visitor Center opens for the season on Saturday, May 25th. The Visitor Center hours are 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, 7-days a week.

May 3, 2013 - Seward Trails

Don’t shoot me, I’m only the messenger here to tell you we still have some good skiing in various locations on Seward Ranger District.

Skate skiing is good at Trail River C.G. and Mile 12 Divide, and the Old Sterling Hwy (there are a few glaciated areas towards the Crescent Creek side). Classic skiing is good from Nash Road to the Bear Lake subdivision accesses for Iditarod National Historic Trail (INHT), Divide, and INHT from Divide towards Long Lake (wouldn’t recommend going through to Primrose, last 3 miles are difficult). 

Though we have extended the winter motorized opening through the weekend on Seward Ranger District, it will be tough to find much good riding. Access to Lost Lake from the Lost Lake and Primrose Trailheads is extremely icy, if you don’t have studded tracks you will not want to travel on either of these. Carter Lake trail is in good condition. 

 Have a Great Weekend!


April 30, 2013 - Extending Winter Motorized

We are extending the season for winter motorized use on Seward Ranger District through next weekend. We will reassess next Monday. In addition,  Glacier Ranger District will extend the opening through next weekend for Turnagain Pass and Johnson Pass (access from the gated Rd. on the West side of the parking lot). 

Skiing remains very good in all areas, even on Exit Glacier Rd. which has been plowed down to the ice layer. This past weekend we finally got conditions for crust skiing, this has improved skate skiing at Mile 12 Divide. 

April 25, 2013 - Seward Trails

Oh my, does it get any better than this for enjoying winter activities without winter? Yes, if it weren’t for the moguls on many of our winter used trails, despite this, conditions are fabulous for getting out and enjoying the snow. With the sunny days, below freezing temps at night, and not too icy conditions, you can anticipate a fantastic weekend for getting outside to ski or snowmobile. 

Russian Riverand Trail River C.G.’s have fabulous skate skiing especially around noon-2 P.M. after the hard crust has softened a bit, this timing may be a little later come the weekend as temps will be dropping into the 20’s Friday/Saturday. 

The Old Sterling Hwy. was groomed wider and is a good skate ski, more icy conditions on the Crescent/Qtz. Creek side but not bad it you hit this area from 1 P.M. on as it does get a lot more shade than other areas.

 The Iditarod from Bear Lake to Nash Rd. is a good classic ski, though the first ½ mile from Bear Lk doesn’t appear too good, it gets much better.

 Bear Lake has been a good skate ski if you get out during the early morning hours before the sun softens it too much, the east shoreline  to the end is a better ski than going around the whole lake due to less snowmobile traffic. But don’t be too late in the day for this as there is a fair amount of overflow that may impede travel after the noon day sun. 

Divide is a good classic ski after noon on, skate skiing is more difficult if you rely on poles much, even on the packed surface skate ski poles on the up hills punch through 12”+. 

Lost Lake trail is in amazingly good condition, not too much ice. Other winter used trails/areas for snowmachine travel will be good for the weekend on the Seward Ranger District. 

As a reminder, our trails that are open to winter motorized close May 1, unless we extend the season in some areas, we’ll send a message. 

Enjoy the sunny weekend!

April 19, 2013 - Seward Trails

And yet another Good, Glorious, Sunny Day to all of you!!!! Though we have the sunshine, we also have had very few hours each day of well above freezing temps. The freeze/thaw has affected only the top 2” of snow in most areas on Seward Ranger District. This has turned all our winter used packed trails into hard, slick (not icy, but fast for skiing) surfaces. Even so, skiing remains good especially if you can get out between 1-5 P.M.

Walking on the trails may be easier than skiing, but skiing is definitely faster and a good skill builder right now. Not much for crust skiing, the most promising location is the South Fork of Snow River. Other areas are hit and miss and not consistently good. Groomed trails have been very good for skate skiing.

Mile 12 Divide is a bit treacherous on the down hills, but still loads of fun. Snowmobile access to all winter used trails/areas are good, minus the moguls. A few calls from folks wanting to launch boats on Kenai Lake.

It’s going to be a few weeks before Primrose is useable, and 1-2 weeks before Quartz Creek launch is ice free. Have a Great Weekend.

April 4, 2012 - Seward Trails

Good glorious sunny day to all of you! It’s been several weeks since the last winter update meaning we have had wonderful conditions for getting outdoors, and those conditions continue. 

We’re in the freeze/thaw mode  that has produced hard packed, slick trails in the early morning hours and slower travel in the afternoon on packed surfaces. Off trail travel on a hard crust is good in most locations until around 1 p.m. 

Groomed trails in the following locations allow for good skate skiing: Russian River & Trail River C.G.’s; Bear Lake; Road to Exit Glacier. In addition, these trails/areas have a packed surface wide enough to skate ski:  Russian River Falls, Old Sterling Hwy, Snow River.

Snug Harbor Rd is in good condition to the winter parking lot, after that the moguls are rock hard. 

Travel to Lower Russian Lake/Barber Cabin is still good via the winter route, though anticipate using the summer trail beginning mid-April.   

“Don’t call us, we’ll call you”, re: when snow is gone, it’s going to be 3-4 weeks out at the earliest for our lower elevation trails. In the meantime, keep those winter toys maintained for continued snow outings in all the usual winter used trails/areas.

March 1, 2013 - Portage Valley

The snows have continued, improving conditions for winter travel throughout the valley, except for the initial climb up and over snow berms at the plowed parking areas. 

Earlier this week, a large avalanche at Five-Fingers crossed the road and left a huge debris field across the Trail of Blue Ice.  Snow continues to fall and this slide path and others could send additional snow to the valley floor.  The Trail of Blue Ice crosses many avalanche slide paths between Five Fingers and Portage Lake, but none in the other direction – between Five Fingers and Moose Flats. 

It’s a good time with longer daylight hours and warmer temperatures to enjoy winter in Portage Valley, but be wary of the avalanche hazards lurking above.

February 21, 2013 - Seward Trails  

Appears to be a good weekend for all modes of winter travel on Seward Ranger District Trails.

Lost Lake Trail, normally I’m saying  “ Please don’t make me, please don’t make me haul propane to the Clemen’s Cabin”, but as of late, I’m telling Fitz we need to haul more propane. What this means is that at the moment we have good conditions,  (Minus the moguls, Primrose has 4 miles of moguls,  Lost Lake has 2 miles, and Snug Harbor access to Lost Lake has 3 miles). Anticipate good conditions on all our winter used trails. 

Keep in mind however, there are always obstacles that make some areas difficult, such as the mud hole we almost got stuck in on the Johnson Pass Winter Route, or that windblown side hill where we couldn’t keep our machines going where we wanted.

Large holes in the ice on Snug Harbor Rd between mile 5 and 6 may impede travel for rigs pulling large trailers.

Classic skiing is great in most areas, skate skiing Russian River C.G., Old Sterling Hwy, Trail River C.G., Exit Glacier, Divide Ski area is good.

Anticipate fewer updates unless conditions warrant mention. If you would like more specific area/cabin/trail information please call:

Fitz: 288-7714

Pat Cook: 288-7711

Irene Lindquist: 288-7748

John Eavis: 288-7702 

February 15, 2013 - Portage Valley

Our recent snowstorms have brought enough snow for skiing on the Trail of Blue Ice, although areas with dense tree cover have just the bare minimum.  Byron Road is well covered, and makes a great first time “off-track” cross-country ski adventure.  All winter parking areas are plowed.  Weekend weather forecast call for temperatures to stay below freezing and more snow on the way!

The trails and highway in Portage Valley cross avalanche run-out zones.  There were many recent slides visible today.  Minimize your exposure to this hazard by staying away from un-forested mountain slopes, especially during or right after snow storms.

February 15, 2013 - Seward Trails 

Carter Lake to Crescent via Carter Lake Trailhead: Trail is in good condition! Keep an eye out as always when traveling over frozen bodies of water, didn’t appear to be much over flow, but that can change quickly. 

Johnson Pass South Trail via Winter Route, or Johnson Pass Wagon Rd on the North (gated road on North side of parking lot at Johnson Pass North T.H.) travel is good. Though, getting to Johnson Pass South Winter Route may take a little figuring out if you can’t safely cross the open channels, once on the right side of the Rail Road Tracks, travel is good all the way through. 

Guess how thick the ice is on Upper Russian Lake?

Currently travel to Lost Lake via all access points is fair. The Lost Lake area has received over 4’ of new snow in the last week. From Lost Lake Trailhead ice on the trail is non-existent and has been replaced by large pools of water. Travel via Primrose or Snug Harbor Rd is fair, there are lots of moguls, 2.5 miles on Snug Harbor, and 4.5 miles on Primrose. I found out why I’ve never wanted to ski to the Clemen’s Cabin, even with skins on, it’s a tough ski. Just had to try it when I saw 8” of new snow this week and no icy chutes.

Classic skiing is very good in all areas. Glaciation and ice are currently buried under several inches of heavy wet snow on the trails. Currently our access roads to winter used trails are in good condition, however, anticipate icy conditions to return on these roads sooner than later as our well above freezing temps are turning these plowed surfaces into ice rinks. 

Travel to Upper Russian Lake is good Snug Harbor Rd access (except for the road portion which is very bumpy). There is an active trap line on this trail. Ice thickness on U.Russian Lake on Tuesday was 12”.

Sunday is the 3rd Annual Seward Nordic Ski Club Luminary Ski/Walk/Snowshoe, 6-9 P.M. at Mile 12 Divide, please open the attachment above for more information. 

Continue to check the Seward Nordic and Cooper Landing Nordic Ski Club web sites for conditions on grooming.

February 6, 2013 - Seward Trails

Hello to 3-5” of new snow at lower elevations today that quickly sent our ice skating out the door.

Access roads are a little less slippery, but be careful on those inclines with corners, still slick under the snow.

Classic skiing is good everywhere, and skate skiing is good where the trails were packed, but not icy.

Access to Lost Lake via Primrose trail will be good, minus the moguls, for the first few groups of snowmachines, then anticipate the icy tread to be reappear.  Access to Lost Lake via Snug Harbor Rd is good.

Travel across Resurrection Pass trail is good for skiers. A number of calls regarding fat tire bikes and how would that be. On the south end to Swan Lake would be good, and on the north end to East Creek would be ok. Travel from East Creek over the pass to Swan Lake would  be difficult in deep and drifting snow with no packed trail.

Alex McLain’s Avalanche Awareness Class is Saturday, February 9, in Seward. Call him for details: 288-7710.

February 1, 2013 - Portage Valley

A cold blast last weekend froze all the snow cover, then rain this week exposed more ground.  There's green ground cover showing between patches of rock-hard snow, and the sun is creeping further into the valley daily.  Trails are firm enough to walk on, but uenevn snow, ice and bare ground will make skiing difficult.  All winter parking areas are plowed but very icy.  

January 31, 2013 - Seward Trails

The good news at the moment is that winter used trails/areas on Seward Ranger District are quite nice for skiing. We received a few inches of new snow, most of it melted from yesterday’s thaw, however, enough of a skiff remains and has bonded well to the ice layer making for some good skate, or classic ski conditions where snowmobiles haven ‘t traveled. Anticipate this to change to a hard surface when our temps go below freezing.

Access roads to winter used trails/areas are in good condition. Check  weather forecasts if you choose to drive and leave your rig overnight on Resurrection Creek Rd (Hope) or Slaughter Ridge Rd beyond winter parking areas.

Icy conditions remain on those steeper sections of trails that receive snowmobile use.

Alex McLain is teaching another Avalanche Awareness class on Saturday, February 9 at the Seward Library from 10 AM to 3 PM. For more information call Alex at 907-288-7710.

January 24 - Seward Trails

 Wasn’t it  a couple weeks ago I mentioned you wouldn’t hear much from me now that we’re in full winter mode? Well, guess what, you get yet another weekly update as conditions warrant mention sooner than later.

 Access roads to Resurrection North, Bean Creek, Snug Harbor Rd mile 9 winter parking, Lower Russian, Lost Lake, and Exit Glacier are slippery.

 Lost Lake Trail is not recommended for travel due to icy conditions. Access to Lost Lake should be via Primrose Trail or Snug Harbor Rd, though, beginning around mile 5 Snug Harbor Rd is icy and glaciated, rigs pulling larger trailers may run into difficulties. Snowmachines have been successful climbing the hills to Lost Lake.

 Russian River C.G. access Rd. is icy and grippers should be worn. Lower Russian Lakes Trail at the moment is a better hike than ski. Though skiing for the more experienced is worth a try, I was able to skate ski to the lake, I would recommend metal edges/skins until the next snowfall. The trail to the Falls, and the summer and winter trails to the lake/Barber Cabin are packed and in good condition, the avalanches on the summer route have not come down and there appears to be a lot of snow up high. The lake surface is frozen with a thin crust layer and is easy to travel on the winter route.

 Travel off trail is much easier now and will be hard and fast when we get the below freezing temps forecast for the weekend. There are many areas of Seward Ranger District that are closed to motorized winter use around Seward, Summit Lake, Johnson North where closure boundaries can be difficult to recognize. Visit the Chugach National Forest Web Page for 2012/13 Winter motorized closure maps

 if you will be snowmachining in these areas. For additional information on closed areas please call: 

John Eavis 288-7702; Alex McLain 288-7710; Mike Fitzpatrick (Fitz) 288-7714; Irene Lindquist 288-7748.

 Information on Grooming of ski trails in Cooper Landing:

Note that there’s not been much activity in the past month on this site due to folks being  away over the Holidays, and upon return, nothing to groom.

 Grooming between Moose Pass and Seward:

Skiing at Divide and Trail River C.G. has been very good.

 Avalanche Information continue to check in with Alex McLain and the Chugach NF website:

 Depending on upcoming snowfall, we may get a chance to ice skate. Check large puddles around your yard, if you can walk on 1” of refrozen water you will probably have some good ice skating on Bear Lake, 2” of ice w/o cracking you might be able to skate on  Upper Trail Lake, and 2-3” of refrozen water w/o cracking Lower Trail Lake.

 Have a Great Weekend!

January 22 - Portage Valley

The last few days of over-freezing temperatures have melted away areas of snow cover on the Trail of Blue Ice, and made parking areas very icy.  The trails have snow in areas without tree cover, but expect gravel surfaces in forested area and no snow on boardwalks. Byron Road is closed with a snow berm, creating a nice wide trail.  Portage Lake ice appears to be one solid mass, but has a wet surface.  Temperatures are expected to remain warm through the week increasing the likelihood the lake will break up again.  

January 17 - Seward Trails

Quite a mix of conditions across Seward Ranger District at the moment. 

Lost Lake Trail:NOT RECOMMENDED for travel unless you have studs on shoes or tracks, lots of ice, even on the summer trail that bypasses the steep trail out of the parking lot. Primrose Trail is fair, though very bumpy.

Slaughter Ridge, Resurrection Creek (Hope), West Juneau, Russian River C.G., and Snug Harbor Rd beyond mile 5 are difficult to travel due to slick ice. The 2- 4 inches of new snow has not helped the icy conditions. 

Carter, Johnson North and Southare in good condition, standing water is frozen, though overflow varies from day to day and is a constant concern to be aware of when traveling over frozen water, including muskegs/meadows that are used as winter trails.

Resurrection North and South, Bean Creek, and Lower Russian Lake Trailsare a little better for skiing with the few inches of new snow on top of the hard packed surface, though access roads are icy getting to all of these areas.

Exit Glacier Roadis in good condition and does not sport the icy conditions at the moment.

Trail River C.G. RD  is in very good condition for skiing.

Here is link to an article of the sled dogs caught in traps. Also today’s issue of Turnagain Times will have an article.

To be added or removed from these updates please reply to these emails. 

January 16, 2013 - Seward Trails and Trapping

Quite a few dogs have been caught in traps on Seward Ranger District. A dog was caught in a trap directly off West Juneau Road on Monday. There are traps on Snug Harbor Road that are also catching dogs, one dog had to have his foot amputated. Many areas/locations used for winter recreation sport active trap lines that are directly off a road or trail.  

There are some trap lines where the trapper is  a fair distance off a road or trail, but these are also a hazard to a loose dog who is lured by strong scents to the trap. Our current conditions allow for easy and fast travel off trail for a critter to get into trouble quick.

The Alaska Trappers Association is offering it's 'Shared Trails' presentation at the Cooper Landing Community Hall on Friday January 25, 2013 at 7:00 pm.  This consists of a DVD presentation for dog owners on traps and trap lines and how to avoid getting your dog caught in a trap or snare and what to do about it if it does happen.  The DVD covers how to recognize you may be on a trap line, various types of traps, how they operate and how they can be opened to release a dog.  Attendees are then offered the opportunity to try their hand at setting and opening various types of traps with the assistance of one or more ATA members who will be present to give tutoring assistance. The main purpose of this presentation is educational and not to debate individual views of trapping. I also have copies of the DVD if you would like to borrow it please get in touch and I can mail it to you.

January 10, 2013 - Seward Trails

Two days of below freezing temps has helped some overflow issues on lakes, trails, and meadows, though it looks as if this too shall change sooner than later. Overflow, glaciation, and standing water on trails  change rapidly depending on location, snow cover, temps, etc….best to take the extra time to carefully check conditions before full throttle ahead. Another report of a snowmobile going through the ice on Crescent Lake two days ago, luckily it wasn’t too deep.

Resurrection Pass Trail: Travel is good from the North end to just above East Creek, and on the South from all access points to just above Swan Lake, anticipate no packed trail for the 10 miles in between these two locations. This is the norm especially in a no snow machine season as there are fewer people traveling over Resurrection Pass. Allow plenty of time to gather firewood at cabins. Recent snowfall has covered most of the glaciated areas. NOTE: Plan your travels well by checking weather patterns if you choose to drive the last mile of Resurrection Creek Rd to the North Trailhead, or if you drive the 1.3 miles beyond the winter parking area on Slaughter Ridge Rd. What today is drivable may tomorrow be an ice slick, or snowed in. Both roads are currently packed and drivable.

Lost Lake:Currently 6’ of snow on top.  Travel from the Lost Lake T.H. is icy in the 1st mile. If you don’t have studs on your tracks you will not want to shoot straight up the hill, instead take the TRAIL to the right that begins 150 feet from the parking area. Bumpy ride up to Clemen’s Cabin. Propane has been restocked. Travel via Primrose Trail now sports the usual bumps. Snug Harbor Rd in remarkably good condition, anticipate glare ice if we receive the warm up predicted for the coming weekend.

Exit Glacier Road:Conditions at the moment are good and void of last week’s glare ice.

Now that all areas of Seward Ranger District are in winter mode, I don’t anticipate weekly updates unless there are news worthy conditions to report. Continue to check the websites for grooming and avalanche conditions. Please feel free to call the following people with your questions, comments, and trip planning needs.


TRAILS/CABINS: Mike (Fitz) Fitzpatrick, 288-7714: Irene Lindquist, 288-7748: John Eavis, 288-7701

December 31, 2012 - Seward Trails 

It’s been quite warm across the District this past week. The last two days also brought a lot of rain to all our areas below 800’elevation, and wetter snow higher. Summit Lake area saw the greatest change in %water in our snowpack. Three days ago it was 16% moisture, today it is 26%. Exit Glacier has the highest water content today at 37% and Divide at Mile 12 is at 32%. What this will do when it freezes will make for a rock hard snowpack and slicker trails. Currently off trail travel is difficult, anticipate this to change once our temperatures drop below freezing overnight. Many of our lakes have little snowpack and lots of standing water, those at higher elevations with snowpack are bothering folks with overflow. Ice skating may return after temperatures go below freezing for a couple days if we don’t receive snowfall.

Currently Snug Harbor Rd is a good drive, but the snow machine access to Lost Lake is not, need more snow to cover the alders on the first hill climb. Lost Lake trail, though soft and slushy has many icy sections from the start to about a ½ mile beyond the winter jct. Use the “Trail” to the right at the beginning for an easier climb up the first hill, after this there are icy sections but not as difficult to get around as the first 1,000 feet, expect this to get icier when temps go below freezing. Primrose trail is fair. Carter Lake trail is in good condition. 

The websites for grooming information has been slim due to the lack of conditions allowing for grooming, as conditions change keep checking for updates. Skiing on packed trails will be hard and fast until the next snowfall. Resurrection South around mile 5 there is a lot of overflow through the meadows.  

Alex McLain is teaching another Avalanche class next week, please give him a call at 288-7710 or email him: if you are interested in attending.

Happy New Year and we’ll talk to you next year!

December 27, 2012 - Seward Trails 

Deep, heavy, wet, and drifting snow, parking lots still to be plowed, access roads now in winter mode, bent over alders obstructing your path, Welcome to Winter!  

At the moment, Snug Harbor Rd is in fair condition, access to Lost Lake via all 3 trailheads (Primrose, Lost Lake, and Snug Harbor Rd) is good, and these parking lots have been plowed, though folks as of late yesterday had not been able to make it all the way to the Lake, they are having fun and getting a major workout trying. 

Be prepared for a lack of parking at many Seward Ranger District trailheads/parking areas as the trucks are plowing main roads first.  

You may notice I use the wording “at the moment”, or “currently” quite a bit as our weather conditions may change quite rapidly. I’d like to revisit a blurb I send out as a sensible reminder to people to think about before they venture to the woods. 

“Please keep in mind the changing conditions that may occur after trail/area/water/ice/avalanche condition reports are sent. What one moment is good/bad may change in a matter of hours due to the extremes in weather we experience. Many of the treks we mention as great fun may work well for one person, yet be a death trap for another. Each individual adult needs to decide for themselves if they have the knowledge, skills, equipment, and physical ability to safely venture to the various locations we give current information on”. 

We like having the public call us for information on recreating, and also to share information with us. Please feel free to contact the following people with your questions, comments, and concerns in the following areas: 

Avalanche Information and Mountain Skiing:

Alex McLain – 288-7710 

Trails, Cabins, Backcountry Treks:

Irene Lindquist – 288-7748, Mike (Fitz) Fitzpatrick – 288-7714, John Eavis – 288-7701 

For all other topics regarding other resource areas please call our main office at 224-3374 for assistance.

December 26, 2012 - Seward Trails

Between Lower Russian Lake and Aspen Flat’s cabin there are numerous  avalanche slide paths. With the weather pattern we have had since  early November I would not recommend venturing to this cabin from Lower Russian Lake, (In general, we do not recommend travel beyond L.Russian Lk in winter). We received 21” of new snow in this location over the last two days, and more snow is forecast for the next couple days, this on top of the very weak layer of facets/sugar snow will bring down avalanches that will be difficult to get over. In addition to the avalanches you can anticipate difficult travel due to overhanging, bent over trees, and down trees. This is also an expectation for all areas of Seward Ranger District winter used trails until you reach tree line. 

Travel from  Upper Russian Trailhead is an option, however, you still have avalanche paths, though most of these you travel the run out zone. This route can be difficult to travel in winter also, especially after a recent snowfall of this measure. It is  15 miles from the winter parking lot on Snug Harbor Rd to the Aspen Flat’s cabin. 

We have cancelled our plans at work this week for back country travel  in avalanche terrain.

December 20, 2012 - Seward Trails

Skiing is the sport at the moment on Seward Ranger District winter used trails. Lots of grooming going on (refer to the Seward/Cooper Landing Nordic websites for updates). 

The Old Sterling Hwy. has been packed with a drag, thanks to Lou on the Moose Pass side, and Erik on the Cooper Landing side. This 5 mile (when we get more snow it will be a 6 mile ski as the last mile of the Quartz Creek Rd is not maintained in winter) ski is a good one to skate for the more advanced skier, or an easy ski on classics.

Other access roads  usually not plowed in winter (though occasionally some of these will be plowed):

Russian River C.G. Rd, add 1 mile to your trek to reach the Barber Cabin.

Resurrection Pass North, the last mile before the trailhead.

Quartz Creek Rd, the last mile before Crescent Creek trailhead. Though we don’t recommend travel to Crescent Lake via this trail, it is currently a good ski as glaciation and avalanche dangers are minimal.

Resurrection River trail add 5.5 miles to your travels.

Upper Russian Lake trail, add 3 miles.

Bean Creek trail, add 1.3 miles, however, currently the road is plowed. 

Resurrection Pass Trail South:  Winter used trails are generally the better option than the summer trail if you are hauling a load for overnight travel, we have two trails that are easier, (See attachment for map) they are:

-West Juneau Rd at mile 53.2 of the Sterling Hwy (100’ west of Resurrection Pass Trailhead). Travel 2.6 miles up West Juneau Rd, then turn left at the winter marker and follow orange markers for 1.7 miles to Resurrection Pass Trail. This will bring you to mile 4.3 of Resurrection Pass trail which is above Juneau Falls before the bridge over Juneau Creek.

-Bean Creek Trail: Mile 47.7 of the Sterling Hwy. turn right onto Bean Creek Rd, travel 1 mile, turn right on Slaughter Ridge Rd. Drive ½ mile to the winter parking area. It is 1.3 miles to the Bean Creek trail. Take Bean Creek trail 1.8 miles to Resurrection Pass Trail, this will bring you to mile 4.6 of Resurrection Pass trail.

If you are traveling on a day trip the loop from Resurrection Pass summer trailhead and out the West Juneau Rd  is a fun ski of a tad less than 9 miles, no need to shuttle a rig. 

Snowmobiling is limited in most areas on Seward Ranger District to the trails. Travel is not recommended to Lost Lake via the Lost Lake T.H., there are exposed rocks, roots, and  frozen ground making for a rough ride. Winds have blown away much of the snowfall up high. Primrose trail is ok, though riding off trail is not good due to lack of snow, exposed bushes, and sugar snow that takes you to the bottom. Hard to believe how easy it is to get stuck with so little snow, same goes for Carter Lake and Johnson North. There are trees down on the wagon road to access Johnson North we will remove next week.

Travel on Carter Lake trail is good if you’re not pulling a heavy load, the sugary texture of the top 4” of snow on the packed trail makes travel with a trailer difficult, we had quite a yard sell along the way this week.

Snug Harbor Roadhas many sections of glaciation that may make travel with a low clearance rig not possible due to 12”+ deep holes in the ice, and travel pulling a trailer may be challenging depending how the ice/water holes form from day to day.

Johnny has re-plowed the ice rinks and paths on Upper Trail Lake for ice skating.

Happy Winter Solstice!

December 17, 2012 - Girdwood Trails

Trail of Blue Ice: 12” new snow over ice crust.  Currently parking only at Byron Rd, lake shore and Visitor Center, all other areas will be plowed ASAP.  

People are skiing across Portage Lake.

It’s Trapping Season, remember to keep dogs under control or leashed so they do not get caught!

8-12” new snow in Girdwood.  Conditions: Girdwood Nordic Ski Club @ or Alyeska Resort @

December 16,2012-Seward Trails

 Motorized Use opened December 15 on Seward Ranger District. Though snow is marginal on the Lost Lake trail near Seward and folks who have ridden there won't go back until we get more snow.

The Winter Trail to the Barber Cabin has been packed and is in very good condition, this trail skirts the main avalanche path on the summer trail.

In addition to the groomed trails (keep checking those websites I mentioned) the classic skiing on winter used trails is very good. Rock skis are no longer needed, snow is packing well and rocks are covered, with the exception of a few areas closer to Seward (1st ¼ mile of Lost Lake trail, Iditarod near Bear Lake).

For those of you looking at venturing on the mountains please continue to check the Chugach NF Avalanche Information Center at:  Sorry my hotspot link is not working on my new computer. 

Have a Great Weekend!

December 11, 2012-Seward Trails 

Seward Ranger District received between 4-10” of new snow this week.  We are heading out today to check on a few more areas.

Reminder: RESURRECTION PASS/BEAN CREEK/WEST JUNEAU is closed to Motorized this winter season, except for qualified subsistence users.

An Avalanche Awareness Class will be offered December 15, 2012 at Providence Seward Mountain Haven Facility starting at 9AM—3PM in Seward (2203 Oak Street, Wesley Commons, at mile 2 of Seward Hwy take a right on Hemlock Ave, left at Y onto Ash Street, left on Oak St.  This class is FREE!  Contact Alex McLain at 288-7710  for additional information.

Grooming of Russian River C.G., Trail River C.G., and other local areas has begun, skate skiing in these areas is fantastic!!! In an effort to not repeat postings by others, please book mark these websites for information on grooming in Cooper Landing, Moose Pass, and Seward. Join the Seward Nordic Ski Club and receive up to date information from winter enthusiasts on many areas of Seward Ranger District.

December 7, 2012-Seward Trails 

Good Cold, and Clear Morning again. Enjoy these last couple days of snow free ice??? 

Motorized use on Seward District (and Forest wide for that matter) is still closed due to lack of snow to prevent resource damage. We will monitor this closely as snow begins to fall this weekend. 

After considering ice travel  precautions here are a few lakes on Seward Ranger District that currently have fabulous ice for skating: Grant Lake, Crescent Lake, Cooper Lake, and Bear Lake. Though use caution as there are local hazards (in addition to general ice travel)  to consider for safe ice travel: Bear Lake has areas of warm springs, there was open water a few days ago in the middle of the first quarter;  Cooper Lake intake for power plant, stay clear of area in front; Grant Lake near the islands  keep any eye out for thinner ice; Crescent Lake around the islands and the inlet in front of the Saddle Cabin that has swallowed quite a few snow machines and at least one skier (and these are only the ones we have heard of).

Though you can travel right now on all our trails w/o skis or snowshoes, it’s time to have these items with if you’re traveling overnight. 

Many trails have areas of glaciation. If you’re doing the summer/winter loop at Lost Lake consider going up the summer route to be sure you can get around the large glaciated area, this is 1/3 mile beyond the winter jct. There is no safe way to get around it if you can’t cross, there is steep rock above and below with nothing to hold onto.  

For more information on Back country travel, avalanches, cabins, please call the following: 






JOHN EAVIS: 288-7701 

Enjoy the arrival of snow!

November 27, 2012-Seward Trails

Good Glorious Moonlit morning to all of you!!!  

In anticipation of December 1 winter motorized trails/areas of Seward Ranger District will not be opening (unless there’s major snowfall before this date) due to lack of adequate snow cover to prevent resource damage, this includes subsistence users.  We will monitor conditions daily when snowfall appears and will open as soon as possible. 

Skiing on many lakes is good. Skiing on most trails with rock skis at lower elevations is possible. Ice skating on the cleared paths on Upper Trail Lake is good. 

Trails traveling over passes have 12-15” of snow. Pulling a pulk is feasible.

Hiking our trails in all areas is very good if you wear gaiters or can keep what little snow there is out of your boots. 

Most of our cabins with wood burning stoves have no wood. With this being a non-motorized winter for Resurrection Pass Trail, except for subsistence users, allow plenty of time to collect firewood. 

Trail River C.G. gate will be closed December 1.

Russian River C.G. gate will remain open until more snow arrives.

Exit Glacier Road is closed 1.5 miles from the Hwy. Add 5 miles to your trip length if you will be hiking Resurrection River Trail. 

Slaughter Ridge Rd. (winter access to Resurrection Pass Trail South) is drivable beyond the winter parking area, though use caution as there are logging trucks transporting logs the entire distance of this narrow Rd. 

Ice on! Now for some interesting, at least for me, ice condition changes: A week ago Summit Lake had 8” of ice under 5” of snow, the previous ten days had 8” of ice under 8” of snow, temps were in the 20’s, low 30’s. Ice thickness did not change for 11 days due to the insulating snow cover and warm temps.  When temps changed to around 0-20 degrees F the ice began adding 1/3”/day. Ice thickness on Summit Lake is now 11”. 

Cooper Lake and Grant Lake are freezing and adding about 1” of ice/day with no snow cover. Cooper Lake has 6” of ice, and Grant Lake has 2”. 

In the interest of not repeating old news, if you don’t receive an update in the next week, it’s because conditions have not changed much.  

November 8, 2012-Seward Trails

Carter/Crescent Lake area currently has 12” of light snow.

10” of ice on Carter Lake.

Palmer Creek road gate is currently open. 

Resurrection/Devil’s Passes currently have 12-15” snow. This is the winter season Resurrection Pass Trail System is closed to motorized use, except for qualified subsistence users. Other areas of Seward Ranger District allowing motorized use opens December 1 if there is adequate snow cover to prevent resource damage. 

Summit Lake area has 6” of snow. 8” of ice on Summit Lake. 

Most trails have very slippery icy sections, ice grippers would be a good addition to your winter gear. 

It’s time to add snowshoes to your equipment if you will be traveling over passes on Seward Ranger District Trails, though snow is only 12” or so, it’s time to be prepared for conditions requiring snowshoes and skis (once a good base is packed). 

November 10 begins trapping season for furbearers.  Many areas/trails/roads you may travel with your dogs are also used by trappers. If you would like to borrow a DVD presented by the Alaska Trappers Association with information on how to recognize trap lines and release various traps please contact:

November 6, 2012-Glacier District

Glacier Creek Hand Tram on Winner Creek Trail closed for winter. Thank you for continued assistance from Girdwood Parks & Recreation folks!

Byron Glacier, Crow Pass, and Winner Creek Gorge Trailheads get snowed in; outhouses locked for winter at Crow Pass and Winner Creek Gorge.

>The last few snowfalls accumulated 6-10 inches on ground in Portage Valley; crusty conditions for skiing and skating have been reported.

Williwaw, Granite, Black Bear, and Bertha campground gates are closed for the winter = no fees, no services & walk- in camping available.

Winner Creek Gorge Trailhead is not maintained for winter use. The trailhead, at MP 2.9 Crow Creek (just before Crow Creek Mine) is not maintained for winter use.

October 23, 2012-Seward Trails

Trails across the district are frozen with snow cover from a trace at lower elevations to a few inches through the passes. No snowshoes needed yet, this will change rapidly when the next snow moves in. 

Tern Lake has 6” of ice.